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11:11 (2004)

February. 01,2004
| Horror Thriller

Eighteen years after the murder of her parents, Sara Tobias searches for the meaning of the numbers '11:11' that was scratched in blood beside her mother's body. Following three sudden murders, supernatural events are unleashed as she gets closer to the truth.


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Wow! Such a good movie.


Better Late Then Never


A different way of telling a story

Donald Seymour

This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.


Years ago, Sara, a young girl witnessed her parents being murdered, now as an adult she suffers from various mental ailments (did I mention she has an imaginary friend?) This film lulls the viewer, not into a sense of tension, mind you, but rather a sense of sleepiness. Deathly boring, I found it hard to sit through as I could feel my eyelids growing heavier and heavier with each endless minute of mindless prattle and supposed 'mystery'. Is Sara going crazy? or is it the paranormal? A better question would be, Who cares? And the answer to that, no one. No one at all. Skip this film, save yourself some time better suited to do other more worthwhile tasks.My Grade: D-


I know a couple people who look just like the lead actress in this film (or, at least, like the character she portrays.) They all give me the creeps and I would be the last person to ever lend one of them a gun or even a sharp knife. She has one mean and ugly-looking expression. If you can conjure up a bit of sympathy for her, let me know.Of course, I might have the same expressions of concern and fear if I had an imaginary friend who had been killing off my real friends and acquaintances for the last 15 years.And for our European friends on the IMDb, I'm saddened to say that, yes, some colleges and universities in the US teach courses on paranormal phenomena, relying on the pathetic defense that it represents "academic freedom" and open inquiry.This film is not worth your while. You will have no sympathy for any of the characters (except for Aunt Lydia, who gets offed pretty early) and the plot makes no sense.


i thought this was a really good movie.it's a sort of ghost story/end of the world prophecy combination.it has some similarities to both "The Ring" and "The Grudge".i didn't really care for those 2 movies.i just didn't feel they worked for me.this 1 however,worked really well for me.there are many very suspenseful and eerie moments.the hair on my neck stood up a lot in this movie.i thought the acting was pretty good. i also liked that fact that they kept you guessing about things until the end.i did,anyway,and i wasn't sure how it would end.i like unpredictability in these kinds of movies.the ending is sort of open ended,so you can come to your own conclusions.i think this is 1 of the better movies of this genre,that i have seen.i'm sure there are lot's of plot holes and inconsistencies,if you really look for them.but i just wanted to be entertained and hopefully creeped out for a couple hours,and i was.besides,i/m sure every movie has flaws of some kind.it just depends what your reasons for watching are.if you did enjoy "The Grudge" and "The Ring",you may enjoy this movie as much or maybe more.for me,"11:11:Hell's Gate is a 9/10

Joseph P. Ulibas

11:11 a.k.a. Hell's Gate (2004) is another bad horror movie that tries too hard to be something it's not. A young girl has an imaginary play mate. One day whilst out in the fields playing with her friends, a couple of fugitives visit her parents and whack them off for no apparent reason. The young girl runs off and hides from the bad men. Years later, the girl grows up into a woman with problems. Losers at her school (looking like repressed homosexuals) flaunt their manhood in front of her when she rejected one of them. The girls hate her and life in general is miserable for her. A secret from her past returns to visit her. Who or what is it? Why does everyone hate her? What's her Guardian's problem with her? To find out you'll have to watch Hell's Gate.The new title makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. I don't know why people are given money to make such bad movies. This film is not even good enough to make fun of. It's a head ache inducing mess that'l confuse anyone who tries to make some sense out of it. Not worth your time.Not recommended.
