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Hey Arnold! The Jungle Movie

Hey Arnold! The Jungle Movie (2017)

November. 23,2017
| Adventure Animation Comedy Family

When their trip to San Lorenzo takes a turn for the worst, Arnold and his classmate’s only hope of getting home is retracing the dangerous path that led to Arnold's parents' disappearance.


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As Good As It Gets


At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.

Neive Bellamy

Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.


I am super positive surprised by this movie. As someone who always loved Hey Arnold as a kid and was pretty sad that the Big Cliffhanger was not dissolved, I was really happy when finally "Hey Arnold !: The Jungle Movie" was announced.The movie is awesome and not only answers the unanswered questions but then answers many questions in the series that is bad or not so good if you did not watch any episode of the TV series, you're in the fix and maybe understand the movie about 40%. But apart from that, having a super entertaining movie is really fun and it's just an enrichment to see a two-dimensional animated cartoon.And actually, the story is almost cinematic I think it's a pity that everything turns out for the better I love my movies more with consequences but the rest of the movie is so funny so animated and has so many wonderful character moments and has a few my fan theories answered that I do not care.I say "Hey Arnold !: The Jungle Movie" is a great fun movie sure for children older children young adults a must for anyone who even in the farthest Hey Arnold liked to watch and a great graduation for the TV series + it would even be wonderful start for a sequel series.


This movie gets a 10/10 right off the bat because it is just so amazing that it has finally come to be. Thank you, Nickelodeon for finally allowing Craig Bartlett to finish/continue this wonderful story! Hey Arnold was my absolute favorite cartoon as a 90s kid and I still watch it constantly on hulu as an adult. The reruns make me so happy, but The Jungle Movie was always painfully missing from all of our lives.This movie is a burst of nostalgia with many wonderful modern elements. The kids having cell phones was a wonderful touch and it was so nice to see them a bit older. I personally always viewed them as teenagers when I was a kid and I still do. Children do not accomplish/do any of the things that the Hey Arnold gang does. I think Craig Bartlett just had to make them "nine" because the show was for Nickelodeon. He even said in a recent interview that he would like to continue the show and eventually see them as teenagers.They included all of the classic characters and used almost all of the original voices, Francesca Smith of course being the most important as Helga. The actor playing Arnold did a magnificent job. He captured the essence of the character perfectly and delivered all of his lines with such needed emotion.The pace may seem a little rushed at first but give them a break, they needed to make up for 15 years worth of time and cram it into an hour and twenty minutes.There were definitely some corny moments which are good for really young/new fans like Abner eating the bacon and somehow making it back to America alive lol. And the green eyed people being a society without adults. I am sure kids loved that.The villain was wonderful and I was happily surprised to see how dark they went with him. Killing his own men to save himself and his death was extremely graphic. Glad to see they did not pull any punches.Jim Lang luckily returned to do the music and it was a jazzy good time! Too bad Steve Viksten who wrote all of the classic/best Arnold and Helga episodes died a few years ago. This movie would have benefited even more from his writing talents. He created all of the best Arnold and Helga moments. Luckily they chose to focus mostly on Arnold, Helga, Gerald and Phoebe who were certainly the best characters. But the rest of the gang is still included! The scene where Brainy jumps off the boat to save Helga's locket is so poetic. I was so sad when she threw it off the boat but I felt her pain.I honestly didn't think they were going to be able to deliver a conclusion for his parents that didn't seem like BS after all these years but I was BLOWN AWAY. I can't believe I never saw that coming after fifteen years. Of course it still makes no sense as far as reality goes, but it completely works within its own realm.The end with Helga's locket is BEAUTIFUL and honestly rivals Disney. "It's not a pure heart." Because the gold is not pure so she is not sure if it will work in the machine and she is also saying that she is not perfect but she is offering her heart to Arnold anyway and he takes it!!! Dude...when she reveals that locket and he sees it and takes it from her...CHILDHOOD COMPLETE!!! I seriously almost passed out from holding my breath when he was revealing his feelings to her. And when he kissed her it was like all of the planets had finally aligned. I was so proud of her for not freaking out and just enjoying the kiss. I am loving how they implied that they are definitely a couple in the end but she is still the dominant one. It would be great if she were to wear her locket from now on since her feelings for Arnold are no longer hidden. I would love it if the show continued but if not, I am eternally grateful that we now live in a world where it is confirmed that Helga loves Arnold and Arnold loves Helga.


