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The Apocalypse

The Apocalypse (2007)

May. 22,2007
| Action Science Fiction

A mother and a father search for their only child as a giant asteroid headed for Earth, triggering a series of apocalyptic events.


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Excellent, smart action film.

Bluebell Alcock

Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies

Micah Lloyd

Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.


This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows

Anders Twetman

The movie starts promising with a bunch of teenagers getting killed by ridiculous special effects. Then, just as you are starting to think "why would they make an apocalypse movie if they don't have the budget or the skill to make the destruction of the world look big and terrifying?", they cut away to a different scene and avoid showing any details (at least they are aware that of how bad their special effects are). The next scene is just two guys talking about the destruction in front of their eyes in dead, emotionless voices until they are cut off by another bit of crappy CGI, but before you can start laughing at low quality animations, they fade into the next scene and repeat. That's all there is, badly acted characters standing around talking, mostly about God and the end of days, interspersed with short clips of badly animated cataclysmic events.


As the film began, I realized I'd have some trouble watching it. The sound quality is excessively poor, as often the background sounds overwhelmed what the actors were saying. At other times, the sound was too loud and made the film seem rather amateurish. At other times, the music completely dominated the film. I would have to say that the sound, in fact, was among the worst on any film in recent memory. To make things worse, there were no closed captions nor captions on the DVD. As I am very slightly hard of hearing, sticking with the film was a chore. So how was the rest of the film? Well, if you look at it as a strictly amateur production, it's not completely terrible...but this is not a ringing endorsement. The acting is fair and the action is fair (at best). The film is about the end of the world and the plot is rather reminiscent of Armageddon, as a giant asteroid is coming to destroy the plant. However, unlike this other film, there is no hope of diverting or destroying the Texas-sized rock. And, in the meantime, smaller chunks of rock come hurtling into the Earth as people contemplate their demise. Some turn to religion and others just whine about unfair everything is and some just kill themselves. It's all pretty unpleasant, that's for sure! However, I read some say that this film has a strong Christian message but the action in the film bears little relation to the accounts in the Bible. It's just unpleasantness--with mostly poor special effects, acting and sound. Not a feel-good film, that's for sure! In fact, I'm not sure why anyone would want to see this--but I can't see putting it in the Bottom 100 on IMDb. It doesn't quite reach the depths of awfulness such a ranking would imply.


This movie is a waste of time. Here are a few words that would describe this movie: listless, boring, pointless, and flat, nowhere, silly.The most important element to a movie is a good plot. This movie has no plot. Basically, two parents travel across the country to meet their daughter and have a few talks about God before the apocalypse. They run into a few bumps along the way, but that's about it. Sorry, but a good movie needs a bit more substance.Also infuriating, The audio in this movie is horrible. It is really frustrating not to be able what the characters are saying and then get your eardrums blown out by the sound effects and background noise.I'd recommend this movie to someone who is suffering from insomnia and trying to get to sleep. Other than that, you should skip it.


The purest form of garbage boiled in cat pee & dog dung would be preferable to this grotesque mediocrity. Dead soulless characters mouthing an idiotic script based on the vapid vanity of some wacky cult/pseudo religion. To call this crap would embarrass real crap. The craven idiots that would bother to watch it deserve their self-styled lobotomies. Only a masochist or a drooling idiot would watch more than five minutes. The dog barking early in the film outside of frame was probably the only sensible attempt at reality. The only possible rapture would be that this film vanish from memory. The only possible heaven seems to be to boil the cult in oil for ever attempting this disgusting waste of film, time and resources. Only one word comes to mind regarding this film: abomination of culture, taste, religion of any sort. Given the choice of being targeted by a Texas size asteroid or watching this film: do yourself a favor: choose the asteroid! Travesty. abomination, grotesque, mediocre, evil, bad, putrid are totally inadequate to describe this execrable example of attempted social masturbation. Even bad porno has a point: this putative movie fails even in that. Should someone force you to watch this, grab a fork or sharp object and stab yourself in the leg ... if you are going to hurt so bad, do it to yourself: Oprah calls that empowerment. If there was a Satan that wanted to destroy souls and corrupt people: Satan would be proud of this film! The ludicrous attempt at dialogue, while hampered by foley and other ambient sounds truly wrenches their overly self-righteous preachiness from being heard: that maybe a good thing. Even Ed Wood had better technique and pride in his craft than these brain-dead excuses.
