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Loving Annabelle

Loving Annabelle (2007)

May. 24,2007
| Drama Romance

Annabelle is the wise-beyond-her-years newcomer to an exclusive Catholic girls school. Having been expelled from her first two schools she's bound to stir some trouble. Sparks fly though when sexual chemistry appears between her and the Head of her dorm and English teacher, Simone Bradley. Annabelle pursues her relentlessly and until the end the older woman manages to avoid the law.


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It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.

Lachlan Coulson

This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.


This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows


An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.


This movie is on Netflix streaming movies. How much one likes it depends on how much they sympathize with the situations these girls find themselves in.In California, Erin Kelly (about 24) is Annabelle Tillman, daughter of a state politician, and finding herself repeatedly in trouble. A high school senior, she gets sent to a Catholic all girls boarding school, even though she wears Buddhist beads around her neck. But her parents see this as her last resort, if it doesn't work out here then it is off to military school.Annabelle is coy about her sexual orientation, but it becomes obvious soon that she is attracted to her female English teacher. That is Diane Gaidry as Simone Bradley. We gradually find out that Simone has her own interesting past, she had been educated at that same school and her aunt, the mother's sister, is the nun in charge of the school. And her "best friend" had died some years earlier, and it appeared they were more than just friends.Now, Simone is dating a nice man who is trying to convince her to move away from her apartment in the school and in with him, as a prelude to their getting married. But is it clear she has very cold feet, she finds excuses to postpone the discussion. In her position she knows that she should NOT be in a lesbian relationship, a man is the right choice, but she cannot commit to it.Annabelle senses all this and is very assertive in letting Simone know that she wants to pursue something with her, even though Simone is old enough to be her mother. That is perhaps the part that I was most dissatisfied with in this movie, it didn't seem real that a 17 or 18 yr old girl would be that persistent and obvious in pursuing her teacher. In fact as I watched it unfold I would call it stalking. So while I don't give it high marks it was indeed interesting and for the most part situations were handled as they should have been.SPOILERS: The girls in Annabelle's sphere sensed something was up and, one morning when Annabelle is missing from breakfast a student alerts the nun, who finds Annabelle and Simone just putting on their clothes after a night together in Simone's room. The cops are called and Simone is hauled off. Surely she should have known a relationship with a student is off limits and in fact criminal. Many object to this ending, but to me it is the only one that made sense in today's world.


The more times I saw the movie the less impressed I was. The ending is very unlikely; seeing as Catholic schools would have just covered that up. However the relationship is nicely represented. For filming in three weeks this movie is well made. I enjoy the story this film is telling, two women being attracted to one another. The way they kept building up the chemistry and desire was well thought out. The story was interesting enough that I didn't predict the end or get bored with with the film. Erin Kelly did a fabulous job and so did the actresses playing her room mates. Diana Gaidry was alright at the role but could have used more character development.


i wanna know if there will be a loving Annabelle 2 coming out would love to know and see it i really loved this film i think it fantastic what can happen between student and teachers even tho its wrong but good i hope there is another film find out what happens if they stay together or split up they are a very good loving couple and to see what career move Simone takes like photography lol or just stay at home I'm just suggesting ideas here lol i don't know what else to say if u wanna write a comment please do would like to know what you think i just think there should be more kissing or sex scenes in it as well not just one


This week I've been watching movies about lesbian stories and I liked each one I saw, and well, Loving Anabelle wasn't the exception, but I didn't like it as much at the others. It's a shame to me to say that maybe the reason I didn't like this movie was for the age difference. I don't have nothing against that, and at the end I liked how their relationship was, but it was weird to me from the start. And I think that the coincidence that they both, Simone and Anabelle, had had another romance with a woman before was strange, but it was OK because at last they understood each other. But overall, I liked the movie, i recommend it and I don't think is a waste of time. I didn't like so much the end, I mean, what happened next?? maybe I can imagine or guess, but I would've loved to see what happened with their lives, whether it was a happy or sad end.Besides, it shows a real school-life, tell life of a student in love with a teacher, and even thought I've never been in a situation like that, I know people who has, and I guess there are plenty persons who have been through that.
