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Blind Turn

Blind Turn (2023)

September. 22,2023
| Drama Thriller Mystery

Samantha Holt had the perfect life with a handsome fiancée and a future that couldn’t look brighter. But an unexpected turn on a dark lonely road puts her on a collision course with Bruce Miller, a devoted family man who descends into madness when he loses everything he ever cared about. One year later, Bruce decides to give Samantha the punishment he believes she escaped. Samantha has struggled with her own demons since that fateful night, and Bruce will take her struggles to the edge when he implements a demented plan to teach her a twisted lesson that may cost her the ultimate price.


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When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.

Tymon Sutton

The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.

Mathilde the Guild

Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.


Watching it is like watching the spectacle of a class clown at their best: you laugh at their jokes, instigate their defiance, and "ooooh" when they get in trouble.


As I watched this low budget film, I was very intrigued especially at the beginning and most of the movie, but one thing that I kept noticing were a lot of plot holes. The part with the mouse traps is my favorite. It was very suspenseful, creative, and original. I felt the fear creep up in my veins each moment she put her hands near the mouse traps. The acting was mediocre but I honestly didn't find it awful. The woman portraying Samantha was not a stellar character at fake crying. Her face just scrunched up and no tears were shed when she tried. Overall her acting was decent but I did not appreciate that. Now for my true feelings towards the ending. It was absolute bullshit. How dare the director take a toll on the plot line? I was very irked and appalled that it was all just a fantasy. I thought maybe the director could've done something totally out of anticipation or more organic. The movie was average but not totally terrible for it's budget. Altogether I'd like to see more innovative and inventive ideas from the director.


Really enjoyed the message this conveys...Worth a watch for everyone, especially people that don't have a problem drinking and driving.A unique way of helping one come to realize the true impact of consequences.Also the power of forgiveness, both of self and of others, is presented in a particularly unique way, I found this to be very refreshing in presentation.I think the acting of both main characters was very fitting, well done.I would recommend this and I would watch it again.(best not for under 13)


Watching Blind Turn was like riding a great roller coaster...we were hooked in at the beginning, so we put on our seat belts and enjoyed the ride. We love watching independent flicks, and we enjoy an interesting storyline. This movie has both! You get to watch new faces, but still enjoy good storytelling. The cast was great. They used known and not so known faces which was refreshing because it's easy to get tired of the same actors over and over again at the box office. Bravo, cast and crew! It's insightful to see quality work being produced and made in places besides L.A. or N.Y.C. It just goes to show that no idea is too small or insignificant. It would be great to see this one released in theaters across the U.S. because the messages it contains are so impactful! We would not be surprised to rock up to the theater in six months and see Blind Turn up on the list as one of the movies showing.


Original and unpredictable story line, unlike what is in theaters these days. You will not guess the ending of this one! The plot is thought provoking from the very beginning. I found myself compelled from the first scene to learn how the story would unfold.Who would have thought that a movie without the infamous Hollywood A-listers involvement could be so impressive and compete for the movie goers interest.Do not be pass this up if you do not know the name of the cast and crew.....this is a quality film.A must see.......for all audiences. I suggest that you sit yourself down, settle in and prepare to watch a movie unravel that will have you thinking about the storyline days, weeks even months after you've seen it.Loved, loved, loved this movie!
