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Donkey Punch

Donkey Punch (2008)

July. 18,2008
| Drama Horror Thriller Crime

Three hot girls, four guys, and one mega-swanky yacht collide for a serious night of drugs and sexual deviancy. One debaucherous act goes too far though, turning this teen joy ride into a weekend of bloody bedlam.


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Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay


While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.


The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;


It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...


It's easy to dismiss this movie as one of the dime-a-dozen teenage horror flicks that flood nowadays. I might have given it my distinguished rating of 7/10 for its almost original story arc. Most of the acting was pretty ordinary, the chicks are almost annoying. Young people wanting to party and have a good time. And after the sex and drugs, I looked at the time and muttered, "ok, so there is 60 more minutes of me watching these kids do stupid things". Thanks to our musketeer Athos, Tom Burke, who played the character of Bluey, a sly DJ-chav (his accentuation reminds me of a whigger); and New Girl pretty boy, Julian Morris, who played shy and awkward Josh made the viewing more bearable. As it turns out the characters did not all go crazy and run amok. It was an unhurried progression of sensible malice, if there is such a thing. The scene with Bluey and Josh talking at night midway through the story was well played. It took Bluey little, if not nothing, to influence the seemingly sissy Josh. If you are willing to overlook some geographical gaffes and dig black humor ("Your lung's filling up with blood but that's why God gave you two") then it might not be too bad to watch. I think there are far more worse films. And I had to pick this one over Fellini's Satyricon, yes, really.


I'm not sure exactly why this is so bad - maybe because there are so many things wrong.Acting was fair. Most characters were annoying and one dimensional. Most people will watch it for the "punch' but it is slow leading up to it and slow afterward. I was relieved to see some of them die.Technically - portions of the movie were so black that you could not see what was happening and this was is places where it lent nothing to the script or movie to do so.Clichés - Many with no twist. Because nothing ever goes wrong when a bunch of kids go party with strangers on a boat...Joke is on the viewer - real person who got punched.


Donkey Punch (meaning hitting a woman whilst having sex) is an odd mash-up of poorly acted Brit flick foolery and a suspenseful murder tainted drama. It sees 3 girls hook up with 3 moronic guys, who then proceed to party on a luxury yacht. Drugs lead to filmed sex partying, which leads to an accidental death. The cover-up of the murder then leads to boys versus girls, and survival. Far-fetched, painfully trying to be trendy and slow this almost decent effort loses it's shock elements and brutal gore to a weakened script and purpose.Nothing more than OK, this is an average Brit horror based drama with twinges of quality, leaving you with a pointless empty feeling that could have been so much more. Brits should not copy US teen styled slasher flicks and stick to gritty, dark, clever plots instead.


STAR RATING: ***** Saturday Night **** Friday Night *** Friday Morning ** Sunday Night * Monday Morning The vast majority of reviews on this site haven't spoken that favourably of Donkey Punch, one in a line of latest Brit horror flicks high on the gore/shock factor. The negative comments stem from the apparently gratuitous violence/sex/language and the unappealing portrayal of modern British teens. All of which have a point, but then people seem to regard the acting and story as pretty poor as well.It's certainly not a film for those with faint hearts or weak stomachs, but the actual set up is genuinely suspenseful and tense, with an eerie silence and brooding atmosphere looming over the beautiful Meditteranian sea and the enclosed confines of the luxury ship. As the film wears on, and the situation gets more intense and desperate, it gathers the air of the 1988 thriller Dead Calm, with the set up being so similar. I can't speak for the other girls, but Jaime Winstone does a decent enough Yorkshire accent, only occasionally lapsing back into her native cockney.If you enjoyed stuff like Eden Lake, this should provide quite a lot of thrills and excitement. ****
