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Falling Up

Falling Up (2009)

September. 29,2009
| Drama Comedy Romance

A nursing student forced to quit school for family reasons winds up taking a job as a doorman in an elite apartment building in New York City, where he sparks to one of his residents.


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This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.


It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.

Humaira Grant

It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.

Portia Hilton

Blistering performances.

Mike Jones

They said this guy was in nursing school because he couldn't afford medical school. But they didn't say much about how old he was. On a maturity level, I would guess 17 maybe. The sister is obviously older and much smarter. My wife and I debated turning this off for the first 45 minutes or so. This kid is so immature and downright stupid. Can there really be someone that dumb? In New York City?Anyway I won't give it away, but the female lead is terrific. And beautiful. The sister is the brains of the family and the mother is the heart. The kid is just a poor smuck trying to grow up. He has a hard time 'getting it.'Special shout-out to Annete O'Toole, the mom, Rachel Leigh Cook, the sister and Snoop Dogg as the co-worker.


a comedy without many ambitions. nice, humanist, almost correct performance but not really inspired. a young man as axis of a world. new debate about social condition and all-powerful love, few drops of humor and scenes of talk. nothing credible but good occasion to waste the time. if it is a good /bad movie - only expectation has the answer. it is a light movie , picture of a feelings adventure, not spiced, not tasty, full of basic questions and remarkable for Snoop Dogg presence ( only for his fans ), few dogs and slice from a sex shop. Joseph Cross has a not very inspired central character ; the hope to create a naive, sensitive and fragile young man is not realistic. so, only another film with predictable end.


. . . but this movie does not tell the REST of the story, unlike the late radio commentator Paul Harvey. For anyone exposed to GREASE's "Beauty School Drop-Out," Joseph Cross's characterization of nursing school refugee Henry O'Shea from Flatbush may ring a bell. This movie tries to prove that an Elizabeth Taylor/Larry Fortensky coupling is the rule rather than the exception for the social mores governing American class mobility. (Don't forget, Larry was Liz's 8th hubbie--NOT her first, and she was playing a cougar card to get him. )To add injury to this insult of our taken-for-granted cinematic suspension of disbelief, nerdy and broke Henry's crush--Scarlett Dowling (played by Sarah Roemer) not only is rich, but also a looker. If Scarlett resembled Gwyneth Paltrow from her fat suit scenes in SHALLOW HAL, perhaps there would be a smidgen of plausibility to FALLING UP. But the movie implies that if a young socialite's handsome rich lover is enough of a drunken druggie, the addition of coke to the love connection will transform him from an adorable ARTHUR to a 30 DAYS OF NIGHT-type vampire in the eyes of his lady love. Ergo, this will drive the wealthy young lady in question into the arms of the first guy she rubs elbows with, whether a bumbling nerd (or perhaps the toothless bum on the park bench, whom Henry beats out by a matter of minutes). Perhaps the makers of FALLING UP realized that was why they should quit while they were ahead, well before any wedding bells ring. Staging a wedding between Scarlett's blue-nose Dowlings and Henry's porn shopper O'Shea clan may well have induced stretched credulity fatalities among susceptible viewers.


And I quote from a review from a above "Personally, I had seen the trailer before seeing this, so I had a general idea of what to expect - and the film pretty much delivered on that. The whole film has a light feel, and being generally predictable throughout, you're never really in any doubt about the final outcome of... well, everything." End quote.In my opinion this is Complete rubbish this film was one of a kind. And not all films are to be thrillers. They are all not supposed to be non-suspecting of the end, some films are easier to read than others, Reviewing the Sixth-Sense I doubt you expected that Mel was dead or how about Orphan that young girl was not a older woman. In real life that young girl was portrayed as a older woman portraying a young girl, these are movies that you should rate the thrill and suspension on and definitely do not rate trailers. Young aspiring directors put them together for practice. You should know that the real Directors do not make them unless it's some over budget movie where major actors and actresses are starring, then they budget for sequence's of things that could happen in the movie, that never appear in the film but are used to bring in the audiences. "Falling Up" was a refreshing mid-twenties college flick, they depict a honest genuine young man. It was a good movie. A movie that morally shows what a real man should be in this day in age and this is coming from a 24 year old man white male out of a lower middle class, that has not been emerged in the moral circumspect that most have innately been inherited but a realization of what a real man is to me, was defined while watching "Falling Up" And in addition Men feel like they have to be a chieftain or, controllers or they aren't real Men, when in fact over 40% of men Are and Stay Obedient to there spouse. Because a real Man for 1-Listen's for 2-Compromise's and for 3-Keeps Quite when there is an issue that is of a importance to there partner. Under 60% of men Are not EVER obedient! are not ever 'Let alone' Stay obedient to there partners. The men that think that they are Man. They can not Listen, Compromise or, Keep Quite they are not men and this all goes back to what are founding Fathers and ancestor marked and deemed what makes men, "A Man!" And it is simple they are not strong enough nor, are they intelligent enough for self restraint. To not need to hear themselves speak, and to listen to someone else. To be strong enough to devour deliberate dexterous and, sagacious comments and to acquiesce when told to, to contravene what they have to say; despite what they believe in, and without contemplation of what is, what. To have a inclination that is unmitigated from the anterior of the categorical countenance. To be strong enough(or Man enough haha) to not get what they want. To realize in life, life itself should be the object; and the only object of your desire. Material objects have no importance or significance. To negotiate; To compromise with what someone else needs/or wants. It is hard to give up the gift of your needs/or wants; to give up a piece of your happiness; to a stranger, No it's not giving up your happiness; it is distributing it. It is more sacred than sharing the divine holy spirit, Empathy a Human gift for women and men alike to share with each other. Empathy separates us from the beasts, so find and use empathy more to separate us from them. Compromise to complect everything. And finally to be a real Man's Man not just one of the men but a Man that is worthy. The power to Keep Quite, to find the strength in silence, many can say they have the aptitude to remain quite but they say it with there words. Most that can find this sovereign state will never break there censorship for you if what your saying matters to you. And with unprejudice opinions. Not necessarily homogeneous in thought but despite the most heinous of times, thoughts or, disagreements To Be and Keep Quite. That is what being a Man is to me.NOW! I suppose like Mother always said Keep Quite unless you have something important to say it actually meant something. It was one of the three golden rules not to just getting along in life, but with women; and also a key to being a Real Man. A HuMan -Daniel Robles- of Portland Oregon
