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Can of Worms

Can of Worms (1999)

April. 10,1999
| Comedy Science Fiction Family TV Movie

A teen is visited by aliens after he broadcasts a message into space.


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It isn't all that great, actually. Really cheesy and very predicable of how certain scenes are gonna turn play out. However, I guess that's the charm of it all, because I would consider this one of my guilty pleasures.


It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.

Married Baby

Just intense enough to provide a much-needed diversion, just lightweight enough to make you forget about it soon after it’s over. It’s not exactly “good,” per se, but it does what it sets out to do in terms of putting us on edge, which makes it … successful?


One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.


Beautiful movie! Great imagination and way of presenting common issues. As the main character gets trapped in an environment that mimics his home town it does not quite replace it. This speaks to we as a society or individuals offer others a comfort area or object in order for others to feel at home. However, we miss the most important things which are the connections they have to home not home itself. The alien that collects other creatures and provides them an environment which mimics their hometown may genuinely be trying to help these creatures be happy as they can do as they please in their restricted area. However, he does not see that solitude is not for everyone and that objects (such as a house) is not as important as the relationships they have and their day to day experiences. Many times we too wish to just be abducted by Aliens if only for a moment to not live in such a chaotic world or have to face our fears. However, it is not until we realize that our world has more to offer than our presenting problems that we begin to value it. I watched it as child and for several years still remains a great movie. Perhaps now the special effects may not be as powerful but if you allow yourself to see the movie for what it is and perhaps attempt to see it through a child's eye, or through someone who is eager to please others, someone, who wants to get away, or someone who began their journey with something in mind and lost their purpose on the way, you may greatly enjoy the film.


This movie is interesting, but also overly weird and at times overly annoying. The actors are fine, but only Malcolm Mcdowells voice performance is the one to watch or listen of the voice acting. The special effects and freakish aliens are cute. The reason it gets a 5 is because the movie keeps you awake wondering what the heck is going on. Now this movie can be stupid at times and of course freaking ridiculous. I was never bored when i watched it, but like i said I was annoyed at times. The picture quality of this movie (meaning what and where the camera is shooting) is beautiful. Nice bright colors. But only a 5 it shall receive.

Christopher Hewitt

I have seen this Disney movie maybe four times because Disney plays their movies so much, and have every time thought that is was a bit odd. One thing that I found that made this movie not as good as it could have been, was the "perfect" family that was in the movie. For some reason, the main character, Mike, thinks he has such a terrible life, when that really isn't true. Even though he thinks that he is upon the area of being incommodious to the place he lives in, Earth, that still isn't a reason to want to leave, is it? There is another thing about his life that makes it exquisitely neat that you will find out if you watch the movie. The family seems to be perfect with no flaws in the family except for some whimsical parents. Even his sister is typical. There really was not a lot of thought that went into making this family different from boring. If the writer was trying to express this family like this, he or she could have make the family more interesting even if they had this family planned like this. The plot of the story is somewhat weird as well. The story does not flow in the end. It shifts to an entirely different kind of story it seems like. Basically what is does is discontinues from what the story had to offer, a movie that took place in a small town. Not somewhere bizarre like where it seems to take place in the end. The movie just sort of turned out not as it could have, and not how I would have expected. This is also the type of movie that someone could like just because they want to, but deep down inside they may think that it is a movie that isn't so good after all.This movie is overall a little boring, it has some action scenes and some good scenes, but all in all I think it is not as good as some of the other Disney Channel Original movies. I think that is is worth seeing once or twice, but you shouldn't expect a lot from it. There are some funny lines, but some are not. I think that overall, I would give this movie a 6 out of 10, for lacking what could be the most important thing in movies: the will to keep the audience watching.


The first two-thirds of this movie are so neat and so funny, that it is such a shame when the final third is so downright stupid and remedial. It is about a boy, who feels like an outcast at home and school, that he tries to summon aliens using his satellite dish to take him away from Earth. After a lightning incident, aliens finally do hear him, and some of them come to try and take the boy away after he has had second thoughts about leaving. Some of these aliens (especially the lawyer alien) are very hilarious. But then the writing screws up when the boy his friends team up with the school bully to face an evil zoo-keeper alien. This bully-befriending and cliched evil alien make me wonder if we changed writers within the movie. That feeling ruins "Can Of Worms." Zanatos's score: 5 out of 10
