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Kickassia (2010)

May. 31,2010
| Comedy

Kickassia is a six-part feature-length original online film created by Doug Walker and the rest of the gang at Channel Awesome (including the Nostalgia Chick, Linkara, Spoony, the Cinema Snob, Marz Gurl, and Angry Joe) in honor of the site's second anniversary. The plot concerns the Nostalgia Critic, eager to own his very own country, deciding to organize an assault on the Republic of Molossia a one-acre independent nation within the continental United States and usurp its president, Kevin Baugh. Hilarity, as well as movie references and heavy artillery, ensue.


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Very disappointed :(


Better Late Then Never

Lachlan Coulson

This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.

Quiet Muffin

This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.


People are being far too harsh on this film! It is meant to be one big joke. Kickassia is movie written out of clichés that are present in the movies, shows and video games the people of TGWTG review.Costumes that are worse than the ones found at Spencer's, obviously simple solutions ignored in favor of more complicated plans, women who are competent suddenly turning into damsels in distress, these things are all in the movie. You think its a coincidence that these also happen to be things that The Critic rants about? They made a movie they would rip apart in their reviews, that's the joke! I saw it as basically one big wink to the fans.If you're looking for something that is Oscar worthy then maybe you shouldn't be looking for it in an online movie made to be silly!


David D Eval is correct. I didn't really like it, but a lot of people did. It is a film that fans of TGWTG and is worth seeing ONCE. It definitely had many good moments, but majority of the jokes fell short. After you watch it, remember the parts that made you laugh, and you will remember the film more fondly. Angry Joe was the best character by far. Nearly every thing he did landed. The concept is funny, but it really just falls flat of its true potential. If you are a fan, then watch it. If you are not, you will truly hate it. Think of it as a Pilgrimage. Personally, I do hope they have a sequel, but make sure it is done better. Angry Joe should be the main star.

Vincent Beaudry

Doug Walker's Kickassia is the story about a Critic who want to conquer the world, beginning by conquering a (real) Micronation. released in 6 episodes for the 2nd Anniversary of ThatGuyWithTheGlasses.com and entirely free under The Nostalgia Critic section of the movie, Kickassia is a huge crossover between a huge bunch of Channel Awesome stars and even more (Cinemassacre's Board James.). Epic Story, Silly Jokes, nice 4th walls, awesome running gags (OF COURSE !). Kickassia simply do kick asses ! Jeezus, they even got the balls to invite the REAL leader of Molossia, Kevin Daugh, and the movie plot is even written on the official Story of the micro-nation !Watch it ! it worth your time !


I used to enjoy the Nostalgia Critic, back when he was just starting out and all that. But as his site amassed a legion of lackluster and untalented reviewers and hordes of fawning fans, I was left wondering where all the funny had gone. Kickassia is the last thing I watched from That Guy with the Glasses, and with good reason: the "movie" (if you want to call it that) is a monstrous, bloated and desperately unfunny mess.The "film" has the following premise: the Critic, his ego swelled by the thousands of fans who worship him day and night, suddenly comes upon a micro-nation called Molossia. Hungry for attention, and, apparently, power, the Critic decides to oust the country's leader with a violent and "hilarious" take over with the help of his fellow reviewers. After conquering the damn place, the Critic and his goons set up a government, and promptly fall into infighting and poor acting.Every joke in this festival of crap feels forced, and is of course not in the least bit funny. And evidently, the ear rape is top-notch, since Kickassia involves levels of screaming, shouting and yelling never before reached by Humanity. The "movie" also features the entire cast (I think? Or rather, do I even care?) of talentless and unfunny reviewers from That Guy With the Glasses. Only the most fanatical of fan boys/girls will actually recognise the more obscure members of the cast, because frankly, only they would care about those annoying, faceless drones. One of the more horrible and recurring "jokes" you will see if you ever watch Kickassia is Spoony's struggle with his "evil self". Spoony is of course, a terrible actor, and his performance reeks of massive egotism.The Critic is of course present throughout the "movie" and is dressed up as Bison, from the Street Fighter movie. I suppose some would find that costume funny, but the average, sane viewer would only see it as totally ludicrous. Not content with looking like a first grade idiot, the Critic also made Kickassia into a massive and horrible tribute to himself and his site. In fact, Kickassia is nothing more than a tribute to the cast of his site and himself. Evidently, rabid fans will drool and over it, but others...not so much.Just to underline the sheer money-grabbing monstrosity of Kickassia, the damn thing is now for sale on DVD. Pretty damn pointless when the entire thing was put on line and is viewable for free, or maybe some want to see deleted footage of the Critic making love to himself while his goons look on in wonder and repressed lust? Or maybe they wanted insightful commentary such as "oh look at that, I'm so awesome"? Evidently, screaming hordes of fans probably bought boat loads of the DVD version, thus filling the pockets of the Critic, and possibly his clueless minions.All in all, Kickassia is a terrible piece of film. The idea is terrible, the acting is annoying, the participants are all annoying, and all in all, Kickassia is bloody annoying. Evidently, if you're a hardcore fan, you're welcome to watch out, otherwise just plain avoid the damn thing unless you enjoy having male genitalia rammed into your ears while having your eyes gouged out with a rusty ice cream scoop.
