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Season 1

Welt & Wir Season 1

July. 07,2020

Welcome to WELT & WIR. With our new LIVE-STREAM format, we take our viewers with us to the edges of the earth and beyond. Thank you for the countless and great feedback and messages on the shows so far. We will also be "ON AIR" for you in the coming months. Be curious and look forward to exciting inputs, top guests and great topics. We're glad. Nice that you are here!


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Welt & Wir Season 1 Full Episode Guide

Episode 35 - Abenteuer Afrika
First Aired: December. 12,2023

This live stream is the captivating story of an adventure journey across the African continent. The two Swiss Corinne Anliker and Oli Beccarelli set off on their sidecar motorcycle to travel to Africa - without realizing that they would only return five years later. On the interview couch and in their brand new live show, they now present their experiences during this epic undertaking that became a true life adventure in an authentic and entertaining way.

Episode 34 - Über die Alpen & Vanlife mit Esel Jonny
First Aired: November. 21,2023

Lotta has a dream. She wants to walk from Munich to the Mediterranean with a donkey - 600 kilometers at an average of two to three kilometers per hour, but that's just the beginning of a very long journey...

Episode 33 - Nanga Parbat - Rheinhold Messner: Mein Schicksalsberg
First Aired: December. 28,2022

Episode 22 - Faszination Fernwandern
First Aired: November. 21,2021

Our guests tell of their most impressive hiking experiences in gripping short presentations. The young actress Lotta Lubkoll, for example, ran across the Alps with her donkey Jonny. Florian Astor hiked the world for two years, including on the Te Araroa Trail through New Zealand and completely along the famous Pacific Crest Trail, one of the most demanding long-distance hiking trails in the USA. Renée Quost was traveling all over Norway to the Nordkapp for months, an experience she shares with WELT & WIR guest presenter Simon Michalowicz. Simon has already crossed Norway lengthways twice.

Episode 21 - Hans Kammerlander - Meine schönsten Berge
First Aired: November. 05,2021

“I started looking for the most beautiful mountains,” says Kammerlander. For him, these include, for example, the Shivling in northern India, the Ama Dablam not far from Mount Everest in Nepal, the Stetind in Norway or Mount Belalakaja in Russia. These bold, soaring obelisks sometimes have striking similarities to the Matterhorn. Steep, sharp ridges, grandiose walls - these mountains are as beautifully shaped as a rock crystal. Steep, sharp ridges, grandiose walls and when you are on top, impressive views down below.

Episode 20 - Leben im Ozean
First Aired: October. 24,2021

This show is a unique adventure: shooting orcas hunting in the fjords of Norway, giant mantas in the waters of the Maldives, up close and personal with humpback whales and their calves and with hundreds of gray reef sharks. In addition to the giants of the seas, Tobias also looks at the small, shimmering, colorful sea creatures, which are particularly species-rich in the marine cosmos of Indonesia, and gets lost in the depths of sunken ships from bygone times. In search of unusual motifs and new perspectives, Tobias explores the physical and technical limits and does not shy away from major challenges. In the Arctic, he plunged into minus two degrees cold water to photograph the majestic icebergs half above and half under water.

Episode 19 - Europas wilder Norden
First Aired: October. 03,2021

Together with his wife Lisa Marie, Florian is almost exclusively on foot in all seasons. Long hikes lead the adventurers to extraordinary places, raging rivers and magnificent natural spectacles in the largest national parks in Scandinavia.The two of them bring breathtaking insights into the last wilderness of Europe, exciting stories of nights under the stars, tours through glacier terrain and deep snow from their travels through the far north and encounters with the native fauna. Their tours are not about discovering new landscapes, but rather learning to see our world through different eyes.

Episode 18 - Cuba
First Aired: June. 22,2021

Cuba as it is, completely private. Because with the singer Dayami Grasso Toledano a real Habanera is on stage! Together with the photographer Lutz Jäkel, she offers a very personal insight into life on the famous pearl of the Caribbean. They both show a Cuba that most travelers do not see. This show combines a lot: Cuban joie de vivre, but also the difficulties of everyday life, stories and anecdotes, encounters full of charm, temperament and rhythm, but also thoughtful moments, lots of photos, videos and even music, sung LIVE in the stream.

