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Slashers (2001)

July. 10,2001
| Horror Comedy Thriller

Japan's number one extreme reality show is having it's first all-American special! Six lucky contestants, chosen from thousands of applicants, will have the chance to win millions of dollars, and all they have to do is stay alive!


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Plot so thin, it passes unnoticed.

Humaira Grant

It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.

Kaydan Christian

A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.


The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.


I picked this movie up without much expectation -- I saw 'Fangoria' on the cover and thought I'd give them a chance to scare or freak me out. This is not the kind of horror that will make you fear the dark again but is more accurately described in some reviews as satire. This movie was every bit as fun as the bubble-gum pop theme song suggests. Many low budget choices were so appropriate to the setting and feel, and so well executed that they shouldn't have been done any other way. The gore effects were liberal with blood and so apparently fake that they contributed to the charm.This movie was so full of personality that even the camera was a character, one who was always present, but because of good action pacing managed to remain inconspicuous until one of the other characters addressed him. The cast of competitors were personable enough and watchable enough (though some become more watchable with their shirts off,) in spite of their weaker acting. But good horror relies on the strength of good villains, which Slashers had. Each Slasher had their comic-bookish personal style of WWF ranting and fun-park menace, backed up by their signature weapons, of course, and made the most of their screen time, hamming it up and thrilling their fans. Even bad dialog would be good for these subjects, but it was all delivered with such flair and enthusiasm by Neil Napier and Christopher Piggins that they were a pleasure to see every time they crawled, sometimes literally, out of the woodwork.


The summary says it all. I won't bother giving spoilers since 1) it would lessen the impact of this great film once you see it, and 2) others already have in their own comments.But you SHOULD find this film and see it, above all else. The director is the smartest man in the movie-making industry, and the film shows it. There isn't a single predictable aspect to Slashers. We have six very interesting, diverse and sympathetic characters, and three interesting (and sometimes even sympathetic) villains.The dialogue is sharp, the surprises are aplenty, and there's a huge social message everywhere, with the ultimate being the truth - that it's society who's at fault for making its own problems.If you can handle that intelligence, then go see this. If you can't, then 90% of Hollywood is full of trash that's catered just for you.


This movie is fantastic, I loved watching it. The movie is basically an episode of a game show called "slashers". The object of the game is to survive being chased by homicidal murderers and the winner, if there is one, gets a lot of money. It's like a haunted house ride come to life.As the movie progressed you really start to feel for some characters and wish the others an untimely demise. Out of the killers Chainsaw Charlie was very entertaining to see, he made me laugh as he was chopping someone up. All he wanted was a kiss. Out of the victims Megan(played by a very sexy, I think so, Sarah Crowder) was my favorite. As the movie went along I really wanted her to win the game.In my opinion, for anyone who is a fan of horror movies this is worth seeing. A+


In another take on Series 7, Slashers strands six contestants in an elaborate warehouse with three psychotic killers. Glory and large cash prizes await those who survive. A gruesome death waits for those who fail to make it through the 90-minute show.Ostensibly an episode of a Japanese TV show, the movie quickly switches to English by introducing six special American contestants, each with their own reasons for appearing on this Running Man-esquire program. (One girl, played by Sarah Joslyn Crowder -- one of the few actors in the show with any other credit to her name (MTV's Undressed) -- wants to lambast society for supporting such a gruesome sport. One has Multiple Sclerosis and has given up on life. One was "dared" to go on the program. The others dream of the money and future stardom bestowed on survivors.) And of course the contestants not only fight off the titular slashers (masked villains with names like like Chainsaw Charlie, et al.), they start to fight amongst themselves. And as the body count rises -- and we're talking disembowelments, impalings, and decapitations -- so does the infighting.Writer/director/producer Maurice Devereaux shoots the film in real time and with the appearance that it's all one shot, Rope style, much like a TV show (or at least a TV show that only has one cameraman). Devereaux's sense of humor is as twisted as they come (one slasher, the tables turned against him, begs with the contestant not to kill him due to his wife and kids at home; the killers have a thing for forcing women to remove their shirts; and everyone has to stand in place during commercial breaks, which come up whenever someone is just about to get killed), and he's jammed a surprisingly high level of production values into this all-video effort. The gore is very well done, and the sets are designed extremely well. Getting this all to work together with a single shot (or so it seems) is even more impressive.8 out of 10
