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Mein Kampf

Mein Kampf (2009)

August. 01,2009
| Drama Comedy

The young, despotic and untalented artist Adolf Hitler comes to Vienna to study art. He befriends the Jew Schlomo Herzl working on a novel with the title "Mein Kampf". Hitler is rejected by the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts. Herzl's concern for the sad young man continues, and leads him to a new career with disastrous consequences for world history.


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One of the worst movies I've ever seen


An absolute waste of money


A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.


A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.


This review contains spoilers, so don't read further if you have a problem with this. . . . . . Well, i honestly didn't think that this movie would waist two hours of my life. I mean, i was expecting a comedy yes, but i was expecting that they follow historical facts doing this, in most part at least. This movie had so much potential, especially when looking at the cast, but what they have done, is literally made a fiction movie, about some guy that looks like Hitler, and named the movie after Adolf.. Except the part where he gets thrown out of the Academy in Vienna, the movie has nothing to do with the man it is named after.I am someone who is very interested in history in general, and especially the two world wars, and have done a lot of reading and some research about the guy, so a know a thing or two about his life..This movie is by it's nature a sensitive topic, and they made something as powerful and dangerous as Nazi ideology, an ideology that blinded an entire nation, and made it look like something i would rather not say in this review.What i don't understand is how a good actor like Tom Schilling even considered taking part in this movie. If there ever was a movie that insults the intelligence of a German nation, and it's history, it is this one. And it is doing that perfectly.The movie portraits Adolf Hitlers early years in Vienna in the beginning of 20th century. It shows the guy as a complete idiot, hater of everything, and off course, an extreme street yelling anti- semitic moron talentless aspiring artist that moves to a artists homeless shelter where he befriends some older guys that eventually turns out to be a Jew. From the start the Jewish guy is portrayed as a great helpful man that acts as Adolf's guardian throughout the movie all while Hitler is insulting him and Jews on daily basis. Then, the biggest cliché in the world happens, he sees a beautiful young German girl on the window naked, and instantly gets a crush in her.. Then off course, he finds that the girl(who is maybe 20 btw) is in a romantic relationship with his guardian(who is in his 60 btw).. So another cliché, he starts to hate the Jew even more, and joins an antisemitic gang, and eventually starts to attack Jews in Vienna.. And yeah, did i tell you that he steals the idea of Mein Kampf from the guy? I mean the historical incorrectness of this movie is astonishing. The movie itself is supposed to be a comedy, but in reality it looks like it is made purely to insult Germans intelligence and Adolf Hitler himself. It is not funny either.The acting itself is good, technically also, however nothing can compensate the fact that the script is a huge piece of S**t.I would never watch this movie again, and i really, really don't recommend anyone to watch it in the first place.A real disappointment.


I strongly advise that this movie is far from an historical review of the actual facts about A.Hitler. Im really disappointed that there is no warning at the beginning of the movie to let the viewers know that it contains a large part of fiction.here are some real facts that may let viewers appreciate this movie for what it is and not for what it is not: Hitler was in Vienne for the first time at 16 year old for only 15 days, he was rejected from the painting academy but accepted in architecture on conditions to complete his prior studies and then a second one in construction. He didn't liked school in general and this would have taken years to complete, thats why he abandoned this kind of career.He wrote the REAL Mein Kampf in detention at Landsberg-am-Lech prison in 1924. This book is actually prohibited in Germany and most European country, the only non-Germanic accurate translation is the french one and maybe the newest Arab version. (Mein Kampf is a best seller in a few Arab country).The movie is good for the acting and staging, quite entertaining but nothing more, i strongly suggest ready the book even if can only read the shorter English version to people who like to know real fact about this dark time of history.


Having watched this movie and being interested lately in the world wars, specially world war two, I don't believe this to be a true or accurate historical account. It is more like a dramatized summery or caricature of how Hitler shaped his way to power. We see him as a young (20 or so years)person who fails to make it to the academy of arts (which according to historical accounts is true). He is portrayed as having unshakable self confidence and talks of his future glory (as artist or architect) even after his failure. Persons like that do have influence on others. If you believe in yourself, people will believe in you. Do not watch this movie if you're looking for historical accuracy. On the other hand, I was quite impressed by the fine acting of the leading characters. Schilling gives a nice performance as young Hitler. This being the main reason for giving the movie rating a 6.


I own and have read the real Mein Kampf, written by Adolf Hitler during his short stay in prison, and also quite a lot of other literature about Hitler and his early years, which is important, since Hitler did not shy from lying in the book.Now, the film about Hitler's early years in Vienna could have been so good if it didn't try to explain every little thing that would later happen - the idea to the swastika for example, or even the growth of his now characteristic moustache.The film portrays Hitler as a young, from the beginning hateful man who is adopted by a jew (of course) and how he drops from being a failed painter to a leader of a small group of thugs, leading them against the jews.This is ridiculous and has very little with the truth to do. The only thing the film gets right is: Hitler failed getting into the art academy. That's it. The rest is a some kind of desperate attempt to explain every little detail with the later NSDAP and antisemitic movement and of course Hitler himself, which is a pity really, since I looked forward to seeing a film about the early years without the bias towards Hitler - which of course is hard to shy away from if one is a normal, thinking person.Technically it is brilliant, and the acting is good - what the film lacks is a more observing eye or script, which is the basics in ANY good film.I would not recommend it, unless one has nothing else to watch and don't care about details as a history buff, because it is good enough to kill a couple of hours with. Despite the flaws.
