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The Horror of Party Beach

The Horror of Party Beach (1964)

June. 01,1964
| Horror Science Fiction Music

Radioactive waste dumped off the coastline creates mutant monsters. The beasts attack slumber parties, beaches, tourists, and terrorize a waterfront community as a scientist, his daughter, her boyfriend and the local police try to find a way to stop them.


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The greatest movie ever made..!


Excellent but underrated film


It is both painfully honest and laugh-out-loud funny at the same time.


This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama


This movie makes The Beach Girls and the Monster look like Gone With The Wind.The trailer calls this the first horror-monster musical and that's wrong on two counts.First of all, it's not a musical.Having a band sing a couple songs in the background does not make a movie a musical.The band not having amplifiers or microphones helps but it's still not a musical.If you still insist on calling it a "horror-monster musical" then you would have to include Eegah in the same genre.Eegah came out before this so it's not the first either.Anyway, this movie started exactly like I thought it would, middle-aged men in skin tight slacks fighting over a middle-aged woman on the beach.After the fight no one wants the old lady and that's the end of the beach scenes.The last hour has nothing to do with a beach or party and it all makes very little sense.Don't let me forget about the monsters.Some men are throwing barrels of radioactive waste into the ocean and they fall to the bottom at 100 miles per hour.They hit the bottom without denting or bouncing and then the plug gingerly falls out of one.The waste hits a skull and we are treated to a very long and hard to see transition into a monster.Later there is somehow a second monster, ugh.Most of the time it's very hard to see what's going on too.The only time the picture is bright is when nothing is happening.I give this two stars because a guy watched a girl shake her butt and then asked his friend if he brought his hot dog buns.That's comedy gold.Still no reason to ever watch this.


The Horror of Party Beach to me is not a good movie, but it's not one of the worst movies ever made and there are worse horrors out there(ie. Manos). While not particularly great music, the soundtrack is catchy, while the slumber party scene is a classic and Eulabelle Moore brings some gusto in her role. The rest of the acting though is laughably terrible, especially from Alice Lyon, a beautiful woman but has an acting range that ranges from total blank to unnaturally forced. The choreography doesn't match the energy that the soundtrack has, much of it is repetitive and looks improvised, which gives the movie a rather amateurish feel to it. Visually, The Horror of Party Beach is a poor-looking movie, it is very choppily shot and the monsters as well as having no personality or menace whatsoever look ridiculous, very reminiscent of men in cheaply-rendered suits. The dialogue is hilariously cheesy and awkward sounding, accentuated even further by the line delivery. It's one of those cases also where you wonder whether the writers actually proof-read what they wrote to check whether it made sense, which is unlikely. The story has a lot of ponderously-paced patches, because it is so thinly structured and heavily padded there is the question of whether there is a story there, when there is it is even more senseless than the dialogue. The attacks excepting the slumber party scene are hurriedly edited and hold no surprises or thrills, they're gory but the gore doesn't add a huge amount. In conclusion, a really bad movie but there is some entertainment value, something that Manos did not have. 3/10 Bethany Cox


The Horror of Party Beach has got to be one of the all time great "Z" grade movies. To a 12 year old kid these monsters were so cool. I didn't care about acting or production values back then, this was great cinema! While it featured the very first slumber party massacre on film, (quite bloody and graphic for its time), it also had some of the funniest dialog and scenes ever put on film. Some teenagers recruit the help of the local college professor to kill these radioactive sea creatures. He discovers by accident( the family maid Eullabelle spills some salt onto a severed limb left by one of the beastly denizens) that sodium can destroy them. This sequence with the maid is hilarious! The fact that the professor has to drive from Conn. to N.Y. just to get a large supply of salt is absurdly funny in and of itself. The Del-Aires are on hand for your musical pleasure, singing their smash hits Zombie Stomp and Elllllaaaiiinnneee! Where was Dick Clark when all this was happening? I rate it a Fiiiiiiiive!All in all, this movie still holds a special place in my heart. But if you want a similar type of film, only better, check out Roger Corman's 1980 cult classic " Humanoids From the Deep".


Horror of Party Beach, The (1964) ** 1/2 (out of 4) Insane cult classic from director Del Tenney who also made the infamous I Drink Your Blood. Dumb scientists are dumping toxic waste into the ocean, which in turn creates half fish, half zombie monsters that start attacking the locals and drinking their blood. This is one of those infamous bad films that has gained a huge cult following over the years and it's easy to see why since this film has pretty much everything. This is certaily a very poor movie but there's just a certain charm that keeps it entertaining throughout. We've got jocks, bikers, sluts, sea monsters, bad rock 'n roll, insane dialogue and everything else. The sea monsters are some of the dumbest looking monsters ever created but that adds to the charm. The dialogue is also very silly but this here gets plenty of laughs as well. If you're into these 'so bad they're good" films then this here is a must see. The original rock 'n roll songs in the film are also terrible, especially "Zombie stomp".
