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Mistik (2003)

April. 24,2003
| Thriller Mystery

A group of university students are assigned to do a research on the existence of mystic in the Malay culture and present it in a film. So, they choose a secluded island, Pulau Bayu Biru, to do the research. Once there, they experience many weird and scary incidents. The situation worsens when one of the students, Atirah, goes missing. They soon realise that their presence on the island is not welcomed. What will happen to them now?


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disgusting, overrated, pointless


Am I Missing Something?


It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.


The movie runs out of plot and jokes well before the end of a two-hour running time, long for a light comedy.


I don't think Razak Mohaideen can really direct a film... This movie is just plain bad... it's the worst horror flick I have ever seen in my entire life! Mistik tried to incorporate all of the mystical creatures, ghosts and supernatural beings into one, and gosh...how it failed miserably!! I think my grandma could have done better than Razak Mohaideen! One more thing, if you just tried listening to the dialogues only without ever looking at the screen (especially during the 'scary' parts), you might find this movie similar to Japanese porns! All the screaming from the the actors and actresses could be misunderstood by your neighbors if you turn the volume loud enough! I wouldn't recommend this film to anyone, because I don't want anyone else commit the same mistake as I did before. Unless if you feel like committing suicide or the world is coming to an end in less than 2 hours, then, feel free to 'enjoy' this film. Otherwise, watch Doraemon instead! Negative 10 for wasting my time! Awful!

Glen B.Wang

Oh boy. This cheap horror flick is just plain bad. Real bad. And it's worse than any awful movies listed in the Bottom 100. Strangely, though, despite the genre itself, it's more of an unbearable comedy than what it supposes to be.Mistik is definitely the Malaysian equivalent of Manos, the Hands of Fate: from the rather cheesy opening credits that introduce the main characters in unbelievably campy situations and the 'chicken' dialogue (that's what drives the audiences crazy) to the endless waves of screaming and laughable cheap thrills (you have to see this to believe it! For example, cat and leaves thrown at one of those unfortunate victims!). What surprises me, though, is that Mistik is supposed to be a horror movie but because the crews fear of the censorship, they decide to turn it into a family-friendly fare. Imagine watching a G-rated Exorcist or Psycho (or whatever famous horror movies you can name). For me, it's just plain absurd and ludicrous and it's possible that the whole world would laugh at Malaysia's ability to make movies such as Mistik. For me, this whole situation is quite embarrassing.If you think I'm wrong, just watch it and you will get my point.


First of I'm Malaysian , I have been longing for a good Malaysian horror story for quite some time. I was really excited after purchasing the video and quickly viewed it when I reached home and after viewing the first 5 minute my only thoughts were my god does this movie suck so much! this story is pure crap. The most annoying thing about this movie is the never ending screaming and whining...and I thought Hollywood overuse this style. None of the characters are likeable..okay maybe this one chick..and watch out for Rita Rudaini's character, the character is so freakin annoying,okay maybe the director intended her to be annoying but she's so annoying that I wish I could reach in and kick her.Then there is the plot..the plot have so many holes in it that in the end the story doesn't make sense and doesn't answer any question. What is the ghost for anyway? (BTW the actress playing the ghost is trying way too hard) oh and the dream ghost in the water trying to drown this one male character is also unconvincing, why you may ask...well helloooooo I can see her struggling to hold her breath underwater..sigh!And finally the stupid ass ending..shesh...what a waste..actually you know what..I actually fell asleep near the 20 minutes towards the ending ..even though the characters are still screaming and whining, I can still sleep through it...so what's my verdict..with all the comments above..go figure.