When I first heard about Hey Arnold The Jungle Movie back in 2011,I was shocked that it was cancelled. When it was announced that Nickelodeon is bringing back Hey Arnold with The Jungle Movie,I got very excited.So,now since Hey Arnold The Jungle Movie is now released,what do I think of this movie?I really loved this movie! This has got to be the best thing Nickelodeon has ever done in the past decade!What do I love about this movie? Well for starters,the animation is really top notch,sure the CGI Green Eyed People temple was not the best but overall the animation is really good and gives a good Hey Arnold feel to it.The characters are so well handled here,especially Helga(my favorite character in Hey Arnold)Helga's locket as the key to saving the green eyed people and Arnold's parents was mind blowing!When Arnold reunited with his parents and Arnold kissing Helga made me feel that I got my closure that I,as a Hey Arnold fan deserve.As a result,I give Hey Arnold!:The Jungle Movie a9/10


Hey Arnold: The Jungle Movie- after all these years an ending to the show with a resolution for Arnold on his missing parents. The hype around this TV movie was understandably huge. I tried to stay cautiously optimistic. Especially so after seeing the initial teaser with the new voices and character designs. After seeing the movie in it's entirety I'll say that the heart of the show is present in this movie as is the weight of the unresolved conclusion to the series from "The Journal." While I greatly appreciate and admire Craig Bartlett and the people that made this movie possible, that didn't stop me from taking a few notes about things that I felt were off about the movie. Who am I and why does my opinion matter? It doesn't, really. It's an opinion. I have a background in 2D animation and am an avid fan of the show. I guess I'm doing this to process my feelings after this epic conclusion to one of my favorite Nicktoons. If you're still with me then here we go.Things I likedThe music: The familiar jazzy sounds from Jim Lang are of course present in this movie and are a nice blast from the past.The backgrounds: The background art in the movie is great to look at and true to the series' background paintings- right down to the colored pencil textures.The characters: For the most part, this movie stayed true to the character traits of the series and thank goodness for original voice actors returning such as Francesca Marie Smith as Helga and Dan Castellaneta as Grandpa.Things I felt were off- Here's my time to be picky. * Voices: Like I said, returning cast members contributed greatly to the nostalgia in this. Understandably so the voices of many of the kids (minus Helga, Harold, Phoebe, and Mr. Simmons to name a few) were different. Arnold's actor did an alright job except some of the whisper-talking was a little too much (although we can thank our lucky stars that Alex D Linz was too grown for the job. No offense to Mr. Linz but I can barely watch those last few episodes with that cracky Max Keeble voice). Helga sounded like helga, and the aforementioned sounded great too. Gerald's actor was also an okay comparison to Jamil Walker Smith.* Character Designs: The new "updated" character designs- albeit expected and necessary, came with some weirdness. Pupil size has a weird inconsistency and often they're big like old episodes of The Simpsons. Also aging Mr. Simmons often looked creepy to me- "Eh very creehpeyy," as Mr. Hyughn says.* Pacing: At 81 minutes plus commercials, the movie finds minor pacing issues from me. If Craig and the crew had it their way I'm sure the movie could have been a full two hours but that's TV. We don't need to dwell on the city setting and talk about the forthcoming adventure for an hour before it starts- but it only took about 15 minutes for Arnold and the gang to end up in South America.* Smartphones. Or iPods? What year does this take place again?* Helga's almost-confession on the boat was really weird and out of nowhere. And then she tears up the locket photo. Is the other movie not canon as far as Helga's confession of love?* Arnold's parent wake up after how long? 13 years? And their first response to seeing their son feels lackluster. Not even a hug is exchanged. And not to get too real, but how did they survive? Shouldn't they have starved? Suspension of disbelief...Suspension of disbelief...* The ending flashes forward to after Arnold gets home and for some reason he forgets he traveled home from San Lorenzo with his parents because of a nightmare? At least this is insinuated by a line from his dad. His folks walk with him to school and the doors of PS 118 close behind with a white heavenly glow behind Miles and Stella as the series comes to a literal close- at long last.If you're still with me thanks for reading my thoughts on this. Please remove any trash you may have left behind and exit out the doors to your right. Thanks to Craig Bartlett, thanks to Nickelodeon, and thanks to us loyal fans for being vocal about our love for this great show.
