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Frenemies (2012)

January. 13,2012
| Drama Comedy Family TV Movie

Three pairs of friends relationships go from good to bad and back again. Several couple fall out over girls, boys and work. Can all these couples settle their differences and be friends again?


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How wonderful it is to see this fine actress carry a film and carry it so beautifully.


The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.


Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.


I absolutely loved this movie, it was an awesome movie coming from a 23 year old! I do recommend! So upset I can't find on DVD as they took it off Netflix!

Sukhmeet Singh Dhingra

Now this movie has some really unhelpful advice to your kids, most of it would be only successful in an ideal world. It's split into 3 parts each mentioning something about a terrible moral judgment, I'll spoil the basics. 1. There's this kid who for a simply girl; tells his dog to get out, (whom I expect he didn't have the best relationship with anyway), later he finds out that she's been going out with a few more guys because of another girl who has a crush on him. 2. A couple of young teenagers who are extremely obsessed with the fashion industry, (whom nobody at the school knows about for some odd reason), are invited for a job opportunity and bump into some narcissistic adult. They are eventually told by her that only one of them can have a job, so they both go through some bogus random coincidences to interview the exact same guy, after that's done they realize he was a fraud and both of them submit the same exact story for the job. At last, both of them are rightfully denied because the business lady can't afford 2 people. 3. Two girls who look exactly like each other decide to swap their lives, and everyone is too big of an idiot to notice that something doesn't seem right. They eventually decide that they want their lives back and finally put some random impacts on the other people involved.Basically I would not recommend this at all. There are tons of great Disney movies I would recommend over this, and more realistic and believable.


Okay, I won't lie; this movie made me chuckle a few times. But at the end of the day it was stupid, trashy nonsense and I'm not just saying that because it's a film aimed at kids. You can watch much better movies with your children. I'd even recommend "High School Musical" over this garbage.Some of the messages it sends out are bizarre. Best friends are great and all but are you really going to let friendship get in the way of a huge career opportunity? And why did the first mindless tween let his dog get in the way of a relationship? Granted, it wasn't a very healthy relationship, but who knows how many more times he's going to put his dog before actual people? And as for act three... well, I don't even have to go into that. It was a total rip-off of "The Parent Trap." This film is a cliché storm and compared to this, "Camp Rock" looks like "The Godfather." By all means, skip it.


well i must admit i am a man and am 22 years old and should probably not have really enjoyed this movie at all but however i really enjoyed it very much so much that me and my little sister watched it twice in one day and it was even better the second time a very cute and funny story about friendship and how far you will go to save a friendship in danger to give you a little bit of the story OK well i will just tell it to you there is this guy whose best new girlfriend happens to not like his best friend who just so happens to be his dog come to find out the girl the dog has in mind is so much better than her because the girlfriend turns out to be a total flirt. now on to story two there are these two girls who have been friends for years and they both apply for a job but there is only one problem only one of them can get the job and both of them want it. now on to story 3 ever wish you could have a different life well Savannah 'cute girl from story one ' just happens to get that very wish granted one day when she meets a princess who just so happens to look just like her and the princess also wants a change so they swap life's and suddenly realize that the grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence but i loved this movie and i think you will too no matter how old you are or if you are a male or female
