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The Overbrook Brothers

The Overbrook Brothers (2009)

March. 01,2009
| Drama Comedy

Road movie about two brothers who drive to Texas to find out the truth behind their parents.


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Wonderful character development!


everything you have heard about this movie is true.


Best movie of this year hands down!


The movie is wonderful and true, an act of love in all its contradictions and complexity

Mary Contraryel

Man I love this movie.One of the hardest things for a truly independent filmmaker at a festival is competing with the high-profile titles. I try to balance what I watch when I'm in a festival environment, known and unknown, and sometimes it really pays off. I like taking a chance on something you've never heard of starring no one you know written and directed by a name that's totally unfamiliar to you. And I like when I'm rewarded for it.John Bryant's "The Overbrook Brothers," from a screenplay co-written by Jason Foxworth, is one of those lovely surprises, a strong, consistent, occasionally ugly comedy about sibling rivalry taken to a punishing extreme, adoption, identity, and maturity. It's of the current school of the uncomfortable, comedy that is about a sort of unbearable reality. Mark Reeb and Nathan Harlan play Todd and Jason, brothers who have been locked in a sort of hyper-exaggerated Wile E. Coyote/Road Runner rivalry that reduces both of them to six-year-olds every time they're together.This flick would play perfectly with Awful Nice, another recent SXSW comedy about sibling rivalry. Add Darjeeling Limited and you've got yourself a fine triple feature.Find this movie if you can. It won't disappoint.


I viewed this flick because it was FREE on the Comcast 'on-demand menu. It surprises me that it didn't open in theaters and come out on DVD. And why didn't it become a hit with the twenty-something crowd. I had no prior knowledge of the film, but the story line was continuously tense and brutally funny and the acting was grade A+. If you have any experience with sibling rivalry (especially between males), this movie will have you snickering nervously and occasionally laughing out loud. The only scene that might have been deleted from the movie was the puerile scene where they compete via a 'freeze-out' in the car. Otherwise the humor, acting, & directing were quite good. For a synopsis of the plot, you might check the other reviews.

Joshua Bozeman

I ran across this film's trailer on the IFC ONdemand website while trying to track down another film. I happened to check the Ondemand last night and had to watch it. I had no idea what to expect, hadn't heard any word of mouth or any reviews...definitely not disappointed.It's the story of two brothers who, as it turns out, discover they aren't really brothers and their road trip to the adoption agency that landed them with the parents they've always known. It's really about the friendship (and utter lack of friendship) of these two young men. Quirky is an understatement, as we follow them across several states, first with one brother's girlfriend in tow (she's soon gone, and it's just the two of them).There were some uncomfortable parts- the deal with the freeze out was just bizarre and unfunny...it didn't match the rest of the movie in some aspect's of the main character's persona. It felt weird to me. The immature brother was over the top, but not so much that you didn't believe it- we've all met people close to this level of annoying and childish, but this guy takes the cake. Madcap adventures ensue, and we get some good bonding between two brothers who aren't actually brothers at all. When you grow up together, you become brothers and stay brothers, even when you find out you were adopted and you have no idea who your "real" parents are.Great acting here throughout, and there's some really nice scenery. Direction is done well, and there's not a lot of that characteristic low budget stuff where the camera op constantly walks around the scene, lending that documentary feel when it's not needed. This was all pretty solid stuff, and you even get some decent effects scenes with the king Arthur stuff (another quirky side story, don't ask).Totally recommend this one. The Duplass brothers' movies immediately came to mind, and in fact Steve Zissis (from Baghead) has a small role in the film. This is definitely one to add to your mumblecore collection.
