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Delirium (2014)

June. 20,2014
| Adventure Fantasy Science Fiction Romance

Set in a world where love is deemed illegal and can be eradicated with a special procedure. With 95 days to go until her scheduled treatment, Lena Holoway does the unthinkable, she falls in love.


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Very Cool!!!


It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional

Clarissa Mora

The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.

Sarita Rafferty

There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.


After loving the books so completely, I was sad to see this badly made short. It squashed, what was, an entire book into a shabby 40 minute episode that by no means aligned with the book. For a start, Lena's mother, not her father, was locked in the crypts. There were also scenes at Lena's uncles shop that I saw as crucial for the development of the love between Alex and Lena. She also did not live with her sister, but with her aunt. Plus her cousin Grace who is a big part of why Lena does not want to leave is left out completely. Then there is the part where Lena and Alex cross the border just for a day to visit his caravan type thing and what happened to picnics in the abandoned house? Also, when Lena crosses the fence at the end there is supposed to be anyone waiting on the other side, that's why she finds Riven, Tack and the other invalids in the second book. (Note I have not said everything that's missing) To conclude many developmental parts have not been included, the love was rushed, the entire thing was rushed. Over all it was disappointing and only followed the book loosely, revealing different things at different times. Also the amount of knowledge we were given about people that we had not met yet in the books wasted valuable screen time and gave to much away to quickly, diminishing the elements of surprise and/or curiosity. My advice: Don't watch!

S .

This is a pilot for a show; it is not a movie.This pilot was interesting and as much as I wanted to love the show, I did not. I thought it had potential, but however did not live up to my expectations from all of its promotion.The show is worth the watch at least for the concept. I have not watched anything from the WIGS network before, so that also made the show intriguing.There are holes in the plot and the special effects could be far better. Where it was going to lead was very obvious; I am not sure if that was bad directing or if that is how the book was written.If they would have continued the show I would have watched it for the concept, not because I loved the show. There are a lot of shows I watch because I like the type of show it is (like science fiction or fantasy).


I felt the need to remind a lot of the reviewers that this is to be a television programme not a movie franchise.I was a bit disheartened when I watched the pilot as doing a whole book in one episode has sort of rushed the whole Lena/Alex falling in love plot, I totally agree with the reviews of this side of things. I think what they are trying to do is work away from the book with this and explore things the book doesn't. With television you can do this as you have a lot of episodes and seasons to do this and can last a long time. I do think they could have done the first book over a few more episodes to develop characters and plot more.People have said that they not sticking to the story - with television they more or less will always change major aspects of a story and characters, Game of Thrones, under the dome and Vampire Diaries do this a lot, Vampire diaries dramatically so.I think I would need to see where they take this before I can give a better opinion, but if you are watching based on the book you will be disappointed, but it does have the power to go much further than the book could.


WIGS is a web station which has a sole focus of having women in leading roles, well for the most part white women, but it has to be said that most of their programming certainly does force the idea that just because something is web based, it doesn't mean it is an inferior product. Especially when compared to something which traditionally would premiere on TV. Delirium is no different for while it does seem like a CW show, or maybe one of ABC Family's weaker offerings back when The Secret Life of the American Teenager was their biggest hit, it nonetheless surely has an audience. Topic 1: A Loveless Society – Lena & HannahSometime in the future love has seemingly become taboo and banished from a person's emotions when they are 18. Up until then, everything, in school anyway, is separate. Boy have classes with boys and girls have classes with girls, and then when you are 18 you lose the ability to develop love for someone and are paired off. Needless to say, this seems less than ideal, but in their world it solves so many problems.For example, heartache, and the violence which can come with it, seems to be eliminated. For example, Lena's (Emma Roberts) mother killed herself upon being told her husband died, thus leaving Lena to be raised by her older sister and husband. However, just because people are taught to avoid love like it is cooties, it doesn't mean girls don't get giddy over the prospect of who the government will arrange their spouse to be. Lena's best friend Hannah (Jeanine Mason), for example, is skittish and worries over who her husband is to be. Though, lucky for her, she ends up getting the son of a senator.Topic 2: Those in Power – ThomasA group known as DFA, a major supplier of the Deliria prevention drug, is ran by Thomas Fineman (Billy Campbell). A man who seems solely invested in the treatment of Deliria due to his heart being broken by a young lady named Sunny when he was a teenager. But while he may tout the end of the plague, which is love, as being something good, and a nationwide issue, he is a slight hypocrite. Which I say solely because not only does he have banned literature and music in his study, which inspire feelings of love, but also still holds onto a picture of Sunny, the girl who broke his heart. All of which is discovered by his son Julian (Gregg Sulkin) who has yet to be vaccinated, and may not be able to due to a low white blood cell count. Though if Thomas had his way, he would never mind what the doctors say and make sure his son got vaccinated. Something which may have to be done soon since Julian seems to be a bit of a voyeur with Hannah being a prime target.Topic 3: The Resistance – Lena & AlexHowever, Hannah isn't the only target of someone, or should I say something, on the show. Lena is a target as well, but more so of the resistance movement. You see, very much like The Giver there is a fence, or wall, which separates those being controlled and those who are not. Something Thomas worries about especially when the resistance movement attacks his facility and steals documents. Leading to why Thomas and Senator Hargrove (Michael Michele) meet. For his 5 million DFA members, all he wants it the ability to search people's homes without a warrant. Something he gets.What he doesn't realize though is that the resistance has infiltrated his armed forces, as well as the senator's staff. As for why Lena matters in all this? Well her father, the would-be dead Conrad Holoway, was a major player in creating the Deliria cure. But, from what we learn of the resistance members, it seems he realized how destructive the cure was so he decided to try to reverse its effects. Due to this, not only was he locked away, but his family was told he died. However, with his escape comes a 2nd chance for the end of the Deliria cure and Lena is the key to finding Conrad for they expect him to come looking for her.Thus leading to them sending Alex (Daren Kagasoff) in to romance her and bring her beyond the fence. For with his position as a cop he has a wide range of movement and, with him being young and attractive, I'm sure they figure him a better operative than someone who could try to convince her with words alone. And damn if he not only befriends Lena, and makes her feel the emotion of love, but to seal her fate he delivers a nice ole' kiss on the girl.Unfortunately for Lena though, when she decides to have a moment with Hannah and share her feelings, it backfires. Hannah tells Lena's older sister, her sister calls the cops, and Lena is almost forced into getting the Deliria cure. That is until Alex rams the cop's car and saves Lena, though at the sacrifice of himself. Leading me to wonder if Alex is going to be punished, or try to play as if he couldn't keep control of her.Either way, I got to admit this was kind of a boring show. Roberts just doesn't make for a good lead in this "I have been lied to my whole life" type of story, and none of the characters, whether hero, villain, or in between, really get your attention in this pilot. Making me wonder if the book this is based off of is any better.
