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Warrior of the Lost World

Warrior of the Lost World (1985)

September. 01,1985
| Action Science Fiction

A nomad mercenary on a high-tech motorcycle helps bring about the downfall of the evil Orwellian government, the Omega.


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Wonderfully offbeat film!

Aubrey Hackett

While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.


It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,

Sarita Rafferty

There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.


A nomad mercenary (Robert Ginty) on a high-tech motorcycle helps bring about the downfall of the evil Orwellian government, the Omega.It seems popular to give this film a 1 or 2, and I can certainly understand why. As a "Mad Max" ripoff, it is not a very good one. And even the director claims he was hired on without a script or anything for source material besides a poster.But there is some fun here, and I think with a few changes this might be a decent film. Maybe. Maybe not. But, first and foremost, the motorcycle computer is obnoxious. Remove or modify that and you already have an improvement... Perhaps a remake could actually make this a lovable cult film?


I have seen "Manos Hands of Fate" and "Lazerblast" and just about every MST3K lampooned movie. This is the worst one. The main character (the Paper Chase guy, Ginty) can't act. When he isn't mumbling, he's just wooden and emotionless. The actions of the characters don't make any sense. Seriously, MST3k makes bad movies into funny-bad, but they couldn't save this one. His "supersonic motorcycle" isn't much better than a regular cycle and certainly doesn't go that fast. And the apocalyptic world he lives in looks no different than our world today (trees and grass and all that good stuff). I couldn't even laugh at the badness because it looked like the creators tried to make this one bad.


You could imagine this is what the writers of this "movie" had, because only severe childhood trauma could possibly explain how a story this outrageously stupid even gets past the "spontaneous idea" point, let alone becomes an entire movie! But here it is, existing solely for the purpose of our, the viewers', ridicule: Warrior of the Lost World! An epic of badness in which the well cast Paperchase guy showcases his immense acting talent, ranging from disgruntled mumbling to would be-sexy mumbling. Paperchase guy also has a totally awesome, talking motorcycle which could be described as HAL-9000's retarded little brother, more or less. Together Paperchase guy and HAL's retard brother must battle the combined forces of a crummy-looking villain in the form of a disoriented Donald Pleasance and the hauntingly named Megaweapon. In the end Paperchase guy gets the girl and uncontrollable gagging is guaranteed as the two tongue-wrestle.This is a fun piece of junk which moves at a high enough speed and features enough silliness to actually be worth seeing. The special effects are of course ridiculous, but what would you expect from a MST3K movie? What matters is that Warrior of the Lost World (the title could've easily been a catchy 80's pop song, by the way) is dopey, ridiculous, and ultimately quite fun to watch. And who can forget Megaweapon? What a beauty! Makes me want to build a plastic superweapon of doom myself!Fun piece of trivia for all movie nerds out there: one of the extras - Scott Coffey, who plays "geek" - eventually went on to work with none other than David Lynch! This, if anything, is proof that we all have to start somewhere! Thank you, good night!


A hilariously bad rip off of Mad Max - dubbed "Sad Max" by Joel Hodgson on MST3K - about a jag-off loner, played by Robert "Paper Chase Guy" Ginty, who gets caught up in a plot by the Outsiders and their Elders to overthrow an evil government tyrant played by Donald Pleasance, who must have needed the money real bad, chosen because he is "pure in spirit" despite being a total prick with very little in the way of honor, courage, nobility, etc, yet somehow able to fly helicopters and shoot straight. In order to save the day, Paper Chase Guy has to recruit a rag tag group of idiots including geeks/Renegade Burger King Window Guys, a few soldiers, a black Nazi, white Ninjas, Amazons, truckers, a dwarf lumber-jack and "the Beige Berets". The late great Star Trek chick Persis Khmbata shows up as eye candy, also presumably because she must have needed the money really bad, and Fred Williamson plays a guy who starts out with the heroes but then turns out to be a villain. Lots of car crashes, people getting beaten up, run over, shot, blown to bits, etc.More hilarious ineptitude than you can shake a stick at, this was one of the best Mystery Science Theatre 3000 rift fests ever. It should be viewed no other way.
