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Stagknight (2007)

January. 01,2007
| Horror Comedy

Stagknight is derived from the uncensored lusty straight-to-Drive-In horrors of the 70's and 80's, I Spit on your Grave, The Beast, Samurai Assisan, movies that spawned the mighty Evil Dead, American Werewolf in London, later Aliens. Set deep in dark mythical English woods Stagknight presents a uniquely stupid look at this genre through the cracked "Weekend Warriors" paintball team. This is mansville not boytown on a blow-out bachelor paintball weekender bender of dirty tricks, hot babes and truly splatter-tastic medieval kills to die for.


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Why so much hype?


The greatest movie ever made..!


Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful


Boring, long, and too preachy.


Hmmm .. I do not even know where to begin writing, because I can simply sum it up by saying, "The film sucks big time." There weren't a single scene worth mentioning in this film. The horror was far between, and even that it weren't a bit scary.The jokes were crude, unfunny and lame.And the thick British accent, annoyed me to death. It is completely okay if the accent is original, but in this film, they tried very hard to speak the accent, is was quite painful to hear it for an hour and a half.I strongly recommend others to watch other film instead. Heck, even Hilton's 'Bottoms Up' film fared better than this.


What is it with British films, why do they always go on about body funtions, im sorry but when was it ever funny, Horror comedy i think not, seriously this film was just not funny at all, British humour in a horror film does not work on nearly every level, the film never took off, it was a mass of silly farting burping innuendos that is so boring and tiresome, oh lets watch a man with diarrhea on the toilet HA ha ha, give me a break, i suppose it being on the zone horror channel should have beed warning enough, and how many badly done accents were in this movie, who was who, why was it constantly dark, why was everyone wandering around the forest on there own doing nothing but waiting to be killed, all these questions totally unexplained. there's nothing worse than a film so far up its own assse, that it actually thinks its a comedy.


when there are props there are props! Stagknight gets a certified 9/10 I was at the holehead festival and this was awesome,the best point of this film were the kills, I have never seen such inventive deaths, a guy gets his head punched through a tree, you gotta see the mess, it was so effective the audience actually felt it a few people even touched there heads! I want simon cathcart to sign my children lol. This is what the British call 'satire' what borat did. Funny ,scary and a good ending, the worst point of the film was one plank of wood in the audience called Steve who was this over judgmental out of shape and out of style uncool dude, He was just siting there whole audience cheering and this 80's throwback reject is the only one not laughing. I got a tip for you granddad pull up your stockings ,drink your soup , take a walk outside and smell the roses then zip your mouth up so no one has to hear an idiotic rant by an idiotic nobody, who probably beats off to reruns of 90210. This is the new comedy not the old.I can't wait for release, make more films!


I was fortunate enough to view a preview of this film and must say I am thoroughly impressed! This is a great triumph for modern British Cinema. If you are turned on by gore, bloody violence and beautiful women being chased by evil, killing Knights - then this is the movie for you! It is a horror comedy, so expect a lot of cheap laughs and spoofy thrills...It is just a bit of fun and a good night out. Well worth the watch! There were some very hysterical scenes and a lot of gory, gut wrenching scenes - so expect your emotions to be all over the place! 10 guys, 2 babes, and one killer knight out...It certainly will be! Loved it!
