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Motor Home Massacre

Motor Home Massacre (2005)

August. 04,2005
| Horror Comedy

Seven young friends climb aboard a vintage RV headed for a fun-filled weekend in the woods when they encounter a night vision goggled, machete-wielding psychopath.


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Waste of time


If you don't like this, we can't be friends.


Excellent, Without a doubt!!

Ava-Grace Willis

Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.


We all know the drill by now: Seven young folks in a vintage RV venture into the woods for a weekend excursion. Naturally, they run afoul of a vicious psycho wielding a machete. Fortunately, writer/director Allen Wilbanks wisely doesn't take this tried'n'true hackneyed premise seriously; instead he pokes merry goofball fun at such familiar slice'n'dice clichés as the isolated backwoods setting, young adults marking themselves for certain doom by smoking pot and making out in a tent, cheap false scares, and a climactic revelation of the killer's true identity that's positively gut-busting in its jaw-dropping obviousness. Moreover, Wilbanks not only delivers gobs of deliciously cheesy gore and a satisfying smattering of tasty gratuitous female nudity, but also loads the picture with several silly flashbacks, draws the characters with some depth, and further spices things with a crudely amusing sense of blithely inane humor. Moreover, it's decently acted by an attractive cast: Shan Holleman as the forlorn Sabrina, Nelson Bonilla as arrogant and lecherous jerk Roger, Justin Geer as likable nerd Benji, Breanne Ashley as the assertive Brooke, Tanya Fraser as the sweet Nicole, Greg Corbett as the amorous Nick, and Diana Picallo as the brash Melanie. Lane Morlotte contributes a hysterically slimy turn as boorish and repulsive local redneck lout Jebediah. The uneven cinematography alternates between slick and grainy throughout while the lively soundtrack hits the cool rocking spot. Enjoyable tongue-in-cheek junk.


Motor Home Massacre (2005) BOMB (out of 4) Horrid direct to DVD film about seven teens who take a motor home out and are eventually murdered. Much like the horrid direct to VHS horror films of the 1980s, this here features bad acting, bad directing, a bad screenplay and horrid special effects. I think I laughed once during the film and that was it for anything.It's good that anyone can make a movie today but at the same time you have to sit through trash like this film. It's clear the filmmakers don't know anything about the genre except that horror fans would rent this and perhaps put money in their pockets.


I can't think of one single thing good to say, other than the Wide Angle shot of the Motor Home in front of the house in the very beginning. This film starts out with a very clumsily shot sequence where a girl gets strung up inside her tent and stabbed. We get some really quick cuts, and the motion of the shot is moved around to make it look more violent than it really was. The blood is very pink! Come on it's not that hard to make real looking blood! Look it up on the net, you'll find it! This movie has the most idiotic clichéd characters I have ever witnessed, and I watch A lot of indie horror. I actually prefer it for the most, but this was pure garbage. The soundtrack was bad beyond words and had some terrible music cues! Not quit as bad as Rob Zombie's Halloween but really bad. The Garage band loops get very old, very fast!There is no continuity! Watch the dork guys outfit change in the beginning! As one reviewer posted a low budget is no reason for obvious mistakes like this one! The day for night shots looked really bad. We go from a really dark lit camp scene to a daytime shot with a little blue tint added to it. Shoot closer to dusk or very early morning! Don't shoot in the middle of the day and expect to pull this trick off! Oh my gosh this is bad! I give Kudos for getting the movie made, and out there, but try a little harder next time people! Wow LionsGate! Mr. Jingles last week, and now this crap! Really bad ending as well. Stay away from this at all costs!


Seriously, I NEVER rate films this low, but this film really deserves it. The story follows seven young friends in a motor home who venture out into the woods on a camping trip. There they meet Nicole, who apparently witnessed the murder of a young couple on a nearby campsite the night before. Pretty soon (but not soon enough in my book) these annoying teenagers are knocked off one by one.Do not get the wrong idea - I am a huge horror buff. I really enjoy B-movies, which is why I rented this film in the first place. I wanted to have a cheesy good time, and kick back with my boyfriend. My God, was this film atrocious! The acting was terrible, of course, that is typical of B-movies. The script is very poorly written and the film seems to be in an identity crisis - should it be a horror film? A Drama? A Comedy? A Porno? - meshing many different ideas into one film. The storyline was decent but it was butchered much more than the many victims killed off. The characters are flat and the killer predictable. The bad effects had to be the worst part of this film though - I have seriously seen better gore done in home videos on YouTube.Overall, this is even a disappointment to B-movie buffs like myself. The only good scene is near the end involving the blonde girl, the killer and a heavy frying pan. If this film was made, I see no reason why all of the amateur horror directors on YouTube can't get paying gigs - half of their films are superior to this one.
