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Tales of an Ancient Empire

Tales of an Ancient Empire (2010)

July. 31,2010
| Adventure Fantasy Horror Action

A princess is on a quest to unite the five greatest warriors to save her kingdom from a demon sorceress.


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Crappy film


It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.

Calum Hutton

It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...


The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.


Half of this movie is told by the guy who shows you his skilled but completely unrealistic drawings while you are trying to play an RPG at the local game shop. Meanwhile, you are ignoring the only attractive female in the place who is a witch casting a spell on you to give her all of your money. You manage to shift your attention to your GM who is really an ancient cyborg vampire who defeated the great robot king Albazarek in the fearsome robot wars of antiquity ushering in the age of man so that the vampires could feast on their blood in the darkness, but that is a story for another time. Your character is a half assed chaotic good human fighter that you hurriedly threw together while your mother talked about how she got the stains out of your underwear. Why can't she leave you alone? You're thirty-eight and obviously busy with something important! The GM spent little time describing the players' surroundings and left you to grope about an empty world trying to make sense of tons of useless background story. Then you notice a D4 on the floor that your skilled eye knows is a holy caltrop +3 from the demonic baby plague that ruined the future, but that is a story for another time...


Congratulations to the director...you made the worst movie of all time. I've never commented on a movie here but couldn't resist after watching this debacle. The effects, acting, and storyline are worse then a junior high theater production. I'm not sure but at times I think the cameraman might have been having a seizure. The storyline has so many plot holes it's like a sieve and what plot there is is so disjointed that you can't tell what's going on or what is supposed to be taking place. Most of the movie makes very little sense and what does is just pointless. I can't say enough bad about this movie. I mean for Christs sake I've seen better vampire fangs in a grocery story Halloween kit then what they used in this "movie"!


As soon as I saw that this was out, I rented it. Wow, what a piece of crap. It had none of the fun of the original and really didn't even tell a story at all. Lee Horsley Does appear but only for a minute and it is disappointing. Some of the plot devices from the original are used but wasted and the whole thing appears to be shot on video. The Tri-Sword appears off camera but is used very poorly. Michael Pare takes the place as the hero/ betrayer of the Sorceress vampire Whatever. Every episode of Hercules is better than this piece of junk. If you want a movie worth of the original, try "season of the Witch" or Solomon Kane.


This type of production should be illegal. It's a waste of money, that could have fed many starving children somewhere in the world. It has no entertainment value. Mostly it seems like a group of former porn film actors had decided to make a non-porn film, but failed miserably. Sure you get to see some tits(which is probably the reason why some praise the movie), but even the tits are as bad in quality as the movie itself.Val Kilmer? Where? The Val Kilmer I remember was an actual actor! Not a wanna-be porn star.What I liked about the film, was that it was on DVD, so I could speed it up to finish it sooner. Breathtakingly bad movie.
