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A Twist of Faith

A Twist of Faith (1999)

July. 28,1999
| Thriller Crime

Vancouver Police Detective Henry Smith is one of those investigating the murder of Roman Catholic Father Martin, who was crucified in his own church.


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What a freaking movie. So many twists and turns. Absolutely intense from start to finish.

Claire Dunne

One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.

Sanjeev Waters

A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.


Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.

Bill Youngblood (shobill)

A cop dealing with his own mistake resulting in a partner's death and loss of faith is on the trail of a serial killer who has some obsession with the Catholic church. Many of the standard themes are there - cop has trouble with supervisor, his own family has trouble, early leads are blind alleys, a special relationship develops between the crook and the cop who hunts him, etc.There are a few departures from formula as if the film seems to know what we're expecting and chooses to give us that or surprise us with a twist we weren't necessarily expecting. In general, this is certainly not a great movie but entertaining enough to see it through.

George Parker

A homicide investigator (McCarthy) finds himself caught between his young daughter's life/death struggle with disease and a serial killer's rampage in this nominally watchable whodunnit drama. An good shoot but one of those flicks which you feel like you seen many times before. Okay material for channel surfers.

Jay Harris

Patrick Dempsey has proven himself to be a good actor in adult roles. I only hope his he gets better vehicles than this one. He portrays a police detective on the hunt for a serial killer. Oh when have we seen this before- a few too many times for me. Apparently the video box gives away the ending, BUT I knew who the killer was the first time he appeared. Micheal Ironside play a super rich, newspaper publisher. Need I say more.I can only recommend this film as part of a double feature. I can only give this a **1/2 ratingas alwaysJay Harris


Okay, this isn't the greatest film of the year, but it's not completely incompetent, and it would be an okay video rental for a cold winter night (which it was when I rented it last night). But the video box has some action photos on the back, including one character holding a sharp instrument to another character's throat. Trouble is, that scene happens at the very end of the movie, after some 90 minutes of speculation about the identity of the killer. The characters may have been speculating on-screen, but home viewers knew the answer before leaving the rental shop.The movie's about a serial killer whose killings have something to do with religion, and the atheist cop who's trying to stop the killer. Not terribly complex, although it wants to be. But any hint of complexity was eradicated by the video box!I'd really like to be able to say more about the movie, but it was ruined for me. Remember the trailer for "Ransom", in which THE key plot element--Mel Gibson announces that the ransom is a reward--was revealed? Or the one for "The Negotiator", in which Kevin Spacey announces, "Now you'll have to deal with both of us?" Those films were pretty much ruined by their trailers' giving away the plot...but at least there was a little (VERY little) suspense in seeing the last 30 minutes of each movie.Not "A Twist of Faith", though. There was no suspense. The very end of the movie was revealed right up front, so all of the this-man-is-above-suspicion and he's-practically-a-saint gyrations were clearly just a waste of the audience's time, until the character gets around to holding a sharp instrument to someone else's throat.If you decide to see the movie, send someone else to the video shop for you, and have them hand you the tape without the box. Watch it without seeing the box first, and see how you like the movie. I'd like to see viewer comments from anyone who didn't have the entire movie spoiled for him, like I did.
