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The Legend of Hercules

The Legend of Hercules (2014)

January. 10,2014
| Adventure Action

In Ancient Greece 1200 B.C., a queen succumbs to the lust of Zeus to bear a son promised to overthrow the tyrannical rule of the king and restore peace to a land in hardship. But this prince, Hercules, knows nothing of his real identity or his destiny. He desires only one thing: the love of Hebe, Princess of Crete, who has been promised to his own brother. When Hercules learns of his greater purpose, he must choose: to flee with his true love or to fulfill his destiny and become the true hero of his time. The story behind one of the greatest myths is revealed in this action-packed epic - a tale of love, sacrifice and the strength of the human spirit.


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Kaelan Mccaffrey

Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.


The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.

Strega Granger

If we mix "300", "Gladiator", "Troy" and more greek myths, we have this movie. A movie with a scheme not original at all: Queen is not happy with her king, Zeus visits Queen and she has his Hercules; years later, Hercules goes lovely doo with Princess of Crete, but surprise!! She is engaged to his badass older brother, then the king send Hercules to war = to his death? Here one can start to guess what happens in the end ( I will let you think until the end of this review). So then, Maximus... err... I meant Hercules, becomes a badass gladiator and gets his way back to his beloved. By the way, have I mentioned that he has no super strength at all? We do not see it until later in the film when he is chained like Jesuschrist and asks for help to his (God) daddy and he goes all Incredible Hulk. So back into the Spartacus arena... yes!! I forgot to mention, there is the actor who plays Spartacus in the flesh!! He is a general who befriends Hercules when he is sent into war. At this point in the movie, you are waiting for those HD fights and some flesh (yummy). But sorry to disappoint you, this is Hercules, not Spartacus the series (rated R), so ladies, no lucky for us..... Focusing on the actors, let's not forget that the main character, Hercules, is portrayed by Emmet Cullen and he is not a vampire God, but just a plain man and maybe an underwater model too, cause he really has a style to get out of the water...At some point(s) in the movie you get a bit lost because you are like, how did this happen so fast? Have I missed anything? The answer is NO! (and be thankful for that). You only have wasted 90 minutes of your whole life and by the end you cannot stop thinking: I liked the Disney movie much better!!


Movie Review: "The Legend Of Hercules" (2014)Summit Entertainment and Millinium Films took some risk between their smash hits "Expendables 2" (2012) and "Expendables 3" (2014) in order to bring a old dusty mythological tale of the birth of Hercules, who needs to fight through various stages as to say level of action to find his beloved character of Hebe, here performed by actress Gaia Weiss, and defeated a power-seeking character of Amphityron, portrayed by actor Scott Adkins in testosterone-spreading in high-speed 3D red epic camera system dual-strip shots, reminiscencing the production, which started the mode of contemporary mystery-action fantasy movies "300" directed by Zack Snyder and followed by "Immortals" directed by Tarsem Singh. This Renny Harlin, known for hard-boiled action thriller in the 90s as "Cliffhanger" (1993) and "Deep Blue Sea" (1999), directed fast-forward actioner does not exceed his predecessor pictures, too unidentifiable become the characters' introduction, too staggered the only push into digital camera style. Nevertheless any spectator, who sits through the accelerated ninety minutes movie gets presented with a gifted showdown, witnessing Hercules summon the lightnings of Zeus to defeat an army before concluding his quest in a decently choreographed final sword / spear / knife fight with nemesis Amphitryon.© 2017 Felix Alexander Dausend (Cinemajesty Entertainments LLC)

Filipe Neto

Its not uncommon, unfortunately, to see Greek mythology being run over and clobbered by cinema or TV, with its most famous stories being rebuilt or turned on things that are anything but Greek mythology. This film is just one more that does precisely that, using characters of the myth of Hercules to create a new story. So I'll start by object the title. This isn't "The Legend of Hercules", it's just a story where Hercules enters without us understanding why. Script is so basic and primary that it looks like one of those lousy, melodramatic novels, sold in supermarkets for a few coins. I would even say that screenplay is just an excuse for a ton of action and pure hard pounding which seems inspired by movies like "300" or "Rambo".Although I have managed to like or digest some of his films, Renny Harlin is far from being a truly skilled director. In this case, he totally lost his notion of ridicule, and this movie will probably haunt him to death. The cast is extraordinarily bad. Kellan Lutz is a lousy protagonist. It may have muscles, but it also has the same dramatic expressiveness as a Guinea Pig. He has no charisma, no presence and cannot express emotions, just strength. I've seen hosts of TV cooking shows with more dramatic skills than this actor, who should look for another profession. Good luck with that, Lutz! Gaia Weiss is attractive but she doesn't seem to know what she's doing there, and is never fully committed to the movie. Somebody give a map to this girl, she's lost and confused! Scott Adkins gave life to a cardboard villain, histrionic and pathetic, worthy of the worst possible death. Roxanne McKee is too young for the role she played. Liam McIntyre seems to be the best actor in this disastrous cast.Visually, the film abuses CGI and sound effects to increase the impact of scenes, especially fights and action. However, the quality of the final work is rather mediocre. Bad cinematography, blurred, with colors between gray and brown, doesn't help either. Combats are utterly unrealistic, some blows and jumps are absurd and that effect of pausing or slowing down the film for a few moments in the midst of a jump or blow is so cliché that it gave me cravings for vomit. Costumes and sets are equally ashamed. The soundtrack is boring and ordinary.In short: this film is a caricature, a cartoon where characters from the Greek legend of Hercules were chewed, dismantled and thrown into a kind of idiotic video game, lifeless and without emotion, for an hour and a half of pointless fights.


So, first of all I would like to say that I usually like fantasy movies and I can accept them being too much fantasized and similar things.This movie, however, I completely disliked. It is terrible in every single aspect I can remember, I saw literally nothing good about this movie. Plot is faulty and bad, for action movies it is boring as well. Twists are terrible if they can be called twists. Acting and special effects are even worse, I really don't like it when you pick actors by their modeling skills instead of their acting skills.I am not even going to waste any more of my time on this movie, so here it goes, I, with all my heart, suggest you to skip this movie. I'd prefer any cheer-leading movie to this one.
