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Sharkwater (2006)

September. 11,2006
| Documentary

Driven by passion fed from a life-long fascination with sharks, Rob Stewart debunks historical stereotypes and media depictions of sharks as bloodthirsty, man-eating monsters and reveals the reality of sharks as pillars in the evolution of the seas.


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The movie really just wants to entertain people.


I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.


I think it's possible to love sharks and be truthful about what they are simultaneously which is incredible animals that have been apex predators for millions of years, and that eat to survive the narrator (with a quite irritating surfer type drawl which seems to be absent when you hear him talking on the phone later) tells us that sharks don't bite flesh or want to eat people yet at the same time he can be seen playing with sharks while wearing an an armoured wetsuit. If you're that confident then dive with a normal neoprene wetsuit and/or keep a respectful distancethey site whales as an example of why sharks shouldn't be hunted when the two species and situation are very different. we also see them chasing the small guys who are out there responding to market conditions and trying to earn a living, hosing them down at sea and putting lives in danger with music playing like we are supposed to admire this. They're then surprised when they are arrested for it. Would they have tried this in u.s waters for example?documentary footage must be in short supply but lots of the stuff used here is extremely old and looks like it's from the 70s or 80s some good points are still made and probably this style of documentary hits home with the average person But if you already know that hunting sharks for fins is a bad thing, this documentary won't take you much further and I personally would've liked to have seen something a bit more intelligent than this The guy who made the film doesn't look like your typical conservationist either and I can't help but think that he decided to make a documentary on a controversial subject to make a name for himself.. I don't see anything else conservation related on his IMDb for some five years after making this film


A really awful documentary on the reasons for the declining shark population is spoiled by the director's love affair with himself. There is very little good footage of sharks but every scene has the director in it, suntanned and showing off his spiffy new haircut.I watched this because of the high rating on IMDb; shortly after it started I realized that all those good reviews were no doubt done by him. There is no one else on Earth, with the possible exception of his mother, who could think this is a decent documentary.The film is riddled with bad science, questionable facts and exaggeration. You'll hear all about the "Shark Fin Mafia" while watching the director "bravely" ram a small fishing boat with a much larger ship. And why do these self-proclaimed shark saviors need a shotgun on board for "shark protection"? I'm on board with the idea that the oceans are over fished and sharks are being decimated for their fins, and that it should be stopped. The self-obsessed way that they go about it is what makes this a lousy documentary. This director is doing more harm to the environmental cause than help; by being so completely self-centered and using a ridiculous degree of exaggeration in every scene, he makes other environmentalists look foolish by association.This is a missed opportunity to show the world how badly overfishing and finning are destroying the environment.

Dan P

I mean, if you see this movie, and just watch the news in general. Like one of the guys in this movie says. Humans are just primates out of control. Couldn't agree more. This movie is about the Shark dilemma, a species that has survived for over 400 millions years, and now finds itself close to extinction, do to humans. Now you might say am generalizing people, but its hard to argue against the complete destruction we have done to many species, and ecological systems of the planet earth.The movie just doesn't deal with the dilemma of the Sharks, but also the dilemma for the people that try to actually do something about it. The corruption in this business, the fact Sharks are not as dangerous as we have been told.Must watch.


you know, the scary thing is, living in Costa Rica, you can see blatant signs of deals between the Costa Rican Government and the Taiwanese..... Rob Stewart is a genius for bringing this to the attention of the public - something I have been fighting against for a while now. I have just come back from volunteering at Cocos Island, and it breaks my heart to see the long lines set up in supposedly protected waters. The message is out in Costa Rica that it is OK to fish here, and nothing will happen to you if you get caught.... we need more people like "Sea Shepherd", who care, and can see the devastation that this is causing....
