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Rock School

Rock School (2005)

February. 27,2005
| Action Documentary Music

It is about a music school in Philadelphia, The Paul Green School of Rock Music, run by Paul Green that teaches kids ages 9 to 17 how to play rock music and be rock stars. Paul Green teaches his students how to play music such as Black Sabbath and Frank Zappa better than anyone expects them to by using a unique style of teaching that includes getting very angry and acting childish.


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It is a performances centric movie


Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.

Derry Herrera

Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.

Hayleigh Joseph

This is ultimately a movie about the very bad things that can happen when we don't address our unease, when we just try to brush it off, whether that's to fit in or to preserve our self-image.


As an old rock&roll road dog who played for years and later went into production and management of younger rock bands, I think this movie has a lot to say on many levels. I'm not going to comment on a review as such BUT the internet TV view listing I saw when I went to see if it was going to play again said that these kids had gotten good "dispite" the way the teacher had gone about doing it...To me it's funny how a little rough language towards the kids says somehow the teaching method was a failure.Without giving away anything about the movie I will say this: I remember going to a school as a young child where I was in a talent show. I rehearsed for weeks and won!...After it was over I realized that EVERYONE had won something.....all 50 kids!I was placated into thinking that was how life worked, then wham, the reality of musical life hit me when I went on the road in the real world.Let's face it, people as a rule (and young people in particular) are basic under-achievers. Sometimes all it takes is a little bit of "frustration love" to make it all click. Music itself is a passion, not a method, and rock music even more so than most.As a parent myself I would suggest this movie to anyone who has a musically inclined child not matter what genre' they wish to pursue.Competition is within ones self, not against everyone else. If the fire of music is in a child it will come out if handled right, if not, then thats OK also, but don't let it just die as a faint ember of creativity...fan it into a full flame of artistic expression.


Rock school (more like a platform for a frank Zappa fan). not much rock other than Zappa. I love Zappa don't mistake it. I saw the film over a month ago so I don't recall the teachers name, however I think he is a idiot, i have to give him credit for being different...and sharing his love of music with kids but its outbursts seamed like a mimic of the classic "rock" artist. rebel, outcast, temper...the guys not on the road with frank Zappa, hes teaching music to kids. tough love works yes, but not in every case. I have been playing guitar for thirteen years, and as a guitar player I am sensitive, had a teacher treated me like that I would have whacked him upside the head with my guitar. Anyway There is a part where the ass**** teacher is playing a blues type jam, and had said he hates it when a student is better then him, well it seams that is easy cause he sucks, he had no licks, no soul and no vibrato...then the film seams to play him up as the "mentor" when your ear can tell you he blows.... what grounds then does he have for yelling at the kids, when his own playing fails to impress..The one kid I hope keeps rocking is the 12 year old who at the end plays a amazing solo, kids got it....(teacher don't) thats all oh yeah, most adults who act like the butt monkey teacher end up profiled as weird........aside from the yelling I act the same way its fine, however I play a meaner blues and I am not as much of a honker as said butt monkey....Ps I know my grammar sucks, then again this is not about me........Peace movie fans M.Run


I must admit that if seeing Paul in mid rant were my only knowledge of him I would share other's concerns about his teaching methods. But let's face it, he was playing to the camera and 6-9 months worth of interactions were condensed down to the most entertaining cursing sessions. You could see the counter balance to the rants, in the end sequences there was much affection expressed all around.But, lets focus on the film here; it is funny, moving and shows what kids can do when expectations are high. Go and see this film, if you like to see kids amaze you, and surpass their teacher.Rock school is not for all kids, it has been a source of great growth - both musical and personal for one of my kids, but I know that it would not be the right fit for his sibling. So for those of you who are stuck on why any parent would pay to submit their child to this "abuse", I would say that in reality many different wonderful teachers ( including Paul) are involved with this school and just as this movie will enhance an evening, this school is enhancing many lives.


No one at Sundance had the temerity to ask director Don Argott if he began his documentary of the real-life School of Rock before or after Jason Black's eponymous comedy became a smash hit. In any event, it is fascinating to meet Paul Green, the school's founder, up close and personal. Green is a 30-something adolescent that has never recovered from his dream to be a rock star. So he lives his life vicariously through the kids, teaching them, getting them gigs and trying to mold his place as the greatest developer of young rock 'n roll talent in the world. (It's a nice moniker, but probably doesn't impress the chicks nearly as much as "Rock Star.") Imagine if you will parents paying good money for an after-school program where their children learn the music,history and culture significance of bands like Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin and Metallica. Watch Mom join in the fun by dressing up her nine-year-old boy like Ozzy Osbourne, with a fake cross tattoo on his forehead? (Being something of a traditional parent, Mom couldn't quite be convinced to allow her child to wear the pentagram and other satanic symbols he requested, but it was a close call.) Student Council this is not. But it must be worth it, right? Some of these kids can make their Stratocaster riff like Jimmy Page. And if they're lucky, maybe they can even be rock stars some day, which I'm sure will make them model citizens and bring unbridled happiness and contentment into their lives.Pardon the cynicism. I do love rock 'n roll. And the fact is, this is an entertaining film that flies by—which is a little unusual for a documentary. The kids seemed to like and respect Green, and I think he genuinely cares for them. But as a parent, I can't say that I'd wish the lifestyle on my kids. And I couldn't help but have a sick feeling hearing Mr. Green launch into profanity-filled tirades, or hearing some of the kids return fire.I'm sure that some good comes out of the experience. But at what cost?
