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Atlas Shrugged: Part III

Atlas Shrugged: Part III (2014)

September. 12,2014
| Drama Science Fiction Mystery

Approaching collapse, the nation's economy is quickly eroding. As crime and fear take over the countryside, the government continues to exert its brutal force against the nation's most productive who are mysteriously vanishing - leaving behind a wake of despair. One man has the answer. One woman stands in his way. Some will stop at nothing to control him. Others will stop at nothing to save him. He swore by his life. They swore to find him.


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This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place

Robert Joyner

The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one

Mischa Redfern

I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.

Roy Hart

If you're interested in the topic at hand, you should just watch it and judge yourself because the reviews have gone very biased by people that didn't even watch it and just hate (or love) the creator. I liked it, it was well written, narrated, and directed and it was about a topic that interests me.


It's the curiosity more than anything. I've already seen the first two "Atlas Shrugged" movies; can't really leave the trilogy unfinished, right? This is what drove me to finish an unsatisfactory series of movies. And the final entry finishes things off in the worst possible fashion.I'm not even concerned with Ayn Rand's philosophy, only with Part III's complete mishandling of it. This is a cartoon with robotic performances, non-existent production values and haphazard direction. The dialogue's stilted, none of these TV actors have any breathing room, and the story rolls out in a hurried low-standards manner. It's so cheap and so cut-rate that any message (even one delivered with a smug sledgehammer) is smothered in the execution. At a certain point, it just becomes unintentionally funny. Just not funny enough to be entertaining.Is this at all like the book? I have no idea, but once was more than enough with this movie. What a sad end.


This is one of the WORST movies I have ever seen as to the performance of the actors and actresses. I have been a fan of Ayn Rand and Atlas Shrugged for over fifty years. This movie is ONLY for fans of Ayn Rand and Atlas Shrugged. As movies go, it is my opinion it is a total failure.There was not one scene or one performance by an actor or actress that was worth watching. I think Ayn Rand would totally disown this total failure of any form of entertainment. I found it painful to watch all parts of this movie. It would have been better if this movie had never been made. Unfortunately, far too many will form totally wrong opinions of the novel ATLAS SHRUGGED and Ayn Rand and her philosophy of Objectivism.Atlas Shrugged: Part I (2011) and Atlas Shrugged II: The Strike (2012) are great. Maybe not as great as they could have been if well know stars could have been in the movies.The Passion of Ayn Rand (1999) (TV Movie) is a terrific movie.


The third installment in this series is somehow worse than the first two. Lazy exposition (voiceovers galore!) and lame acting make an already-bad story that much worse. Ideologically, I'm biased - I disagree with pretty much everything Ayn Rand had to say - but I'm not talking about ideology here. On an objective level, this is just a bad movie. It's boring. It's confusing. It makes no effort at continuity with the first two installments. The best part of this movie was Galt's monologue on the airwaves, and even that was executed in the most obvious, hackneyed way. I imagine that this movie was made not by film people, but by Objectivism people. That's cool; everyone needs to get their message out somehow. Just saying, they could have made a YouTube video - cheaper and more to the point. Oh, and I LOVE that this was funded by a Kickstarter. I'm sure Ayn Rand would have been so happy to know that donations from fans went into bringing her story to the big screen. The book was better - you care about the characters much, much more.


Lets see, we a have a "motor" that takes electricity from the air and produces enough electricity to run the west coast. All from a metal box the size of a farmers outhouse. With no less than a secret saying boldly lettered above the door to open the door. Next, we have the secretive, and highly prized Project F. This little gem of an interlude is a smaller metal box with lots of pretty blue, green and red LED's plastered all over it. This Project F will extract information from any poor SOB connected to it via cheap looking jumper cables. Poor hero John Galt is hooked up to this thing to get him to change his mind about being a true blue Capitalists and spill the beans on the whereabouts of the other true blues. So, no doubt, using Galts own "motor" electricity he is switched on and starts to hum and smoke. Wow! Project F turns out to be nothing more than an extension cord plugged into a 110 AC electrical outlet. Anyway, Project F is a government job and no doubt headed up by the Pentagon. This movie would have been perfect as another Austin Powers comedy.
