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Heidi (1993)

July. 18,1993
| Drama Family

After charming her reclusive grandfather and falling in love with the beautiful mountain he calls home, Heidi is uprooted and sent to Frankfurt where she befriends Klara, a young girl confined to a wheelchair.


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Absolutely brilliant


At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.


A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."

Kaydan Christian

A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.


An enjoyable film and for the most part well done, but very annoying due to the use of both English and American actors - resulting in both accents amongst supposed family members!! So jarring and sadly all too frequently done. I understand the marketability of TransAtlantic appeal but please, please, why can't they all sound alike?? Unfortunately it does suffer from Disneyfication with very large helpings of saccharine and some predictable "gushy" emotional scenes. There's a particularly wearing scene where Heidi tumbles down the hillside and ends up hanging over the river gorge clinging to a tree branch - all the time while Peter is trying to rescue her, Klara is shouting "Heidi!" at 1 second intervals. I felt like shouting "Shut the **** up!" Otherwise the scenery, sets, etc. are lovely - nice period details and gorgeous mountains! (Filmed in Austria though and not Switzerland - although I daresay we have to be grateful it wasn't filmed in Montana!)


The book was one of my childhood favourite books and still is a personal favourite. Adaptations always deserve to stand on their own two feet and this version of Heidi is not an exception. The beginning did seem over-dramatic; some of the characters could have been more sympathetically written(especially the grandfather who's often too hostile, Clara too on some occasions); Clara's healing could have been more gradual; and keeping the grandmother alive longer, to hear that Heidi can now read(one of the book's most heart-warming parts), would have given the adaptation more heart than it already had. These all aside, this Heidi is still good and engaging. It is skilfully filmed, the Alps scenery is just gorgeous and the costume design and the settings in general are handsomely done. It's not big-budget or lavish, nor did it need to be. The music score is always involving and whimsical, always fitting with what's going on. While the dialogue is thoughtfully adapted and warm-hearted and while over-dramatic at times the story is never dull or abrupt, instead it's heart-warming, charming and engaging. The ending did bring a lump to my throat, then again the ending in Heidi is always emotional. The direction keeps things moving at a steady pace while also giving the story life. The acting is not a problem either, Noley Thornton is outstanding as Heidi being both adorable and strong-willed and Jason Robards supports her firmly in a charismatic and very emotionally committed way, though in the more redemptive scenes he could have been more gentle but he did a wonderful job considering how the Grandfather was written here. Lexi Randall's Clara is passionate and touching while Jane Seymour is temperamental and formidable without hamming things up and Patricia Neal's Grandmother is noble and affecting. So overall, not the best adaptation for die-hard fans of the book but as a standalone film, even with the not-so-great things, this version of Heidi is well worth the watch. 7/10 Bethany Cox

Melissa Alice

I've watched at least two of the other Heidi versions, and this is probably my favorite. I liked the Shirley Temple version a lot, too, but this one is very charming and Noley Thornton is very cute as Heidi. I watched an older version of Heidi today, and it was good as well (with Jean Simmons), but it was definately not as good as this one (though they both have their strong points).


Excellent movie!! This is one of my all-time favorite movies. It is beautifully acted and I never get sick of watching it over and over!! Noley Thorton is cute as a button and perfect as little Heidi and Lexi Randall's performance as Clara is amazing! Jason Robards is wonderful as grandfather and Jane Seymour is great as Freuline Rottenmier, the character you love to hate! I think this is one of the best if not the best family movies of all time! I reccomend it to anyone of any age!
