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Daddy, I'm a Zombie

Daddy, I'm a Zombie (2013)

September. 17,2013
| Fantasy Animation Horror Comedy

The misadventures of a teenager girl in her new life as zombie.


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I wanted to but couldn't!


Highly Overrated But Still Good

Derry Herrera

Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.

Ella-May O'Brien

Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.


Being such a huge fan of animation, it does honestly pain me whenever any criticisms are made to a film or television series that are mediocre or less when talking about them. It gives me no pleasure at all, despite how my previous negative reviews for animation sound, in saying anything bad but one has to if the product in question disappoints.There are certainly far worse animated films out there than 'Daddy, I'm a Zombie', while it is very muddled and lacking in many areas 'Daddy, I'm a Zombie' at least looks like some effort was put into it. On the other hand, there's much better too, animation that is much better made, has better written characters, are funnier, more touching, more charming and execute a darker tone far better. 'Daddy, I'm a Zombie' is not awful, but it rarely rises above mediocre.'Daddy, I'm a Zombie's' best asset is some of the animation. There are some lovely atmospheric colours that give off a strong Gothic vibe and the backgrounds clearly look like a lot of care and detail went into them. The music is similarly bang on, it's both haunting and energetic with a nice oddball touch when needed.Always appreciate animated or family films that integrate family and friendship lessons, messages and values, even when they are not new or have been done much better. This is the case with those of 'Daddy, I'm a Zombie', these gave the film some heart and didn't feel like one is listening to a sermon, which is to me not how teaching lessons, messages and values should be like, while still making its point. Funny moments are occasional, but are only mildly amusing.However, the writing is too reminiscent of a failed high-school script-writing project, filled with tired clichés and stereotypes, childish comedy, mawkish emotional moments, unevenly executed horror and shallow and less than innocent romantic elements. In short, a cliché ridden muddle. Even more of a let down is the story, some of it is easy to follow, veering on the too simplistic for older audiences, while having lapses in logic that may confuse younger ones. It tries to execute many elements (too many perhaps) and executes them continually superficially.Comedy is occasionally mildly amusing but tends to be childish, predictable and overdone. The horror elements are done very unevenly, some of the more violent moments may frighten the primary target audience and tonally feel very jarring and others are disappointingly tame for a film that tries to give off a Gothic vibe a la Tim Burton. As said, there is a Tim Burton influence, it seems, to how the Gothic element is handled. 'Daddy, I'm a Zombie' may have intended to treat it as a homage but it just ended up being very derivative but with nowhere near the amount of oddball charm, spark and pathos of Burton's early work that are especially successful in the Gothic touch. Oh and the plot twist is one of the most predictable in the whole of animation.Sadly didn't find myself connecting to any of the characters, they are little more than archetypes that are flimsily developed and generally lack personality. The family elements could have been heartfelt but went the cloyingly over-sentimental and over-familiar route. The voice acting ranges from uninspired to annoying. Before one forgets, while the colours and backgrounds can't be faulted, the character designs are often stiff and robotic.Overall, mediocre but not a complete waste. 4/10 Bethany Cox


Not all of want our kids growing up on the candy floss that is Disney, or with their heads in the Puritanical sands. That being said, this is a pretty mindless movie and really just good for idle background noise.Is this a movie for incredibly young children? No, aim more for 11+ with this one, in terms of content. As far as intellectual level goes, even small children would get bored.The animation style is somewhere between Tim Burton, Jimmy Neutron, and Double Fine's video game "Psychonauts". There are some nods to Mr. Burton throughout the film, which is nice, just as it's nice to see more than one person putting out movies geared for the more Goth among us.But, and I can not stress this enough, don't expect mental stimulation from this feel-good gothy film. Expect some pretty color combinations, darker themes, and a lot of useless dialog.


My daughter begged me to get this at the Redbox after watching the trailer online.Even the trailer gave me pause, and with good reason, it turns out. I should have not let her persuade me to get her this appalling movie.So here's the story:Tweenage girl has tweenage girl troubles and wishes she was dead.Pow! Lightning hits a tree and a huge limb crushes her to death.Just so you're absolutely clear on this: YOUR CHILD WILL WATCH A GIRL BE CRUSHED TO DEATH BY A TREE LIMB.Oh, and to make it more disturbing, it's established early on that her father is a mortician, so the plot strongly suggests he embalmed his own daughter.Well, now. No worries, though, because instead of actually being dead, she rises from a stone tomb as some sort of not-dead, half-skeleton zombie, and joins a ragtag pair of other zombies to escape some satanic villain and open a magical portal which will transport them back to the moment before they were killed.Because death isn't permanent, see? You can wish you were dead, die, then come back to your folks all sorry about it through some magical portal. Great lesson to teach our bullied young children, don't you think?Bah! In little more than an hour, this poorly animated film with perhaps the most wretched storyline anyone's ever dreamed up accomplishes thus:-- It teaches your troubled young girls death is the answer to their growing pains.-- Bullied in life? There's friends on the other side who understand your problems!-- And everything's gonna be OK anyway, because you can come back through a portal, just like this girl and her friends!-- So go ahead and die! It's fun!This is a horrid movie, with a horrid story, containing horrid lessons. Only horrid people would create and release a film like this for children, and I'm a horrid dad for letting my child watch it.Learn from my mistake. Let this "zombie" rot at the Redbox.


Daddy, I'm a Zombie is fantastic movie for children. My 9 year-old daughter and 89 year-old son loved it and I felt good about them watching a movie with a great a positive message. I don't agree with those other critics that say it's not educational. The movie has a pretty strong moral. The animation was also pretty good and characters colorful and endearing. Just remember that it is PG so even when the characters design and the plot are still for children and are very innocent, they could be still a bit frightening to very young children (like any other PG movie!) I wish the rest of the films in this genre were as wonderful. Thanks!