Episode 17 - Faszination Afrika
First Aired: June. 08,2021

20 years full of adventure - "Fascination Africa" by Katja and Beppo Niedermeier pays homage to the African continent. On countless trips, the two photographers and travel journalists have been following unusual paths and magical paths across Africa for 20 years. In their show, which was put together exclusively for this live stream, they take viewers into the fascinating world of deserts and savannahs, along the Okavango River across South Africa, Botswana, Namibia and into the last rainforests of Madagasakar - personal, touching and inspiring.

Episode 16 - Die Deutschlandreise
First Aired: May. 18,2021

What else is there to discover in our world? What spectacular adventure can you still endure? Doing a handstand through Mongolia or would you prefer to go slowly through your own country on your bike and experience with open eyes and ears what you otherwise only rush past quickly on the highway? Who knows the village, behind the village, after their own town? Who has ever noticed the subtle regional differences in landscape, culture and the peculiarities of the population?

Episode 15 - Abenteuer Alaska
First Aired: May. 04,2021

In the arctic north polar bears and musk ox live in a treeless, wind-blown ice-cold tundra, in Prince William Sound in the central south countless majestic glaciers calve into the sea, in the south west huge extremely active volcanoes rise into the sky and in the mild south east the last cold rainforests on earth thrive . Mount Mc Kinley, the Denali (the great), as the native Athabasque Indians call it, rises above everything, the highest mountain in North America.

Episode 14 - Der Weltenwanderer
First Aired: April. 13,2021

One morning Gregor Sieböck follows his longing and walks out the front door in Bad Ischl, with the aim of reaching Japan, which is thousands of kilometers away, on foot at some point: A rucksack on your back, a hiking stick in your hand and many dreams in your heart!

Episode 13 - Syrien - Erinnerungen an ein Land ohne Krieg
First Aired: March. 23,2021

Over a period of 20 years, the photojournalist, author and Islamic scholar traveled to Syria again and again. The colorful and diverse life of the people, the magnificent architecture of Palmyra, the souq of Aleppo, houses and streets in Damascus, dense forests, Tuscany and the Côte d'Azur in Syria, the Mesopotamia - much has been irretrievably destroyed since the outbreak of war.

Episode 12 - Wildes Südamerika
First Aired: March. 09,2021

Sabine Hoppe and Thomas Rahn cover countless kilometers with their vintage cars. The South American continent is exciting, unexpected and complex. Grandiose landscapes, indigenous mountain peoples, colorful festivals, chaotic markets and warm encounters determine everyday life. An inhospitable world, apart from any civilization, opens up on the barren Bolivian Altiplano. Flamingos strut between salt lakes and volcanic cones in red, green and blue lagoons when travelers get caught in a blizzard at almost 5000 meters that makes it impossible to get ahead. On their way through the sacred valley in the Peruvian mountains, travelers discover magnificent Inca sites and see the legendary ruins of Macchu Picchu in the magical light of the first rays of sunshine. In a small Cessna they fly over the mysterious Nazca Lines in the desert sands.

Episode 11 - Die geilste Lücke im Lebenslauf
First Aired: February. 28,2021

His hottest gap in the résumé ... In the following 6 years Nick traveled around 60 countries on 5 continents, was shot, robbed, sailed through a hurricane in the Pacific, was a smuggler, was arrested and earned a few dollars as a stripper in Las Vegas.

Episode 10 - Reinhold Messner - Über Leben
First Aired: February. 20,2021

Without make-up, Reinhold Messner, whose curiosity and confidence are unbroken, tells about the essence of his life experience and struggles for terms such as courage, passion and responsibility. In his online stream he covers different chapters of his life, from home to death. Reinhold Messner tells what he thinks openly and honestly, he outlines in stages his path from the South Tyrolean mountain boy to the greatest adventurer of our time, to the belligerent politician, committed farmer, hiking friend of managers and politicians, to the founder of a unique museum landscape, to a husband and father of four and family people. Reinhold Messner was the first person to conquer Mount Everest without an oxygen mask, climbed all 14 eight-thousanders, stood on the Seven Summits and 3,500 other peaks. He crossed the world's largest ice and sand deserts on foot.

