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The Woods

The Woods (2017)

October. 24,2017
| Horror

Stranded in the secluded wilderness of Pleasant Oaks, a group of friends fight for survival against a terror that lurks in the woods.


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People are voting emotionally.


Brilliant and touching


The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.

Arianna Moses

Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.

Horst in Translation ([email protected])

"The Woods" is an American English-language short film from 2017, in fact a Halloween-themed work from only 2 days ago as this one really became famous very quickly and managed hundreds of thousands views in this short period of time, probably also because the channel this was posted on has many many subscribers. Anyway, the director is John Redlinger, usually an actor, but in here he doesn't act. But the two writers DeAngelis and Parker can also be seen before the camera here. There are no big names attached to this project as expected and usually the case for Youtube releases (unless the film is by Blomkamp), but that also really isn't a problem I'd say. The problem is more with the plot I guess and the fact that you need to be an avid follower of the channel to say "oh that's him (insert name). look" and consequently enjoy this 26-minute short film. And the ways in which the film tries to divert the attention from pretty low production values by showing that they don't take themselves seriously only works for so long I guess. So to me it wasn't a scary or funny or dramatically convincing work and as a consequence I give it a thumbs-down. It may be good enough for Youtube to entertain an existing fan(boy) base, but from a cinematic perspective it is not. I give it a thumbs-down. Don't watch. Acting, directing and writing are all on a sub-par level.


The Woods is a short film by the YouTube channel Sugar Pine 7, arguably one the best channels out there. They make vlogs in a mockumentary-like way, which tend to reach some hilarious and creative peaks very often, putting them over many of the other vlogs or sketch focused channels.With that said, I was really interested and excited when I heard that SP7 were making a short film, noting the creativity that they had displayed on their regular YouTube content and also on their more serious stuff on the same medium (for example the end of season one "Akrasia" and the sort-of short film "Death Of A Water Warrior"), showing that the team had/has some notable skills at compelling acting, writing and directing in a more dramatic manner, plus pulling off some amazing cinematography along the way.With that being said, The Woods is, overall, what I expected. Letting me down in some aspects and really amazing me in others.The film revolves around a couple of friends who are about to spend the weekend at a cabin in the hoods, thing that ends up being, let's say, pretty deadly.I won't delve much into the plot, but it's a pretty standard slasher film, following quite firmly the genre tropes and mannerisms.So, some of the problems that this films faces I'd say are purely related to the writing and some of the acting (there are also some noticeable flaws with the sound mixing and editing, but minor nonetheless). Because of it being a short film, there's obviously no way to fit in characters backstories in a deep way, but for some reason they try to do this with some characters (for example Suptic's character relation with his dad and also the relationship of Mimi and Elliott; on both instances you never quite get how the characters "feel" towards the problems that the film shows us).In regards to the acting, James DeAngelis is pretty much the weakest (which is quite disappointing taking note of how compelling he was on the earlier mentioned Water Warriors video) along with some of Suptic scenes, with the most notable example being a scene were they're talking at a balcony, which just comes out as really awkward instead of emotional. But also on the note of acting, the absolute highlight is Mimi Torres, who despite having a not so well written character, she's emotionally compelling in every one of her scenes.Now on to the positives, the production design of the film is brilliant, along with the cinematography and the special effects work done on some scenes. If it wasn't for some clunky sound design, this would've been a pretty masterful short film on a technical level.In conclusion, this a really great first effort from Sugar Pine 7 on a production of this type, and I'm pumped to see what they can make in the future. Despite its flaws, this is a really enjoyable short and you should go and watch it.6,5/10 - Now being honest, the only problem of the film was its lack of Autumn. I love you Autumn.


I think 25 minutes was perfect! Objective story, no bs! In the beginning I was worried that the acting wouldn't be that good, but it turned out pretty good! Amazing work with the monster btw! Hope to see more of this in the future!It's not a perfect 10, not even a 9, but considering it's the first time doing something different like this I have to give it a solid 8! I may be a little bias, because I love this guys, so take that in consideration.


I, as a fifteen year old am terrified of horrors, i was thinking i would be peeing my pants while in reality it was not all that scary. I really liked and i was so pumped watching this. And the music choices were so satisfying.I was both relieved and disappointed at the end of this movie, i was relieved that the acting was a solid B- (Solid performances by Mimi Torres, Eliott Morgan and James Deangelis) The editing was an A and so were the more techinical aspects like sound design, music, lighting, visual effects and all that boogie - woogie.If you wanna watch this movie, don't go into it thinking you'll jump, because you will not. Will you laugh? Probably once... I'm actually not quite sure what this movie is.Is it a good movie? Oh hell yeah. Is it a good horror movie? oh it's a good attempt.Kudos to them for shooting this in 3 Days! Tip: Turn your brain off before watching this movie!I r8 a 7.5/10
