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Jingle All the Way 2

Jingle All the Way 2 (2014)

December. 02,2014
| Comedy Family

Larry's daughter wants only one thing for Christmas - a talking bear. His daughter's step-dad intends to make sure that Larry can't get one.


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Wonderful Movie


if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.


The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.

Aubrey Hackett

While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.


I happened upon this film this Christmas season and found it surprisingly funny. Now I will say that, dumb as parts of it were, I did enjoy the original with Arnold somewhat more than this one. But there were some funny scenes in this one, including some slapstick that will surely entertain young folks.Here we have a man named Larry, played by Larry the Cable Guy who is much like the character he plays elsewhere. In fact, one of the funnier bits was a sort of spoof of Larry's bit involving a doll that was too-familiar to the character in the film. Larry is seen having a wonderful time with his young daughter, Noel, who clearly loves her dad, but who also loves her mom and likes her new step-dad.In all the early scenes, Victor, the step-dad, appears to be a very nice man who is happy to have Larry around, sharing time with him even though they have little in common. The only conflict early-on comes from both dads wanting Noel to love them the most and both feeling like they cannot compete with each other.Larry reads Noel's letter to Santa, believing it to say that the one thing she wants is the year's "must-have" toy, a stuffed bear named Harrison that talks. The way the letter was written makes him question if that is what she wants, but this is never questioned for most of the film. I don't believe this is a spoiler because we get to read the letter too, and while we might not figure out what she wrote, the Harrison Bear seems the most plausible to us as well.So Larry goes to get one but finds the store out of stock. Unknown to him, Victor is so eager to become loved by Noel that he goes to great expense (he owns a big company) by sending his security head to go everywhere around and buy out all available Harrisons, just to keep Larry from giving one to Noel. His employee, Welling, goes to great pains to make sure Larry doesn't get one.Larry deals with a number of unfortunate incidents along the way, including some physical stuff that was comical and a scene where the police appear ready to ruin his Christmas. He dresses up like a hobo to get a bear from a charity Santa location but endures being spotted by an old friend who mistakes him for a homeless guy. It was funny that she recognized him, given the disguise he wore.He finally discovers Victor's role in the shortage of bears and confronts him, and the two wind up realizing they don't need to compete for Noel's attention so much.I know the plot was rather simple and the film lacked the wild finish the original had, but it was reasonably enjoyable. There was no language or nudity to make it objectionable. Larry's off-color humor was greatly reined in from most of his appearances. I cannot claim this to be a new perennial for each Christmas season. I just think it was reasonably funny.


Wow, I couldn't even stand half-way through the hole movie. Everything was predictable and played out exactly as the first movie. With no effort of making a new plot or style but sticking to the old "Larry can't act" movies. I mean, out of all the Larry movies this is by far the worst. Larry is probably worse than having Adam Sandler play in the movie, I mean Adam would have been able to pull it off better than him. Hollywood just completely ran out of ideas and recycled the same old crap with some new setting, toy and characters. But instead of making a toy sell out faster than anything else, it turns out to be a guy buying them (not gonna name who for the sake of spoilers). I had to stop the movie because if you have seen the first movie, you would know what was going to happen and it's the exact same. No changes just the same old plot with small tweaks.Final Comment: No potential, bad story, bad reboot. Final Score: 1/10


Do any of you understand what it means to review a movie? It is not your job or place to tear down a film simply because you did not like it. A review is meant to help an audience understand the positive and negative aspects of a product. If you were to be so prudent to say there were no positive aspects to this movie, then you must be too ignorant to have noticed them. As for the movie, it received a four star rating simply because the flow of the movie was disrupted by the numerous short and obvious father vs. step-father escapades, and for the fact that it was meant for entertainment, not inspiration. However, contrary to many of the other reviews, if you like Larry and his low-brow style of comedy, then you will certainly find yourself laughing several times throughout the film.


I like goofy movies with little to no plot as long as they are funny and entertaining. Jingle All The Way original is a movie with it all so when I saw a number 2 I thought I have to see it, after all, how bad can it be with Larry The Cable Guy in it!! I will admit I have enjoyed most of his movies but there is a first for everything. This one was named appropriately, cause it smelled like number 2. The little girl was so close to a clone of the darling in the Miracle on 34th street remake but the cute factor couldn't save this special movie. Interesting how he drove past a totally wide open lake on his way to go ice fishing, must have been a long drive. The best part of this movie was the end, I don't mean the ending, rather the credits, yes it's that bad and as I said, I enjoy goofy movies and low budget creations, this one won't be a Christmas staple at our house. I was extra generous with the score of 3.
