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Loose Screws

Loose Screws (1985)

August. 01,1985
| Comedy

What happens when four high school screw-ups are forced to attend an academy summer school to graduate? They turn their scholastic sentence into a wacky game of trying to improve their scores... with the women. The ultimate conquest for the 100-point prize is the sexy new French teacher, but she proves to be a bigger challenge than their failing grades. The unforgiving principal foils every scheme, and their sidesplitting last chance is the academy's anniversary celebration.


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Wonderful character development!


Good , But It Is Overrated By Some

Brennan Camacho

Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.


It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.


Loose Screws (1985)* 1/2 (out of 4) Sequel to SCREWBALLS finds four perverted guys getting sent to a school with plenty of women where they decide to play a rating game. For every girl they score with they get ten points but the main prize is a French teacher with big breasts. I'm still a little confused as why they'd punish perverts by sending them to a school with nothing but women. Anyways, this 80's teen-sex comedy is pretty bad no matter how you look at it. It's clear that the original movie made some money so this thing was rushed into production without much of a screenplay. Instead of any type of story we're just graced with scenes where one of the four men will be making out with a number of women who find them desirable. None of these scenes are all that erotic and it's rare for me to say this but even the nudity gets boring after a while. There's also very few laughs to be found here as the "stunts" and "games" played by the guys are all rather lame. The film tries hard to recapture the spirit of the first movie but it pretty much fails on all levels. Even the ending tries to copy the one in the original but it just doesn't work. The performances are certainly below average but I'll overlook this since we really don't come to these movies to see Oscar-winning performances. The characters aren't all that likable and it's really hard to care about anything going on. LOOSE SCREWS is a pretty poor movie that was made just to try and get some extra bucks off the first film's success.


It's pretty silly and it's the sequel to "Screwballs". A movie that is considered a classic by some. But while you can argue about the quality of the first movie (especially if you had watched it back in the day and like to reminisce about the good old days), it's almost impossible to find anything good in this one. It tries to up the ante, in the sex comedy department, but does not achieve it.It even tries to copy some scenes (the first doctor related at the beginning), again upping the ante. But it doesn't achieve much. You have to have really low expectations to like this or have watched it back in the day too. Maybe though you can see through the mist of remembering that it is not funny at all. The main song also reminds me of "Footloose" a lot. I wonder if there was a controversy when the movie came out ... doesn't matter though.


Hey, this was one of a line of random movies we rent at parties. We didn't even know that it was the sequel to some other movie, maybe that's a good thing from what I've read. But all I know is that we laughed our heads off the whole movie and has been the best random movie that we rented so far. Now we'll have to go back and try to find that other movie before it.


LOOSE SCREWS reminds me of other lame sequels to sex romps. HOLLYWOOD HOTTUBS 2, BIKINI CAR WASH 3, EMMANUEL 34...the list goes on and on. And this film is no exception.I liked the original film, SCREWBALLS. It was a silly comedy about five teen boys trying to get laid, and the many loose women and wacky adventures that the high schoolers encounter. It was a take on PORKY'S, but a much funnier one. There is genuine joy in SCREWBALLS, which is sorely lacking in LOOSE SCREWS.Once again, we have characters trying to have sex, but the results are less funny this time. There's the fat guy, the nerdy guy, the womanizer: all of the cliches of the genre we have now come to expect. But, the cast is different, and the women are not the same ones from the original. While SCREWBALLS bordered on soft-core (granted very fun soft-core), LOOSE SCREWS is neutered. Nothing worse than a sex romp without sex.Still, there are a few moments that made me laugh in this film, and maybe if you're feeling less discriminating one night, it's possible to enjoy the movie. Yet, after seeing SCREWBALLS, this film is a very pale second.
