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King Naresuan Part: 1

King Naresuan Part: 1 (2007)

January. 18,2007
| Drama Action History War

The film concerns the life of King Naresuan, who liberated the Siamese from the control of Burma. Born in 1555, he was taken to Burma as a child hostage; there he became acquainted with sword fighting and became a threat to the Burmese empire.


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I saw this movie before reading any reviews, and I thought it was very funny. I was very surprised to see the overwhelmingly negative reviews this film received from critics.


It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.


The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.

Francene Odetta

It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.


"Kingdom of War"--which was the title I saw it under in a two-disc DVD set from Magnolia Home Entertainment--has some things going against it but a lot more going for it. For Westerners unfamiliar with Thai history, it gets a bit confusing because so many historical names and places are mentioned and the shifting political and military alliances change so often that it's hard to tell the players without a scorecard and, as other reviewers have mentioned, the acting is, at times, somewhat stilted. Also, I know that royalty is revered in Thailand, possibly more so than in other countries, but seeing the complete subservience of everyone to the various kings and lords--there were even scenes of people walking toward the king on their knees because apparently no one is allowed to stand taller than the king, something I'd never seen before--is somewhat hard for Westerners to take (we're much more comfortable cursing and swearing at our leaders than prostrating ourselves in front of them, as much as they'd no doubt probably like us to).That's all small potatoes, though. Overall, I enjoyed this film way more than I thought I would. It's an epic in every conceivable sense of the word--thousands of extras, huge and fantastic sets, beautiful costumes and interiors (palaces, throne rooms, etc.), and truly spectacular battle scenes. The story--after you finally figure out who is who--is fascinating and not all the acting is stilted; the actress who plays Princess Lekin is not only one of the most ravishingly beautiful women I've ever seen but gives a first-rate performance, possibly the best one in the film. The man who plays King Nerusuan--the Special Features section, which you should really watch, says he is actually a Thai Army colonel who was hired because the producers wanted someone with military experience to play one of Thailand's great military heroes--also contributes an excellent job, along with several other actors in lesser roles (the head monk and Prince Menechan, among others).As I said, it's a bit hard to slog through in the beginning, but once you get the different characters, kingdoms, etc., straightened out, it's an incredibly enjoyable film, both visually and story-wise. I recommend it.


