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Leprechaun's Revenge

Leprechaun's Revenge (2012)

March. 17,2012
| Fantasy Horror Thriller

An evil leprechaun who has been imprisoned within the roots of a majestic old oak tree, is accidentally set loose on St. Patrick's Day. Once free, he takes out his bloody revenge on the descendants of the people who originally imprisoned him.


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everything you have heard about this movie is true.


Brilliant and touching


Admirable film.


While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.

James Wright

While this cheap and cheerful monster movie isn't exactly going to be winning any academy awards it is a bunch of fun and has a good enough premise and lore to warrant another go around if they so wished.While the effects aren't amazing it is definitely an enjoyable movie to watch and it knows when to make fun of itself while still being serious enough to have some scares and some creepiness, as well as some gory kills.Overall I think this is a great throwaway monster movie with a solid cast and very few issues that would stop you from enjoying it if you are into cheesy horror flicks. Recommended.


Silly nonsense about a red clover removed from the "burial" plot of an ancient creature brought over to Keening, Massacheusettes from "the old country" (Ireland) by immigrants, using its magic to attain affluence! It had slaughtered folks in the township before being put in the ground. The one accidentally responsible for its release (red-headed hottie, Courtney Halverson) didn't realize that removing the clover from the ground of a tree covered in horseshoes (kryptonite to the leprechaun) would release it. Anyway, Keening is in for a world of hurt as the creature is always hungry for gold and will kill anyone in its way. This isn't a grotesque make-up dwarf Warwick Davis this go-around, but a creature resembling something which looks to have been born from tree and dirt, with sharp claws and a misshapen appearance. Halverson is supported by Billy Zane as her father (he plays the part as tongue-in-cheek as possible) and sheriff of the town that starts to rack up quite the body count and William Devane as her fairies-and-goblins-believing alcoholic grandfather. Devane is the kind of pops who taught Halverson to hunt when she was ten and drive when she was twelve. He has been the "town kook" that everyone finds a laughingstock until the leprechaun turns out to be legit. Salverson is left standing when all is said and done, as practically everyone is dead by film's end. The reason for the absence of the mother is quite a reveal...Zane lost her during a retail store Black Friday sale! A wooden staff with four horseshoes is the weapon of choice in this absurd horror show. With only four days to re-bury the leprechaun, a clover mark on Salverson looses a "flesh leaf" on her hand each day that passes when she hasn't found the "four horseshoes" needed for the staff weapon. The plot is excremental, and the cast just accepts that, performing this whole fiasco with a wink, totally avoiding any sort of sense of seriousness. There's just no way to tell a story like this with a straight face. There's plenty of ripped flesh and bloodshed as the leprechaun goes on its killing spree. Even a princess of her town's St. Patrick's Day parade isn't safe as her golden crown serves as quite the tasty dish for the creature to *eat*. Ultimately, characters like a deputy (Azure Parsons) and her brother (Dave Davis; also Salverson's love interest) try to help stop the creature but only stand to be gutted (yep, there are intestines plucked from torsos as well) or slashed for their trouble. Salverson is nice to look at and has a toughness about her that helps the film, but vets like Devane and Zane are just what this Grade-Z horror film needs in order to not totally abandon it. When a leprechaun creature is driving a car into a news reporter of a town gossip rag, you kind of have to just throw your hands up and either accept this on its own terms or exit stage left. This is the kind of horror film where a bunch of the principle cast dies in quick succession. Don't say you haven't been warned.


I was not expecting much from Leprechaun's Revenge, its premise was somewhat hokey and also it was SyFy, whose reputation for mostly awful movies is notorious. So I was surprised that Leprechaun's Revenge was reasonably watchable, even if heavily flawed. What did I like about the film? Well, Leprechaun's Revenge did start off promisingly with some snappy dialogue and a good attempt at an atmosphere. The leprechaun compared to other SyFy creatures is pretty good, used sparingly but this added to the sense of terror I felt, and thankfully less cheap-looking than before. The killings are gory and fun while not being too goofy, the camera work is wonderfully nightmarish, and apart from Billy Zane, who rambles his way through his role, the acting is mostly above average. It is the second half though where the film goes off the boil with a more comic edge that jars with the rest of the film, with the humour rather humourless, the story less suspenseful and more ridiculous, the characters stereotypical and while not irritating not very interesting all the same and the ending rushed and abrupt. On the whole, better than most SyFy outings but the second half is a let down compared to the promise of the first. 5/10 Bethany Cox


First, the story line seems to be everywhere. It doesn't really flow well at all. They jump from scene to scene with little or no connections. It was confusing and difficult to watch. The leprechaun... Oh God, where do I start? How about the thing looks more like a goblin of some kind than a leprechaun. The least they could have done was make semi human in appearance, as legend states. Or made it talk. Or really anything that would lead you to believe that it is an evil Faerie from Ireland. It looked like a terrible goblin Halloween costume from a thrift store. The acting was mediocre at best. Any college drama department could have done better. Over all, D-. I prefer the Warwick Davis Leprechaun movies.
