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Bethany (2017)

April. 07,2017
| Horror

Claire and her husband find themselves moving back into Claire's childhood home only to have the abusive and traumatic memories of her mother come back to haunt her. As her husband starts to get more work, Claire finds herself mixed up in a fog of past and present with a mysterious figure haunting her memories. What is this small figure that is trying to reach out to her, and what does it want?


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That was an excellent one.


everything you have heard about this movie is true.




This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.


This film doesn't have a story. What's it about? Exactly. There was no story, plot or even anything to this. A couple move into a house, that the woman once lived in as a child. She hallucinates. Husband knows about her past and mental illness, and she's allowed to be close to big sharp knives. Stupid. Stupid. There are annoying flashbacks into her past. Husband is always perplexed and sly faced. The therapist is described as "cool and modern" by husband but the therapist is a bigot. He never removes his cloth cap, which is rude. The spirit friend she had as a child is called Bethany and still lives there only now its more hostile and tries to kill her. I didn't wait anymore until the end, it was slow, rubbish, close up shots of faces are so annoying, and there is no story. It's only what the main character hallucinates.


I signed up for an IMDb account specifically to give this movie a poor review and hopefully save others the torture of sitting through this sad attempt at filmmaking.The Plot: Unoriginal and blandly formulaic, which is even more disappointing as this is an indie title - you'd expect something more than Couple Moves Into a Spooky House and Troubled Woman's Past Comes Back to Haunt Her, but that's all there is. Seriously!The Dialogue: James Cullen Bressack clearly missed the memo on SHOW, DON'T TELL. A film's exposition should never be crammed down your throat through fifteen straight minutes of poorly written, unrealistic dialogue. Yet that's exactly what Bethany did. The Acting: There is zero chemistry between the one-dimensional lead characters played by Stefanie Estes (Woman with Dark Past) and Zack Ward (Skeptical Husband). I would chalk this one up to poor writing and directing.The Editing: The shots were very nice individually - lighting, composition, etc. The rest of it is practically irredeemable. Jumps from shot to shot were jarring and terribly done (POV to extreme face closeup to POV? Why??), and the lighting is noticeably inconsistent within scenes. The editing actually disconnected me from the movie more than the acting and dialogue did.In Summary: Don't waste your $3.99. There's nothing that makes this movie standout - cookie cutter plot, low-effort dialogue, forgettable acting, terrible editing. Your money is much better spent on a couple packs of gum or maybe a handful of chicken nuggets.


I read the reviews for this movie and i thought i was in for a treat, how wrong i was. Stefanie Estes the lead actress, who played the role of Claire give a mind-numbing performance, i realize she was portraying a troubled character,she was brought up by an abusive mother and returned to the house of her childhood after her mother died only to be plagued by strange occurrences. The relationship between her and her husband played by Zack Ward just didn't gel, i did not feel any romantic motions between them.The story of the twin haunting the living sibling has been done before and a lot better than this movie, there is a few creepy moments but overall i would not recommend this movie

Lady Persephone

Overall, I really enjoyed this movie. There were some legitimately unsettling scenes that unfolded throughout the course of the movie (particularly the fingernail scene and the sewing on of the mask). As the movie progresses, we see more glimpses of the abusive nature of Claire's mother. This psychological plot point was handled well. The pacing of the movie was good, and the ending was satisfying. The story of Bethany/Mallory unfolded nicely as well. The main actress, Stefanie Estes, did a great job. Some of the flaws of the movie: Honestly, I just didn't enjoy the acting of Zack Ward. His performance felt one dimensional and unrealistic, and I wish they had gotten someone else to play that role as Aaron was such a central character. There were also a few things that seemed out of place/disjointed. One of my smaller grievances is the fact that nobody seemed the smell the decaying body that was trapped within the house. I can forgive this a bit because it a horror and we are to suspend some disbelief. My biggest grievance would be the death of the psychiatrist. It just didn't fit, and I don't like how it was handled. Very unsatisfying. Like I said, overall I did enjoy the movie as a whole. It's definitely worth a watch if your a fan of psychological horror/haunted house horror fare.
