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The End of the World

The End of the World (1916)

April. 01,1916
| Drama Action Science Fiction

Foreman West lives in a small mining town with his daughters Edith and Dina. When entrepreneur and mine owner Frank Stoll comes to town to inspect the work, he falls in love with Dina. Against her father's will, she elopes with the unscrupulous Stoll. News of a meteor approaching the earth causes panic and Stoll exploits the situation to make a killing on the stock market; Collaborating with the press to quell the news of the meteor eases public tensions and guarantees him a fortune. He plans to survive in a secret underground tunnel, with Dina and his wealthy pals in tow. But things don't go as planned.


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Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,


The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.

Myron Clemons

A film of deceptively outspoken contemporary relevance, this is cinema at its most alert, alarming and alive.

Leoni Haney

Yes, absolutely, there is fun to be had, as well as many, many things to go boom, all amid an atmospheric urban jungle.


It was good. Now I'll just have to watch Himmelskibet (A Trip to Mars).Basically the story is very simple. Some scientists notice a comet that is going to hit the earth and they release this information and it causes a panic. The main focus of the film is not the event of "the end of the world" itself but how the people cope with that. It is very much a drama with scientific speculative fiction on the background. Overall the film was nicely paced, not too long although it stayed in some places a bit too long for no good reason and acting was solid. The story was also quite interesting although slightly predictable and I enjoyed it. It also has a pretty uplifting ending.


The Danish astronomer Herr Professor Wisemann ( as he is called) is a learned scientist who recently discovers a new comet. Herr Wisemann, an expert on the subject, calculates that the comet is likely to enter the earth's atmosphere, causing huge destruction and disaster. ( It's funny, but some centuries ago a very similar comet passed by the Earth and probably due that in those ancient times astronomy wasn't yet perfected, the people thought that such sign in the sky meant a totally merry event… ) But even in such horrible situation, there are greedy and scrupulous men who will try to get some personal benefit from such disaster, as the mine owner Herr Frank Stoll intends to do… "Verdens Undergang", a film directed by Herr August Blom in the silent year of 1916, is a very interesting metaphor about the WWI; the film was made precisely during the Great War and there are constant and sibylline references about such warlike conflicts during the whole film.As the main title implies, "Verdens Undergang"… (well… for all those illiterate youngsters who don't know Danish, this means "the end of the world")... reflected a terrible feeling that existed in Europe during the first and most important conflict between mankind. Specifically "North-Western Europe" is the place which according to Herr Professor Wisemann's calculations, the comet will enter the Earth's orbit, causing a huge disaster. Certainly that's an obvious reference to the land in where the war caused destruction, damage and pain.During the whole film there is a continuous feeling of helplessness since peace wasn't in sight. For this reason the film is a consecutive sequence of uncertainties and how the worst nature of human beings ( ambition, greed, hate, familiar feuds ) arises to aggravate an unexpected big disaster in a turmoil of primal human conduct that will succumb with the coming of the comet.But in spite of such cataclysm for mankind, there is a flicker of hope with a new and better future at the end of the film. Among the few survivors are a priest (the most obvious representation of hope) and two youngsters in love reunited again in a small chapel (more obvious religious references, ja wohl!) happy for being together again in the middle of such disaster. But after all, they are looking with hope at what is an uncertain future in a scene that exemplifies perfectly the yearning for a new hope reborn after the cataclysm.The film is a proper and well manufactured Danish film production, that in those early times had a lot of reputation around the world ( the film starred Herr Olaf Fonss who was one of the most important early Danish actors and who worked with the most important German directors of that time too ). Seen in this picture are early techniques and special effects achieving a solid film narrative by intertwining the worst of human nature with the comet's menace. In images in the form of a sci-fi film, everything is placed in a modern context that basically is valid today insofar as the pain and sorrow that causes the outrage of men.And now, if you'll allow me, I must temporarily take my leave because this German Count is waiting for a visit by Herr Halley.Herr Graf Ferdinand Von Galitzien http://ferdinandvongalitzien.blogspot.com


The qualities and faults I mentioned above with respect to A TRIP TO MARS (1918) pretty much apply to this film as well - with which it's been ideally paired on an otherwise bare-bones DVD from the Danish Film Institute. Still, I'd give the edge (if ever so slightly) to THE END OF THE WORLD - even if it does take forever for the titular cataclysm to begin! In fact, the first half gets bogged down in scenes of domestic melodrama - though these are countered by interesting passages involving a wicked financier, who's willing to cheat at the stock market by having the catastrophe downplayed in his papers! Amusingly, he then makes a fist at the sky whenever he happens to glimpse the falling meteor (an obvious painting, it's visible at all times) because it will naturally mean his ruin (he seems to be less concerned, however, that it will most certainly also prove to be his undoing in a physical sense!). He still decides, somewhat perversely, to hold a 'last day on earth' meal for his family and friends - since he intends to escape through a secret passage which leads from his house to the underground mines he owns...but hadn't quite counted on the working-class, who have themselves planned to 'celebrate' the apocalypse in grand style (by turning on their long-standing aristocratic oppressors!).The scene in the mine actually displays some atmospheric lighting - and the special effects, though clearly primitive, are fairly effective (in particular, the images of the mining-town with the smoke from its factory-chimneys mingling with that from the flaming meteors). The catastrophe also sees the town convincingly flooded; an elderly priest's subsequent clumsy attempts to control a boat in water provides some unintended chuckles. The ending - following the disaster, a couple is reunited - seems to be reaching out for spirituality, but the fact that only they (and the aforementioned priest, who had been practically holed up in their house the entire film!) seem to have survived makes it look contrived more than anything else...By the way, renowned French film-maker Abel Gance made a similarly-titled film in 1930; regrettably, when it was broadcast (for the first time ever in my neck of the woods) on late-night Italian TV - incidentally, on New Year's Eve of 2005 - I missed it...because, at the time, I was staying in Hollywood!!


This Danish feature about a comet that destroys northwest Europe, leaving only a single man and a woman who meet in a church, is beautifully photographed, with many lovely shots and a fluid camera. Of course, the capitalists try to make extra money out of the panic, and of course the lower classes -- as exemplified by the common folks in a mining town -- break into the home of the wealthy capitalist the evening the comet hits in order to gain vengeance, interrupting a ballet in the process. All this is standard stuff for the better sf of the era: Wells, Verne and so forth.I have some issues with the way it is cut. Since the actors don't really play people, but types, they do not give terribly interesting performances. Also, the direction is, even for the era, slow: people are shown holding conversations that we never hear.To understand the success of this movie, the modern viewer must recall that the First World War had been raging to the south of Denmark for twenty months when it was released. This is not a work of fiction so much as a parable, to eschew worldly things, and to seek God, for all worldly things will be destroyed. Including people.
