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Swindle (2014)

March. 22,2014
| Comedy Crime TV Movie

A boy named Griffin finds a valuable multi-million dollar baseball card. After accidentally selling the card for a million dollar loss, he enlists the help of his best friend Ben and his colleagues to regain the baseball card.


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Good story, Not enough for a whole film


Good , But It Is Overrated By Some


A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."


what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.


The movie Swindle is a good movie starting with a flash forward and then sets you in a story in which teenagers who are swindled ( To cheat a person, business, etc. out of money or other assets.) (definition form dictionary.com) by a man, ironically named Mr.Swindell, to sell him an, unknown to them yet, a 1.2 million dollar baseball card, which they spend the rest of the movie trying to get back (through some questionable methods like hacking, crashing a wedding and, yes, swindling. It's sort-of a more child friendly, light hearted version of Oceans 11 and a good movie over all made even better with great sets, writing, sound track and acting.


1.) I didn't know it was based on a book. Just knew it from watching Sam and Cat. 2.) I watched it cause I thought it was interesting, cool, and exciting in which case I was right. 3.) It wasn't boring. 4.) NOT a bad film adaption. Yeah, it's different. Sure, Ben didn't have his neurological sleep disorder(in which I correctly spelled yet it still says I misspelled it so that's why I wrote it like this). Anyway, it was a great movie for kids it was something new. 5.) Some people need to give this movie some slack. I get that it's different from the book, but it's what made the movie interesting(for me). 6.) The people from Nick (cast, production staff, everyone) did a good job at this. P.S. TO NICKELODEON, PLEASE MAKE THE SEQUELS. THANK YOU.


When I found out this movie was based on Swindle, I was excited. Gordon Korman is my favourite author. I knew the movie would be worse than the book, but I didn't think it would be that bad! First of all, his name is Ben SLOVAK, not Dupree. Ben is supposed to be narcoleptic, and he keeps a ferret in his shirt that bites him whenever he falls asleep. Also, Ben is supposed to have a gift for fitting in small spaces. Next, Savannah. Her name is Savannah DRYSDALE, not Westcott. Savannah is supposed to be an animal lover and a dog whisperer. Here, she's an actress. There is a character in the book named Logan Kellerman, who is supposed to be the actor. Melissa (Dukakis, not Bing) is not supposed to be Griffin's sister. Her name is ANTONIA Benson, not Amanda Benson. Antonia (with the nickname, "Pitch")is good at climbing, not gymnastics. Darren Vader is the school bully and is not part of the team. Finally, there is supposed to be a dog named Luthor who is one of the most important characters in the series. I was very disappointed with this movie.


Lately, it seems Nickelodeon has been going downhill from the releases of their new series', but when I saw them advertising for one of my favorite books I read in elementary school, I thought "Great. Now they're going to make a mockery out of this book." Surprisingly, that didn't happen. It flowed out smooth enough to take in the movie without too many judgements, but it didn't completely elude my judging. There were 2 things I didn't care for in this TV movie. One being it verged from the original story a bit. I kept waiting for the part when Ben would reveal his narcolepsy, but that never happened. Aside from that, I was disappointed that the final heist never happened in Swindel's house, instead in a hotel lobby. Nick definitely took away the most suspenseful part. The second thing I did not care for were Noah and Jennette's characters. Savannah was meant to be the animal lover and the dog whisperer. Instead she was an actress with really no part. Ariana's character wasn't even "Pitch", instead she simply went by "Amanda" (Which wasn't even her real name in the book). However, though Nick left out some of the scenes I was hoping to see, they did a pretty decent job and is easily re-watchable.
