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Best Night Ever

Best Night Ever (2014)

January. 31,2014
| Comedy

Claire is about to get married and she goes to Las Vegas with her sister and two friends for her bachelorette party. Things quickly spiral out of control.


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Disturbing yet enthralling


Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.


In other words,this film is a surreal ride.

Walter Sloane

Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.


I am aware that I am giving this movie a positive review when almost everyone else has given it negative reviews. Rarely do I differ from what everyone else's opinion is, particularly blatantly, particularly in a positive way.Basically the story is about four young women traveling to Las Vegas where one will get married. It is about their exploits along the way. I found it to be very involving with many humorous, surprising and interesting twists and turns. The action is pretty much non stop with no boring moments. It kept my attention and enjoyment all the time. I am easily bored by movies so this was surprising since I had read the many negative reviews here before watching it.I found it not to be anywhere near as poorly well made as others seemed to indicate. That's not to say it was well made, just not near as bad as others claimed. Yes, as some others state, most of the scenes are with a hand held camera. I found it over all a very entertaining movie well worth watching.


I have to admit once I started the movie I was a bit hesitant to finish, but this is truthfully one of the funniest movies I have ever seen. It's true, the movie is a cross between The Sweetest Thing, The Hangover, and Bridesmaids. However, where those movies fell short and were too afraid to go, this one does. I laughed myself to tears by the middle of the movie. Yes, it is a little raunchy and probably not for everyone, but if you can take women being shown in a slightly different role, then you would probably love this. It wasn't a "girl power" type movie. It was more of women can get in just as much trouble as men and still come out on top type. Just my thoughts on this movie. Also, the 3.4 rating is simply ridiculous!

Steve Pulaski

One must give longtime parody directors Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer some credit for branching out into new territory with their latest film, Best Night Ever. Being that the duo has grossed millions upon millions of dollars with each abysmal parody film after another, the duo had really no reason to stray from their niche; they found something that worked and made them a great deal of money each time. Why become diverse when they've already stuck gold? But randomly and all of a sudden, a film by the name of Best Night Ever was thrown into production by them, a raunchy comedy centered on an all female cast of characters who are hitting Las Vegas for their one friend's bachelorette party, which turns into a messy state of affairs after they are robbed for their money, purses, shoes, and their jewelry, including ones expensive wedding ring.What ostensibly would play like an exciting and fun romp akin to Bridesmaids, or even The Hangover, however, turns overly-crass, shamelessly raunchy without even a hint of wit or subtlety, and exhausting by the thirty minute mark. As someone who was slightly (but cautiously) optimistic about how Friedberg and Seltzer's style of comedy would be conducted for a film wasn't a competition for references, I was disappointed (but unsurprised) that their humor outside of overcompensating references is largely predicated off of grotesque shock humor, where the female characters say and do the most revolting things in hopes they are funny enough for the audience. Lines like "My g-string is like a slip and slide" and witnessing a woman urinate and defecate on an innocent man's face is what we have to succumb to watching Best Night Ever.The four female leads have almost no personality, so why refer to them by their names? Let's call them what they are; The Bride-to-Be (Desiree Hall), The Uppity Sister of the Bride-to-Be (Samantha Colburn), The Obnoxious Best Friend of the Bride-to-Be (Eddie Ritchard), and The Lewd and Dirty-Mouthed Friend of the Bride-to-Be (Crista Flanagan) all set out to have a fun girls night out, filming their travels thanks to the help of a hand-held camera. After The Obnoxious Best Friend of the Bride to Be tries to make a cocaine deal after the girls get kicked out of a strip club, the quartet of girls are robbed for everything they have and must find a way to get money in the heartland of Vegas so they can return home.It's a tad frightening how much Friedberg and Seltzer seem to hate their female characters. The movie predicates itself off of showing them getting into trouble, being entirely irresponsible, childish, petty, and downright annoying, with consequences to their behavior at every turn that are ugly and downright cruel. Think Spring Breakers with none of the social commentary nor insights; this is true bad behavior on display with nothing significant to say at all.The film is almost entirely comprised of scenes involving total hell breaking loose, chaotic parties, and the girls racing from place to place in a stolen limo. The editing here, is disastrous, with the hand-held-camera being another useless gimmick, and cuts, shots, and entire sequences being assembled in an incoherent order. The entire cut-and-paste editing job here fails to give the scenes in the film any feelings of placement and basic structure and, in turn, we get a cacophony of madness in the sound and editing department.Speaking of sound, in addition, towards the second and third act, almost the entirety of character dialog is comprised of obnoxious screaming, yelling, and exhaustive, high-pitched noise. This style is absurd and annoying, especially when one realizes this is what the film substituted actual character development for.What we have here, in summation, is an attempt at something "new" for the directors that revolves around making female characters look disturbingly irresponsible and juvenile, characters who don't even deserve an assigned name, repetitive and downright unfunny shock humor, awful editing, and a script where about two-thirds of the lines of dialog are written out as *high-pitched screams from all the girls.* It almost becomes bad enough to the point where saying that the film is better than Friedberg and Seltzer other films isn't even an accurate statement.Starring: Desiree Hall, Samantha Colburn, Eddie Ritchard, and Crista Flanagan. Directed by: Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer.


From the makers of Disaster Movie and the likes comes a new low.The story is a failed rip-off from The Hangover where 4 women: the rich neat sister, the weird one, the loose one and the one about to be married head to Las Vegas for a bachelorette party, their booking went all wrong so they just go out to get as drunk as they possibly can. What follows are seemingly random scenes akin to the stories my wannabe hip uncle tells at birthdays.Still, if everything else was great it could have been saved. Unfortunately this isn't the case. The acting ranges from bad to mediocre. The editing only makes it worse, where sometimes people respond 2 seconds too late to shocking news. And the camera is horrible, they went for the handy-cam way of shooting the movie which makes for crappy quality and constantly gives you the feeling that you're watching some embarrassing home video that didn't quite make it to the funniest home videos show.If after all of this you still want to see it, watch the trailer instead as anything remotely funny or worthwhile is in the trailer.
