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Buried (2010)

September. 24,2010
| Drama Thriller Mystery

Paul is a U.S. truck driver working in Iraq. After an attack by a group of Iraqis he wakes to find he is buried alive inside a coffin. With only a lighter and a cell phone it's a race against time to escape this claustrophobic death trap.


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Self-important, over-dramatic, uninspired.


It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional


It isn't all that great, actually. Really cheesy and very predicable of how certain scenes are gonna turn play out. However, I guess that's the charm of it all, because I would consider this one of my guilty pleasures.


Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.


One of the fine movie acted by Ryan Reynolds.... only he is visible and talking people for help through cell phone,in a wooden coffin ... this movie doesn't makes you dull...is very interesting and gives you thriller... last scene very is sad scene...


I was reading bad reviews and it lead me to check this films rating as... a huge film fan (over 1000dvds in my collection), I love all sorts, but this was a piss poor excuse of a film!So.. the whole concept of keeping the guy isolated to make the audience feel it and pulled in, yes, good idea.. for a bit, then it just got rather dull, so much so I started to get frustrated.. How much do Films cost and make on box office? I started working out how much it would take me to recreate the movie.. the most expensive thing in the film was the guys blackberry.. Don't listen to any review that says it's good or artistic as it was a complete bag of drivel! I would rather watch ANY film than this again!! Any!


Buried is a different type of horror movie - it's more of a drama. It is impressive that Ryan Reynolds can carry the entire film practically all by himself and I was amazed about how a movie can spend 90 minutes inside a coffin and stay interesting, visually. However, the final act wasn't satisfying for me. I don't regret watching Buried, but I probably won't watch it again.

Zeeshan Mahmud

I HATE artsy films like this.So I mainly watched it because some no one on YouTube video offered this as a similar movie to Pelham 123 and Phonebooth. This is *nothing* like this. I was bored each and every excruciating second. It is literally as if sitting in a box and watching paint dry or sand fill. I HATE artsy films like this. I tried watching Birdman three times and ever since I got 10 mins within that I gave up. I was hoping against hope, this trash of a film would have some thrilling or suspenseful 'happy' end, but God. There was no twist. It is bland. While Hugh Jackman's Prisoners was convoluted and also artsy, these are terrible waste of movie watchers'/goers' time.Why do filmmakers think that they can get away with self-patting, scratching-each-other-back, self-congratulating sh****y films like this. Unless you are a film major (read: film geek) who gets a hard- ** from camera editing or lighting effect, you really need to avoid these type of films unless it gives some oxygen and meaning to your otherwise pretentious, inauthentic life.1.5 most boring hour of my life that I endured just hoping it'd pan out well.Also note, I was hoping the snake scene would be a hallucination. In my opinion, if the whole movie remained constant but at the end turned out that he was a Navy SEAL or a special ops in a SERE training in an artificially induced simulation, my rating would shoot up from 2 to 10. That would have been badass I only gave it 2 instead of 1 because the concept was original of restraining in one setting.This also reminded me of Locke and also that pseudo-intellectual, 'character study' that film nerds get all uppity about.Note to filmmakers: No one cares about your pretentious crap. You are out there to entertain, go and do that. Don't frikkin con people. I pity those who actually went to theaters to watch this painful tripe. And if you are creating artsy films, then at least have the decency to elevate your craft like Arnofsky or to the level of Eternal Sunshine for the Spotless Mind and not some crapola like this where you feel as if you created fire or came up with cure of cancer.Horrible. Horrible. Horrible. I'd rather be buried alive than watch endure this.
