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The Nines

The Nines (2007)

January. 21,2007
| Fantasy Drama Thriller Mystery

A troubled actor, a television show runner, and an acclaimed videogame designer find their lives intertwining in mysterious and unsettling ways.


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Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.


Pretty Good

Jonah Abbott

There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.


A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.


I wasn't sure what to think up to about 1/2 to 2/3 of the way through the film, but once everything became clear, my mind was blown. As someone who constantly ruminates over the grand ultimate, I found this poignant tale of one interesting possibility, thoroughly grounded in humanity, gripping and profound.The leads were very nicely characterized and the musical score was seamless and always apropos. For those who have the ability to pay attention to details in films, the ride is worth it with this one. There are clues throughout that may or may not lead one to the correct determination, but in the end, all is explained.I would caution those deeply rooted in any form of mainstream organized religion or school of philosophy, you may very well come to dislike this film once the plot culminates.

Tawfiqul Hasan Khan

Alright so I was not sure whether I should watch it as the rating in both IMDb and metacritic was bit low but after watching it I can see it is a bit underrated since this movie is quite good and definitely worth your time. So the movie actually consists of three short stories but they are all somehow linked. It gets a bit confusing after you get into the second story and then it gets interesting as you are constantly trying to make sense of it. I wont get into it further as I want you to explore it for yourself. But I do believe at the end you may find it a bit disappointing as did I as I wanted something more. But all in all a good movie in my opinion.


Gary (Ryan Reynolds) is a troubled actor who plays a cop on the TV show Crim9 Lab. While on crack, he crashes his car. His perky publicist Margaret (Melissa McCarthy) takes care of him while he's under house arrest. He gets involved with his Canadian next door neighbor Sarah (Hope Davis). He leaves his house and meets deaf little girl Noelle (Elle Fanning) at a bus stop but then she disappears. Strange things keep happening and there is something about him belonging to the Nines. Then Part One ends and Part Two Reality Television begins where the actors play different characters.The first part has some interesting surreal aspects. It suggests a pretty weird but compelling story. It lacks the surreal visual style to match but some of that is the everyday problem of the low budget indie. Then the second part of the movie comes and the story stumbles. The disruption is too much. The third part starts off with some interest because its title is Knowing. However the explanation is too convoluted to understand or even to follow. I question whether it's even understandable. This is John August trying to write like Charlie Kaufman. He fumbles the ball which the director John August had no chance of recovering.

Eva S.

The Nines is a fantasy - mystery drama written and directed by John August (also known as one of the writers for Dark Shadows and screenwriter of The Corpse Bride, Big Fish and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory). The story tells us about the lives of a struggling actor, a video game designer and a TV show writer melding together in a mysterious way.It's a cosmic point of view, it's about signs and remembering. All it needs is some extra attention and an open mind; the rest are being taken care of by a really nice cast. If any of you ever had doubts about Ryan Reynolds' performances, you better watch it cause he's fantastic here. He and Melissa McCarthy have a beautiful and unique chemistry. Some of the actors involved are playing as themselves, which makes the film more real and quirky at the same time.The whole film has a vast amount of great music. There's not an official soundtrack but you can find and listen most of the songs listed online.The outcome may not be as rewarding as the rest of the story but give a chance to the unconventional.
