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The Dark Side of the Moon

The Dark Side of the Moon (1990)

May. 30,1990
| Horror Action Thriller Science Fiction

It is the year 2022. A mysterious systems failure causes the crew of a spaceship to be stranded on the dark side of the moon, while rapidly running out of fuel and oxygen. They are surprised to discover a NASA space shuttle floating in space, and board it in the hope of salvaging some supplies. One by one, the crew is possessed and killed, and it is up to Paxton Warner to find the links between the dark side of the moon, the Bermuda Triangle, and the Devil himself.


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Excellent adaptation.


Absolutely Fantastic

Fatma Suarez

The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful


The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.


Just got done watching this average but decent science fiction horror flick. Im quite hammered on rum and cannabis and was looking for a cheesy scifi b movie and got what I bargained for. The story is reminiscent of alien/dead space and lots of other spaceship in distress films. The film has OK actors average special effects but the sets and claustrophobic atmosphere is what's cool about this flick. I wouldn't go out of my way to see this but if you see it in a bargain bin or on Netflix pick it up. It's not a bad way to kill some time. Personally I thought the villain could've been better and found the ending to be odd.Rated R for violence, brief nudity and some strong language


PLOT OUTLINE: The year is 2022. While on a mission to repair nuclear-armed spy satellites in Earth orbit, the spaceship Spacecore 1 suffers inexplicable power failure. As it drifts towards the Moon, the crew realize that they have only 24 hours air & heat left. But the real nightmare starts when an old space shuttle mysteriously docks with them, bringing onboard a parasite that is revealed to be the Devil.Call it what you like, but the one thing you can't accuse The Dark Side of the Moon of is not sticking close to its source material (in this case the landmark sci-fi / horror classic ALIEN). The cast is kept to seven actors, two of them are women as well as one of them being an android (although the android's identity is not a secret). The only difference is that we get not one but two large spaceships for the action to take place in.On a technical aspect, The Dark Side of the Moon is quite good. The actors take their roles seriously & deliver their performances with a passable competence. Three of the cast are also veterans of the genre, with Joe Turkel coming from BLADE RUNNER, Robert Sampson from RE-ANIMATOR & Camilla More from Friday THE 13TH: THE FINAL CHAPTER. Director D. J. Webster keep things going at a modest pace while attempting to generate as much atmosphere as he can on a low budget (mainly by having the lighting kept to a minimum, which makes watching the VHS tape a real headache since the picture is so dark that only a completely dark room will allow you to see what the hell is going on). Not to mention a score that fits the film well, made by Mark Ryder & Phil Davies (who made the classic TRANCERS score). The only problems I had with the film were the interior shots of the shuttle, which are way bigger than what it should be.If the technical aspects are good, then what drags the film down to the B-movie gutter is the script. It tries to blend religion with science fiction, something that almost never works, with some bizarre ideas about the Bermuda Triangle being a plot by the Devil to beef up his soul collection; Ol' Scratch being a parasite that hides inside people's bodies (a real half-cocked concept stolen from THE HIDDEN); much nonsense about the significance of 666. It is not hard to imagine that the ideas on paper have some merit, but on film it only proves to be routine B-film fodder that doesn't rise above the sea of similar films that came out during that decade.You know what's the scary part? Eight years later, the concept was resurrected as EVENT HORIZON by RESIDENT EVIL director Paul W. S. Anderson.


The initial impression of this film is that the writers threw it together as fast as possible with no research or really much thought at all.The first, and possibly most frustrating, problem is the numerous and obvious scientific inaccuracies. A human cannot survive in space without a spacesuit. Even if he is carrying the only means of survival for the crew. A rifle fired in a spacecraft does not end well for anyone involve. (Still not sure why they packed an arsenal of assault rifles anyway). There was a surprising abundance of gravity and oxygen on the abandoned shuttle, which of course was never designed to leave low Earth orbit, let along travel to the moon. The list goes on...Even if these shortfalls don't bother you, the acting sure will. Captain Mullet was the most competent of the crew, and that says very little. Each character was one dimensional, so of course the actors had to go overboard with the only emotion they were allowed to express. The old guy's creepiness, the former combat soldier's urge to kill everything, the woman's uselessness, and the doctor's cowardice/cream allergy all foreshadowed their individual (vain) attempts to move the plot forward.The writing was completely nonsensical. The acting was terrible. It all works well together to redefine the term 'B-movie'.Despite Captain Mullet's selfless heroism and noble intentions, why should we be led to believe that a nuclear blast will kill Satan?


This is the most excellent B-movie I have ever seen ! - It's not an alien-rip, because it's not about aliens. It's got a unik plot, and the actors play very good in this low-cost movie. The characters in the movie gets played-out on each other, and their confidence in each other on the team gets tested to the limit. As the movie goes on, the less they trust in each other, and want to blame everyone, but themselfs for what is happening aboard on an alien spacecraft. They all have some great lines in the movie, and I think this will only appear to you, if you see the movie over and over again. I have seen this movie at least 4 times now, and I still love the story behind it all.