Episode 9 - Reise zum Mittelpunkt der Erde
First Aired: February. 09,2021

The inspiring story of a woman who does not allow herself to be dissuaded from her dreams. "With my lecture I want to encourage other people to live their dreams." Get to know the most spectacular volcanoes in the world! The journey goes to volcanoes that couldn't be more different: We accompany researchers on Mount St. Helens (USA) in ice caves, suffer with the workers on Kawah Ijen (Indonesia) in what is probably the hardest job in the world, experience the European fire-breathers in Italy and travel to bubbling lava lakes in the South Pacific.

Episode 8 - Willis Wilde Wege
First Aired: January. 24,2021

Provided he is not out and about on wild paths, the child star turns his hobby into a profession and becomes an adventurer. On January 24th, 2021 he will be standing in front of our LIVE stream camera with his specially designed multi-vision adventure show "Willis Wildewege" and will report rousingly about his experiences - with impressive pictures and stories for the whole family.

Episode 7 - Alexander Huber Live - Best of Berge
First Aired: January. 06,2021

Alexander Huber not only shows a cross-section of his adventurous life, but he also tells of the wonders of the mountains: Watzmann, Matterhorn, Nameless Tower or the mountains of the Antarctic are the material to speak of the greatest moments of passion. In "Best of Berge", Alexander Huber shifts apparent boundaries, whether in rock, ice or height. The younger of the two “Huber boys” shows his most beautiful and most formative moments in the steep world of the mountains.

Episode 6 - Inseln des Norden
First Aired: December. 13,2020

Kerstin Langenberger and Olaf Krüger share an enthusiasm for nature and culture in the north. After six busy years of research, they present the most beautiful and wildest islands in Northern Europe in a gripping live show.

Episode 5 - Abenteuer Kanada
First Aired: November. 22,2020

Which real outdoor fan doesn't dream of a life in the wilderness of Canada? Sabrina and Markus Blum made exactly this dream come true. Inspired by the world bestseller "The Snow Child" by the adventurer Nicolas Vanier, the Swiss family goes on a long journey and follows in the footsteps of the "Snow Child" back home.

Episode 4 - Norwegen zu Fuss
First Aired: November. 08,2020

Norway - lengthways, on foot? It cannot be done! Or is it? Simon Michalowicz is neither particularly sporty nor has he great experience in outdoor life. Nevertheless, he laces up his boots, quits his job and sets off for Norway. For a total of 140 days, it crosses one of the most beautiful countries in Europe lengthways. His goal: to reach the North Cape on foot!

Episode 3 - Huberbuam - Thomas Huber
First Aired: October. 20,2020

Alexander Huber not only shows a cross-section of his adventurous life, but also tells of the wonders of the mountains: Watzmann, Matterhorn, Nameless Tower or the mountains of the Antarctic are the material to speak of the greatest moments of passion. In "Best of Berge", Alexander Huber shifts apparent boundaries, whether in rock, ice or height. The younger of the two “Huber boys” shows his most beautiful and most formative moments in the steep mountain world.

Episode 2 - Panamericana
First Aired: July. 21,2020

On a discarded Postvespa he dared the adventure along the Panamericana and at the same time accepted an additional challenge: Bring the water of the Arctic to the South Atlantic to Ushuaia, that was the mail order.

Episode 1 - Die grosse Reise
First Aired: July. 07,2020

What a thing! Actually, Susanne and Daniel only wanted to cycle to Tierra del Fuego for a short time. At the end of the day, the two initiators of EARTH DRAWNING inspired more than 100,000 visitors in their live show with their authentic story about the adventure around the world. "The Great Journey" - the absolute classic of the last 10 years has cult status in the entire German-speaking area.
