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The Bounty

The Bounty (1984)

May. 04,1984
| Drama Action History

The familiar story of Lieutenant Bligh, whose cruelty leads to a mutiny on his ship. This version follows both the efforts of Fletcher Christian to get his men beyond the reach of British retribution, and the epic voyage of Lieutenant Bligh to get his loyalists safely to East Timor in a tiny lifeboat.


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To me, this movie is perfection.


This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.

Nayan Gough

A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.


There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.


Continuing my plan to watch every movie in Mel Gibson's filmography in order, I come to The Bounty (1984)Plot In A Paragraph: A more accurate re telling of the famous mutiny on the bounty featuring Fletcher Christian (Gibson) and Captain William Bligh (Anthony Hopkins)Gibson is OK here, if a little bland at times. We don't really get a lot from him here. He doesn't have that much dialogue either, I wonder if it was a conscious decision to have him hardly speak like in Road Warrior (his most successful movie at that point) and have him so quiet. He is OK, but I couldn't help but notice how little dialogue he had. In a great performance, Hopkins plays Bligh as more complicated man rather than an outright cruel villain. And whilst being closer to the truth makes the movie better for me, it does however make the mutineers seem like spoiled school kids fed up with a strict teacher. As for the rest of the cast Laurence Olivier hams it up and it's interesting to note Daniel Day Lewis and Liam Neeson pop up in early roles too. It's well directed, well acted and has some impressive set pieces. My blu ray looks great with a good transfer. There is a surprising amount of nudity for a pg movie too.Highly recommended. The Bounty only grossed $8 million at the domestic Box Office to end 1984 as the 86th highest grossing movies of the year.


Underrated, understated gem of a movie.Great telling of the Mutiny on the Bounty. Shows well the events leading up to the mutiny, and what happened afterwards. My most accounts, a quite accurate depiction of the historical event - Lt Bligh's own log was used in writing the screenplay - and the most accurate film made on the subject.Despite it essentially being a docu-drama, not dry or dull at all. The director keeps the pace moving well. Thanks to good setup prior to the mutiny, everything makes sense when it does occur. Furthermore, the depictions of Bligh and Fletcher Christian seem quite balanced.Great performances in the lead roles by Mel Gibson and Anthony Hopkins. Good support from a cast which includes Daniel Day-Lewis and Liam Neeson in their early careers. Also good to see the great Laurence Olivier as Admiral Hood.


example of measure. in acting, story, characters portraits. a remarkable cast. and inspired music. a film who can be disappointed for the hunters of historical truth details. but a good gift for admirers of Anthony Hopkins or Laurence Olivier. a film who has as axis the music of Vangelis and examples of admirable performances- except, maybe, Mel Gibson who prefers create a role without root - but the work of Wi Kuki Kaa is a nice compensation, wise in solutions for atmosphere and for the tension, with a little brutal end, it is more than a good film. the source of this status - the balance between courage and science.and the flavor of pure chronicle of an exceptional case.

Marcus McLearen

When watching movies like this It is important to remember the extraordinary journey that it really was. Back then people hadn't done a lot of this sort of thing and most hadn't even left the shores of England much less circumnavigate the globe for fruit trees no less. It seems a well scripted and well acted movie with a good, solid theme and many (at the time, soon to be) accomplished actors. It's nice to see some of these guys when they were still young. Definitely a good watch and worth some of your worthless time. Simply thinking about trading places with any of these men makes me feel like I'm still a boy at 30. Although the story is well known, the director seemed to want you to get caught up in what you didn't know. There is a definite isolation of view when it comes to the divination of officer and enlisted (as is the case with many militarily oriented movies)and in this, I think it fits. There is a sense that even though the acting is scripted, it is still realistic and can draw a sense of what really happened. All in all... it's still just a movie about some guys mutinying and so in the end that's what you're waiting for, but for me it's always about the small parts of pleasant in between.
