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Big Fish & Begonia

Big Fish & Begonia (2018)

April. 06,2018
| Adventure Fantasy Animation

Beyond the human realm, there is a magical race of beings who control the tides and the changing of the seasons. One of these beings, a young girl named Chun, seeks something more—she wants to experience the human world! At sixteen, she finally gets her chance and transforms into a dolphin in order to explore the world that has her fascinated. But she soon discovers that it's a dangerous place and nearly gets killed in a vortex. Luckily, her life is spared when a young boy sacrifices himself to save her. Moved by his kindness and courage, she uses magic to bring him back to life only to learn that this power comes at a serious price. On a new adventure, she’ll have to make her own sacrifices in order to protect his soul until it is ready to return to the human world.


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Am i the only one who thinks........Average?


A Disappointing Continuation


A story that's too fascinating to pass by...


While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.

Akimbo Tim

I am truly impressed. I cried a lot while watched this piece of art. I can't write it detailed how beautiful was the story, music and the picture as well (because of my bad English), and the music followed those. I feel like i've become more just because i watched this animation movie. I would hardly recommend to everyone.


The standard for animated excellence is usually boiled down to how well it compares to a Ghibli film. No other studio makes animated films with such vision, creativity and originality. I was shocked to find a similar work ethic in this Chinese film, and I have to say, if they keep it up, we actually might have another contender to the throne. This movie does so many things right, that I could go on and on taking up valuable site space, so I'll just condense my review to as simple a review as possible; Watch this movie by any means necessary. The animation is beautiful the story is touching, the music is transcendent. It is a marvel of modern storytelling, and it deserves to be seen by everyone with a pulse. SEE THIS MOVIE.Seriously.

Wenda Hu

I have not watched a film made in China for quite a long time even if I am Chinese myself. Our film industry still has a long way to go. However, I am deeply impressed by the creative story and the perfect combination of 2D and 3D animation of DaYuHaiTang, and I personally consider the film as a revolutionary art piece. Through the story, the film emphasize the relationship of our life and our dreams. It encourages us to stick to what we eager for, to what we believe, even when the environment is against us. In the movie, Kun is the symbol of our dreams. It grows, it flies, and its life is tightly related to the one who raises it. We are born to achieve something, if the goal in our life isn't achieved eventually, our life is meaningless. Be brave and go ahead, that's what the film wants to teach us.The movie contains many Chinese traditional elements, which has seldom been seen before. I am also glad to see that Chinese animation has finally started to focus on how to move audience emotionally. However, there are many shortcomings as well. The film has a good story, but it failed to tell it well. The plot goes too fast at the beginning, and too slow at the end. Besides, a lot of redundant words can be found during conversations. Maybe the film crew should do something about that in their next movie.The film did a great job, but it's the audience in the cinema that let me down. I was shocked to see many people laughing mockingly at the characters at some meaningful scenes just because it seems funny to them. Some people are even insulting the film and the characters on the Internet as well. In my opinion, whether a film is good or not, it is an art piece, and it is the result of the film crew's diligence and creativity. We should talk about the strong points and drawbacks of the film objectively, not insulting it without thinking deeply. The poor moral quality of the audience can be seen in those rude remarks. The Chinese animation industry is developing rapidly, it's the audience ability to appreciate films that failed to keep up.

Ban Li

Da Hai (Da Yu Hai Tang), an animation that can easily impress you with fantastic graphics, yet it's seemingly simple plot can hardly be understood thoroughly without background knowledge of ancient Chinese culture and myth.--------Here may involve some plot detail, watch out--------The story outline appears to be a girl (Chun) trying to get back the life of a boy who saved her. However the real No.1 actor, is the boy behind Chun, another one of "the others", Qiu, who has the ability to manipulate water.Chun has the ability to manipulate the growth of Hai Tang (Begonia in Chinese), which was once named "Beauty of the Nation" in traditional Chinese poetry. However, her fight against the society of "the others" is in no way fragile as the flower. Instead, the power of will is so strong that can overcome obstacle from authority, natural disaster, and familiar bond. Guess that's why she is name after a 16,000 years old tree, Chun. Qiu was Chun's childhood friend. And he has always loved Chun secretly. The love was so strong that he would give up everything including his freedom of eternity to exchange the happiness of Chun and her beloved one. Started from a young boy who just become an adult last year, Qiu even dare to steal the sacred mask that is used to connect fairy-land and the human world. People always say until death tear us apart as a promise between lovers. But the cruel separation between Qiu and Chun was even beyond the dimension of life and death--Qiu has to observe, manage and maintain the spiritual library(known as Tong Tian Ge, the pavilion to the sky) that over sees the spirits of everyone. That is to say, though deeply in love with Chun, Qiu has to watch her life and death and there is little he can do about it. The worst thing is not that you don't know if you can get what you want if you try, it is the desperation that you know for sure you can never get what you what, and yet you only can sit and watch the last thing you want to see from happening. What will Qiu become? Like the sneaky predecessor, the "trader"? or getting "mature" like everyone else in the fairy-land?That, is the only thing I really really want to know.