This is supposedly an epic story about a King Naresuan during his childhood era, which supposedly, in his later years protected the invading Burmese from conquering Thailand, by driving them out.Basically it is actually a heresy to say the movie is not good for Thai audiences and hence, in my opinion it is overrated. However, this is on of the best of 3 part series of the movie. The best in my opinion is Part 3 (climax), followed by Part 1, and Part 2. Much of the complaints came to part 2, which doesn't exist historically and many audiences were left complaining about the main actors' escapades with women, which actually was in conflict historically as he had little time for that. This fact is actually generally well known by the watching audience, so basically the director just stepped on a very sensitive big toe of the audiences. Something that a director should not do since they are the ones who come to enjoy the movie.The problem about this movie, which is actually Part 1 is that the movie, cinematic version has been adapted for the movie has actually changed so much of the story historically (known by a majority of the audiences) and in very successful dramatic stage plays that actually had gained a wide television audience acceptance in Thailand (another big blunder). The most common complaints I received from viewers is that, if only the cinematic movie had been more faithful to the original dramatic stage plays or most of the television version of this movie, but with better cinematography, it would gained a strong following, at least internationally. Cinematography, is o.k., in general, but I do received complaints from viewing the initial hour of the movie to be a bit too dark on the lighting. This movie is basically similar to George Lucas, Star Wars Episode I, in which actors, and actress are cardboard character, language are somewhat unnatural, but in addition is the problem of poor editing, long sequences of movies at points where it doesn't seem to contribute to the overall story.Basically a good movie, at least for the Thai audiences anyway, is that it is historically accurate at least to what the audiences are generally aware of(it would be insulting to actually say something contradictory), or faithful to the original successful dramatic plays (much like Mr. Bean's Holiday, that used the same original movie that made Mr. Bean so successful), or another that departed so much from the formula of success was the Godzilla movie, done by the Emmerich.The key of the movie's success, that could have improved is the addition of dramatic elements, the toning down of unneeded parts of the story, and I am sure about more than half of the movie can be edited out, and at least dramatic elements be added, at least initially in the start of the movie and getting the audiences attention, is something that needs a lot of improvement.Back to basic emphasis is needed in the movie, which is the basic theme of the movie, or the message, is missing, which I think should be how Naresuan achieved his greatness, and his ability of cunningness, would at least be helpful. Most thematic elements here are actually missing, a more successful movie, while there is little truth, was The Curse of The Golden Flower. While that movie had little relevance historically, its major thematic elements were that the King tried to poison his wife. While many plot elements, especially during the fight scenes in elaborate traps, were bad and contrived, the actors and the intensity of the actors, actress were excellent. I think that thematic elements is sorely needed in this movie.Most of this movie lacked the stress, intensity in the actors and actresses needed to move the audiences. One of the most important elements of the story besides Aristotle's claim that plots are more important character is not really true, at least for today's movie. While we do claim plots in many movie reviews to be important, it is that most important elements should be the Theme of the movie, and the Premise of the movie that the plots should support.If the Premise of the movie is a historical one, at least the major historical elements should get the audiences to agree and enjoy the movie more so than audiences going into defensive, and just watching the plot goes from one part to another part of the movie. Otherwise you get busy body in the movie, much like Next 2007, without a message, and the believability elements, which is the primal force of Premise, is lacking, but has a strong weight in all of Kubrick's movie, especially Clockwork Orange and Dr. Strangelove.If any directors want to have a good movie despite his bad editing, Kubrick's movie was a bit long, not well edited in many scenes, he still won the day because his premise for the story was strong and plot elements were there to prove his premise, which buildup to a strong message or a theme of the overall masterpiece, which we can sum up in few words, such as in Dr. Strangelove, that an accidental holocaust can happen. What about the possibility of the movie Naresuan? A good premise, where many plots element are supportive is the argument that one person, can indeed make a difference. Length of the movie is not of the essence. How many would complain Godfather is ever long a movie, which is about 175 minutes, but feels more like 30 minutes. If I had no intelligence in making any movie, there is one factor I will look that I know the movie will make it big: if people will not take their eyes off the screen for the entire movie, I have got a hit.


After seen two episodes of this movie, I can say it's better than Suriyothai in every aspect, especially in story telling. But it's still not good enough to give the audience of its full picture. Time in movie's confusing, at any moment, I couldn't know whether it'd been a day or a month. Just felt that people moved from city to city so fast. The film also spent significant time on side line stories that, IMHO, unnecessary. However, I like sound effect and music, it fitted nicely with many scenes. Especially, in episode 2, it gave great feeling in many battle scenes. Totally, I like this movie. I consider it as the best & great Thai movie for current time and hope to see it better in future time.


The Legend of Naresuan was originally planned a one long epic film that would contain all the historically facts and fiction; however, later compromised by Momchao Chatrichalerm Yukol to be cut into three separate films; and hence crippled by this. The first film of the trilogy was planned to be an explosion of Siamese pride and euphoria, not only for its history, but also a revitalization of Thailand's decrescendo of its movie industry. The film overall was quite satisfactory, from the emotional flashbacks of how the great Siamese kingdom of Ayodhya was so easily and effortlessly relinquished; to the exhilarating scenes of the royally-endorsed cockfight between the Burmese heir-apparent's son's cock and Naresuan's. The witty scenes between Naresuan, his guiding monk, Boonthing, and Manichan add seriously need comic relief to the film; yet at the end of the film; most would agree that it was over all too abruptly; and are forced to tie up loose ends in possibly another six hours of storytelling. In short, engulf but unfulfilled trilogy-opening film.
