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All the World's Memory

All the World's Memory (1956)

November. 01,1956
| Documentary

Toute la mémoire du monde is a documentary about the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris. It presents the building, with its processes of cataloguing and preserving all sorts of printed material, as both a monument of cultural memory and as a monstrous, alien being.


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Not even bad in a good way


Dreadfully Boring


Boring, over-political, tech fuzed mess

Robert Joyner

The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one

Horst in Translation ([email protected])

"Toute la mémoire du monde" or "All the Memory of the World" is a French black-and-white film by Alain Resnais from 60 years ago. It's interesting that two of the three people involved with this documentary became over 90 years old and the third also made it past 80. Admittedly, most of the books in this documentary are much older still. And that's basically what it is: a 20-minute documentary about a gigantic library in the French capital. I have to say it was never really interesting and even to people who often go to libraries I'd rather recommend to read a good book than to watch this one here. It's really only worth a watch for nostalgic reasons, maybe especially for French or even better Parisian citizens. The rest can really do without it. Not recommended.


France is one of the few nations in the world where books and literature are held in very high esteem. This is an extremely propitious sign which symbolizes the vitality of the true 'book culture'. This culture finds its reflection in French documentary film "Toute La Mémoire Du Monde" which has been directed by Alain Resnais-one of French cinema's greatest directors. Apart from books, Resnais also discusses all forms of printed information. Although this film was shot in 1956 at Bibliothèque Nationale De France (BNF), French National Library, one could still find intact many of the places shown in the film. This is because even after an interval of 57 years, BNF continues to grow at an amazing pace without sacrificing even an ounce of its resources. One should not wonder if one is told that the use of technology to do all activities related to books have increased significantly at BNF. Toute La Mémoire Du Monde has been shot like a feature film with a mellifluous background score, taut narration and highly professional camera work. As a film, it is an extremely important work of art for students, librarians, information seekers, cultural enthusiasts and anybody who is interested in the enigmatic world of books.Lastly, it must be mentioned that Resnais has used memory as knowledge for this film as it is through knowledge that human beings would be able to overcome all their differences.This is the reason why "Mémoire" is as important as "Connaissance".


This one prefaces Resnais subsequent work, memory and what forms appear in it. The consistently brilliant touch of this is that he visualizes memory by means of cinema, a space which the camera can literally explore.Here he stumbles upon a fitting metaphor for the mind, the National Library of France. We see how knowledge is routinely amassed and categorized there, how people daily wade through so much information which then is merely stored away for future reference. What looks frightening to me is not that what is infinite and beyond words is believed that it can fit into shelves, but the megalomania behind the enterprise, the belief that among these shelves the secrets of the universe may be unlocked one day.But what is stored away there is merely thought or the objects of it. Our civilization destroyed by some imaginary catastrophe, how will an alien visiting the ruins of this library know how we experienced through our eyes a gust of wind or a sunset?To accommodate with the ever increasing influx of information, we're shown how the library burrows further underground, digging deeper inside of us. Resnais explores this cavernous place with a camera that recalls the future endeavors of Sacha Vierny, and although a bit obvious in what is intended by it, as a prologue of what was then to come, it's a great watch.


Celebrated documentary short by soon-to-be “New Wave” film-maker Resnais about the mausoleum that is the Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris: whether consciously or not, it’s photographed in a way as to seem like an alien building from some sci-fi piece (a genre with which the director’s ensuing cerebral, maze-like work would be inextricably linked); indeed, it’s the stunning direction and indelible strains of Maurice Jarre’s music which elevate this one above being a mere documentary about a public library.This fascinating film makes a case for both the intrinsic value of literature of any kind – back in a time when books (rather than the Internet) were the main source/store of information – and the often painstaking conservation of same for future reference, even by generations to come (the inference here being that an analogous consideration should be applied to film as well, involving a relatively similar process with respect to its maintenance).Incidentally, ALL THE WORLD’S MEMORY is available on the R2 DVDs of both Resnais’ own LAST YEAR IN MARIENBAD (1961; released by Optimum) and Jacques Rivette’s playful but no less didactic CELINE AND JULIE GO BOATING (1974; a 2-Disc Set from the BFI)!
