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Jack-Jack Attack

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Jack-Jack Attack (2005)

March. 15,2005
| Adventure Animation Family
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The Parrs' baby Jack-Jack is thought to be normal, not having any super-powers like his parents or siblings. But when an outsider is hired to watch him, Jack-Jack shows his true potential.


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Boring, over-political, tech fuzed mess




Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.


The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one

Horst in Translation ([email protected])

"Jack-Jack Attack" is a 5-minute animated short film and spin-off from Brad Bird's "The Incredibles". I have not seen that one yet, so I cannot talk about any more references. Anyway, Bird is also writer and director for this short film here before he moved on to "Ratatouille" and live action. Early on, we see a babysitter who is interrogated about last night when she had to babysit the Indredibles' youngest. As she tells the officer, we see what happened the night before. It seems she is in for a not too stressful evening and plans on playing some games with the kid to see how talented it is with sticks and stones. But things turn for the (sitter's) worse pretty quickly as the little rascals begins to flash through the house, starts to shoot laser from its eyes and even becomes a fire-baby at one point. In the last shot, the girl gets erased her memory about the incident, probably so that the baby's (or even the entire Incredibles's) super powers stay a secret. The characters and whole animation looks very Pixar. The officer could also have stepped out of the movie "Up" the way he looked. The girl was fun to watch as she stepped into insanity the longer the evening went, but the baby was not too interesting. This Pixar short did not get nominated for an Academy Award and I can see why. Most of their other works are better.


Jack-Jack Attacks is a short film from 2005 Walt Disney, Pixar film 'The Incredibles' which is an animated, adventure movie that is aimed at younger children but all ages, even adults could enjoy this film. Jack-Jack Attack was originally part of the movie but was removed as it was unnecessary. Kari, a confused, young, babysitter is placed in a dark room with an FBI agent and asked about the situation. Whilst the Incredibles are out Kari is put in charge of the baby Jack-Jack who secretly has superpowers that allow him to ignite, fly through walls and laser objects with his eyes. As his super powers get out of control the doorbell rings. Desperate to get rid of the baby Kari hands the baby over to the 'replacement' which actually turns out to be the evil character 'Syndrone' . This short yet adorable and humorous is a perfect addition to 'The Incredibles' with the funniest characters and emotions. Overall, I could recommend this short film to everyone as its humour can be enjoyed by everyone.

Ellie Batman

The short film by Pixar and Walt Disney 'Jack-Jack Attack' is an extremely entertaining extra from the movie 'The Incredibles'. The story is about Kari, an enthusiastic babysitter, who babysits a hyperactive baby with superpowers, called Jack-Jack.Kari the babysitter has no idea what she's in for when she agrees to babysit young Jack-Jack. At the beginning, Jack-Jack appears to be just an average kid, but when Kari starts attempting to show the baby flash- cards, he disappears. This leads to Kari chasing Jack-Jack around the house, trying to catch him. While she's chasing him, his other super- powers are also revealed- he can burst into flames and shoot electricity from his hands. In the end, the babysitter is exhausted, and just watches Jack-Jack, with a fire extinguisher in her hands.Jack-Jack Attack is fictional, and aimed at young children, although parents would probably enjoy it too, as it is very well made and funny. The use of well-made animations, funny and mostly believable characters and an interesting plot create possibly one of Pixar's best short films. All in all, the short film was in my opinion very good, and made me want to see 'The Incredibles' again.


Jack-Jack Attack is a short film created by Pixar, set during the events of the successful Incredibles. It was an enjoyable experience to see this film, and it encouraged me to watch the Incredibles again. I enjoyed this film because Pixar managed to crumple humour, intrigue and action into less than five minutes, reminding me of why I liked the original in the first place.Here is a more in depth discussion in why this short is such a hit. This film is so enjoyable because it managed to do what the original did in less than five minutes. The Incredibles was great as it had action, humour and intrigue all at the same time. Also, it was very broad; therefore people of many ages and both genders could watch this movie and appreciate it. This short film also has an appealing style of telling the story (it is set in an interrogation room while Kari the babysitter tells the incredible story of the day she babysat Jack-Jack, the baby with super powers). Another appealing aspect of this short is its curious and funny plot, which reminds the viewer of why the Incredibles so good. This aspect of the film will encourage viewers to watch the original film once more, and make newcomers feel curious and watch the original for the first time.I think Pixar's decision to delete this scene from the movie and include it in the Pixar Short Films,was an intelligent one, as it will encourage more people to view the film.In conclusion, this short film is a hit and will be appreciated by many audiences due to its broadness. And to add to that, it will encourage newcomers to watch it too.
