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Muck (2015)

March. 13,2015
| Horror

A group of friends emerge from the darkness, bloody and lucky to be alive. Having already lost two friends in the marsh, they break into an empty vacation house to take shelter. Whatever was in the marsh is still after them, but it's not the only thing that wants them dead. Something much worse and more savage lays in wait.


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An absolute waste of money


I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible


This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.

Adeel Hail

Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.

Michael Ledo

A group of young adults are out one summer during St. Patrick's in the wilds of Cape Cod in the town of Wes(t) Craven. They are being hunted by Kane Hodder and company who hack them up and rip off the tops of women...and then hack them up. We don't know who or why. The kids reaction in not getting the police is inane. The bad guys appear to be the offspring of Michael Berryman. Nothing makes sense except that the film was designed that way.This is a spoof of the 80's horror/slasher film. In fact Billy (Grant Alan Ouzts) comically explains who dies and why and in what order. He even claims Kylie is too classy to show her boobs and it is even in her contract...a little hint that the top billed Playboy starlet keeps her top on. Nothing makes sense. All the women were beautiful. There was an abundance of nudity. The only thing missing was a chainsaw.In addition to the frequent topless scenes, I also liked the dialogue, sort of like buying Playboy for the articles. I caught a street name in the film and searched it on line only to find a 1862 square foot house on said road in West Dennis Cape Cod that rents itself out and looked identical to the one in the film in case you are looking for a vacation home used in a B horror film. I am in no way connected to the film, but did visit Cape Cod once.It is a film not to be taken seriously. F-bomb, Nudity (Stephanie Danileson, Laura Van Hees, Laura Jacobs, and Ava whose face we don't see, is deliberately uncredited, they blurred out the name, and might be our Playboy starlet.)


Let me get this straight; a group of men sat down, had a meeting, and decided that they were going to make a movie. They wrote a script, got funding, hired actors, SFX people, crew, etc. to make said film. People woke up every day to go to work to make this, and not ONE SINGLE PERSON saw what was being made and said, "I'm out!". I am not even using hyperbole here when I say that this has got to be one of the worst turds I have ever had the misfortune of poisoning my eyes with. Nothing about this movie makes sense, and everything is just so poorly done, I am shocked that anyone would want to have their name attached to it.This is what I think really happened; a bunch of High School drop-outs came into some money and decided to make a film for the sole purpose of seeing some females naked. Everything about this movie revolves around unattractive girls showing off their surgery, and after the third girl spent more than 6 minutes staring at herself in the mirror, I wondered if anyone even cared about the plot. Look, porn isn't rare anymore. You don't have to watch these types of movies to see breasts. Why do the man-children that make these movies think that anyone would enjoy seeing these poor excuses for actors? Not a single one of them a talented actor, yet they are parading around like they are being paid to be "hot". It's unfortunate, and truly a testament to how maturity and intelligence play a big role in how successful the end result of any film production might be.The sole saving grace of this movie were the antagonists; they were vicious,they didn't speak, and they killed without prejudice. It's a damn shame that such an effective villain was wasted on this PlayboyTV reject of a movie.Case in point, I will put the names of everyone involved in this on a list of crappy movies and make it a point to avoid anything and everything any one of them is ever involved in. I am tired of these types of individuals taking advantage of the horror genre simply because it doesn't require much effort. Avoid this film and never spend any moneyon anything these people ever make.Tragic film-making at its worst.


First off, having read the majority of the previous reviews for this film, it's obviously not everybody's cup of tea. That said, I thought I'd give it a go anyway & have to say that I'm glad I did. I struggle to understand how this film has such a low rating from so many reviews?!?! The film is full of clichés & gratuitous nudity & to be fair it does feel as though the first 20 minutes of the film are missing. But it didn't take me long to pick up what was happening & I thought the mix of comedic moments & gratuitous gore/nudity were great. It's a fun, tongue in cheek, horror film. If you want serious horror, it's not for you. If you're going to sit there & ask yourself why a man whose friends have been brutally murdered has stopped at a bar for a drink, or to perv on a half naked woman whilst he's searching for help, it's not for you. If you want a silly, over the top, blood/gore/T&A fest, give it a go. You won't be disappointed. Personally, I loved it & eagerly await a sequel.


I was hopeful. I was wrong. My wife often chides me for watching crappy movies, and while some are not the best works of film, they are still enjoyable to watch. This was not. This is probably the worst film I've seen in 35 years of watching movies - and I've seen a LOT of 80's B-movies, so I know Crap when I see it. I'm sure the writing sounded witty in their head whilst composing, but it did not work in practice. The situational dialogue and reactions are completely unbelievable. People don't react the way these characters did. Good writing would have helped this film immensely. I'm wondering if Wolsh even passed the script to anyone for their opinion before deciding to do it. Seriously, it's that bad. Nothing about the plot was explained and at the end of the movie you're left wondering what the heck. Now, I understand this is supposed to be part of a trilogy or something, but even basic movies wrap up a little and leave you with some satisfaction before the cliffhanger. I just wanted something explained. Anything. Please! The ONLY positive thing I will say about this was their practical effects. I will give them a pat on the back for that. No CGI is great. So if they were using this to hone their craft in movie making, they achieved that goal. However, any movie needs a plot to follow and there was just no development of any kind. For a horror flick, I expected to see gratuitous T&A, and you get that, but even that isn't done well and I was left hoping they'd just get them off screen so they can move on with the story. Don't even bother with this film unless you are a friend of someone involved in the movie and you owe them a BIG favor, or you just lost a huge dare. God, please don't let them make the rest.
