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Summer Eleven

Summer Eleven (2010)

August. 09,2010
| Drama Family

The poignant, coming of age story about a group of eleven year old girls in their final summer before middle school.


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You won't be disappointed!


How sad is this?


The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.

Janae Milner

Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.


I rented this movie to watch with my 11 year old as we were going away for the weekend and thought it would be a perfect movie night movie to watch together. It looked heartwarming, entertaining, enjoyable and easy to relate to for my Miss 11. It was the MOST depressing, worst movie we had both seen. My 11 year old who is very easy to please extremely disliked it and at the end of it she even said, "I think that was the worst movie I've ever seen, Mum!" The acting was terrible, the story-line was depressing. Its basically a movie about four 11 year olds and all their problems in their lives. It doesn't even have any life lessons. Pity I hadn't taken another DVD on holiday with me as a back-up!


When first viewing the cover of the movie on Netflix, I thought this movie would be about camping on a summer trip, the description also implies that. Very first glance at the movie, the casting was off with age and acting experience. This movie seems like it would be fun and family friendly but, it is NOT. SPOILER: There is one girl in the movie who's mother is dating an abusive guy that is very depressing. There is also another girl who's parents were going through a divorce and she was very depressed about it. Then, there was another girl who's brother just got back from war, and he was horribly disabled(missing a leg) and was an alcoholic which is a very negative influence of anyone. Also, the parents were also yelling at the brother and telling him that he needs to get his life together which can upset people who didn't go to college and parents nagged on them. Another little girl in the movie, was forced to do acting when she didn't want to. Also, the girls in the movie who were supposedly "best friends" rarely hung out together. END SPOILER: This movie also had no major events that made a plot. It was just a big group of little boring events. We would not recommend this movie to anyone unless you like making fun of awful and ridiculous movies.


I just gave it a straight ten, this film totally surprised and charmed me. It completely avoids any cliché that seems to perpetuate in so many girls films. In this film girls are so refreshingly _not_ the little self - centered gigglers whose main and only subject are boys, and main plot is _not_ around petty fight that two of them had.There are some deep and challenging events for kids at that age in the plot, and yet the movie is never a *drama*. It is represented the way kids handle it - just like you rarely see a kid just blocked - they accept and move on. It may appear light hearted, an it is in a way, but that is because it remains true to that particular perspective - kids cope with certain events, ups or downs, better than the adults do (obviously, not talking about extremes now). Another point that I loved about the movie is that I have miserably failed whenever I thought that I had a particular character all figured out. I didn't. I loved the Valerie Mahaffey performance - brilliant. Girls as well.

Reno Rangan

Well, this is not the movie everyone desire to watch by themselves unless someone suggest or forced to. I always take chances in under-rated, under-appreciated and b grade movies. So that is how my road led here to review what I found with my latest watch. First of all, this movie was made under a tight budget and each scene was carefully carved. So the production quality won't stand up to your expectations, but very much acceptable.A beautiful drama with the series of most compelling messages. Of course, the reality is there though it lacked in good performances throughout. All the actors were fresh, (I am not sure that, but I did not find any familiar faces and with their performances I thought so) but the crew extracted the best possibly could get from them. Especially all the four girls were awesome. Each one of them was so peculiar from others. It is the story of them and the summer.The four girls in their eleven on the summer holiday hangouts to have fun and prepare to face the middle school challenges. The narration splits and briefs each girl's family story with all the good and bad that occur. Between that, these girls never stop to group and enjoy the summer. Along making others look better who are in their sorrow and learns to encounter difficulties in life by themselves. A coming-of-age story.It is a feel good movie. Families and women would like it more than young boys and men. Most of the people does not aware of this movie's existence, but now you do after reading this. So if you are qualified to see this like I mention in the above line then go for it without a next thought. Because you might know me in my many reviews with similar taste, if not just ignore. I wish I could recommend it for everyone, but you know movies are barred with genres and categories that splits the audience. To me it was a nice movie to watch once.
