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The Perfect Teacher

The Perfect Teacher (2010)

September. 12,2010
| Thriller TV Movie

A spoiled, selfish teenager becomes infatuated with her teacher. She befriends his daughter as a way of worming her way into the family, and sets about manipulating every aspect of his life.


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Wonderful character development!


Good , But It Is Overrated By Some


Awesome Movie

Taha Avalos

The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.

Robert J. Maxwell

This piece of meretricious garbage is the spawn of ten thousand other movies about the forbidden relationship between high school girls and attractive older men. Sometimes the girl is the victim. Here, it's the other way round; the succulent young blond is Megan Park, and the thirty-six year old trigonometry teacher and girls' volleyball coach, David Charvet, is the victim of her erotomania.Park certainly is a dish. She has long, wavy tresses, and oversize pearly incisors. One imagines her canines are long and sharp, like a predatory tiger's. She throws herself all over Charvet, at school and elsewhere, insinuating her toothsome presence into his personal life, leaning over his desk so he is sure to inhale her musk, cuddling up to Charvet's little daughter, running over Charvet's ex wife. Park has lovely long legs, their fearful symmetry enhanced by the tiny skirts and spike heels that all high school girls wear. She has a marked thigh gap too. I understand that's desirable. All that's needed is the barbed wire tattoo around her neck that would cause any normal man to throw himself at her feet and grovel. The monumentally stupid Charvet himself has a prominent tattoo, a dozen Chinese ideograms on his inner forearm, but they're not a patch on a barbed wire tattoo for erotic arousal.Well, frankly, I found Megan's character revolting in the extreme, especially that business of murdering Charvet's ex wife. If it had been my ex wife I might have felt differently but there was simply no excuse for this deliberate act of mayhem. Megan might have exculpated herself by just removing her hampering outer garments somewhere along the line and giving the viewer a glimpse of those hidden treasures, but no. I don't even like her name. The character's name is Devon, pronounced like the English shire. I don't like it. I don't like her real name either -- Megan. Megan, Reagan, Jillian, Jennifer. What happened to sturdy old post-and-lintel names like Linda and Barbara and Hepzibah and Hatshepsut? Never watch a movie with a character named Devon in it.Here's the director at work. Charvet and Megan are shopping in a clothing store. Charvet's inamorata enters and needs to talk to Charvet alone, so Megan wanders off a few feet, pretends to be thumbing through a rack of dresses, and keeps an eye on them without wanting them to know she's doing so. Here's how she does it. She stands still and glares balefully at the pair. Is that how you would secretly spy on someone? It's not how I would do it. I'd pretend to be going through the items on the rack and glance up from time to time to see what's cooking. But Megan does everything to attract attention to herself except play "The Flight of the Bumblebee" on a kazoo.Do high school girls really have volleyball coaches? I wonder how you can get a job like that if you have neither interest in or talent for any sports.


I just watched this film on Lifetime & I could already predict everything about it. The basic synopsis is a teenage girl falls for her teacher from school & after a while becomes obsessed with him & goes to enormous measures to make him hers. Megan Park does a pretty good job at playing the alluring villain, but like I said, it's been done before. This film was so much like The Crush (the film with Alicia Silverstone from 1993) that it lacked very little surprises or suspense & very well could have been called The Crush 2. But, as I said before, this film, even though predictable, is still rather enjoyable with some pretty good acting & is a good way to waste a couple hours in front of the TV, just don't expect very many surprises in this Made for TV thriller.

guil fisher

Let me start off by saying the script was so uneven and impractical that I had a hard time believing any of it. That a teacher (coach) with training could not see through the psycho's motivations is beyond me. She was that obvious. That a student be allowed to wear the clothes she almost wore (they were that awful, revealing and lewd). That the police were not on top of the hit and run car that killed the ex wife. That they did not check the bimbo out who claimed she was raped at a hospital for evidence and DNA. Isn't that the first thing done before they take the word of a teeny bop-per? I could go on with all the inadequacies in this story. But adding to that is the horrible performance of Megan Park, the so called teenager. (She looked in her late 20s) Wearing clothes that did nothing but point out her physical shortcomings. Flat chested and hips that were wider than her shoulders. Wearing black showed this up to the hilt. Even a padded bra and corset still made her flat chested. Lip gloss, too much eye makeup and long clumpy legs in shoes that did not flatter her. Her acting was just as bad. Phony and not very interesting. David Charvet had more to do and did it well. He is a good actor and a shame he's doing this dreadful film. He did the best he could. And you could see he was uncomfortable with the bimbo. Boti Bliss did what she could as well in a small unrewarding role. Amanda Tlson had more screen time and did her best and looked like a teenager. Christine Conradt wrote this drivel and Jim Donovan spent too much time filming the leading lady. She was in almost every scene and this is what killed the movie in this viewer's eyes.

gabe perron

*hint minor spoilers First I'd like to say intercourse with a minor is totally inappropriate. And also, very illegal. It can get you in a heck of a lot of trouble! moving on, I find it hard to believe that this handsome young teacher could resist her this easily, and also that he believes in his total innocence that he didn't lead her on in any way at all.Because he kind of did. In real life she's not really a minor, she's 24 which is fine, I thought she was really attractive. Reminds me of the crush, she has the same hard to resist beauty as alicia silverstone.Personally, I found the movie great until the end , when she starts killing people. If you really love someone , you would not want to hurt them, by hurting the things or people that they care about . Like if you truly love someone you want them to be happy, even if it's not with you. But it's for entertainment sakes yes i understand, for suspense she has to be really crazy!! When in truth, in probably does happen in real life. I'm sure a lot of teenage girls find mature older men a catch.I find it interesting to watch her attempts, because it reality a man couldn't brush her off that easily, and without hurting her emotionally for sure. But you do have to she's a minor! But she's your friend dawg, why is it when she came onto him he didn't even reason with her psh. Hollywood.But a good movie I found it a good watch great script and acting. Megan Park is a very beautiful and attractive young lady to be remembered for sure!
