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A Summer Dress

A Summer Dress (1996)

May. 01,1996
| Drama Romance

It's summer. Sébastien loves the singer Sheila. Lucia loves boys. As for Frédéric, all he wants to do is work on his tan.


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Murphy Howard

I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.

Aubrey Hackett

While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.


Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.


The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.

Horst in Translation ([email protected])

Literally, there are tons of short film out there dealing with the always challenging issue on putting homosexuality on the screen. These 15 minutes here should be a must-see for everybody who plans to go into that genre. There are literally so many crap films out there and people still appreciate them, even if they have zero artistic value, only because they are about that subject.The first scene was already a winner (and that comes from a heterosexual male). The use of Bang Bang there and on other occasions in this film was a brilliant idea. First of all, there is some excellent irony to these two words in the context of this short film, but there is also some outstanding sensuality in Sheila's version. And last, but not least, it's simply an amazing song. Now we have a bisexual male who spends the holidays with his (boy)friend, but he quickly gets annoyed by him acting so gay all the time. So he ends up in a romantic adventure with a young woman. But there is no drama, no tragedy, just happiness for everybody. The boys reunite quickly, the girl gets together with another guy when she leaves the island. There is so harmony and love in here, this is really a wonderful piece of filmmaking. Ozon was in his late 20s when he made this and you could absolutely see the talent he put on show in the last decades. By the way, even if he was still that young that was far from his first effort as a director and writer. A bit of a pity that only the female actress in here from the leading trio pursued a career in acting. Yet, even if they took other paths, they left us a film which is great and small at the same time. Highly recommended.


Every other review here has been written by non-French. So I make the difference, which makes sense as well. This short film is not the expression of what is going on in France or in French sexuality. Only some very small Parisian bi-sexual circles will recognize themselves, and yet even they will not like the film. Why? Because it is bloody badly acted! You, other reviewers, who do not speak French, may be charmed, but to my ears, it all sounds massively false. I guarantee you: no-one talks like that, no-one acts like that. So what is the thing about this film, and how on earth did Ozon manage to raise the funds to make it? Surely, because in the French film world, no single person would like to be considered as being "frustrated", so they all have to pretend that the subject is worthwhile financing. Well, it wasn't...


I'm just starting to explore the so far wonderful world of monsieur Ozon. I've seen only 4 films so far, and with the last one in the row it hit me that all of them were in fact about lonely women and their actions. Not a single non-lonely female character out of 12, and all of them bring heavy impact of surroundings.This film is probably the only one (out of four) where this impact is for good.The gay theme is an almost standard part of background for Ozon's films, so it doesn't grab the accent (although the looks of the characters might). Watch for the feelings, not for their objects.Very nice and fleeting, truly like a summer romance, and while being a relaxation to thought and mind, it gives some food for the soul.


i expected it to be good, after i'd seen some other ozon's superb moments, and read much about it... but this movie is brilliant - clever, very bright (emotionally and visionally), perfect in all moments. every movement is there for a reason, everything fits so closely and primordially true and honest. this is the movie about the beauty and innocence; about it's simplicity.
