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Friends (1971)

March. 24,1971
| Drama Romance

Paul, a rich English boy, and Michelle, an orphaned French girl, run away from home to a remote beach. Living on their own, their friendship grows into love.


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I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.

Roman Sampson

One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.

Kaydan Christian

A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.


It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,


I saw this movie when it just came out in 1971 ... went to local TCU the college theater that has since been torn down....was with first girlfriend...she 14 , me 16.... same ages as the kids in the movie. Saw Elton John that year in Fort Worth. for some reason yesterday I woke up with this movie stuck in my mind....today Aug. 29, 2014...43 years after....was sad to see Avicee had passed away...the girl I was with, both our first time...we were as naive as the kids in the movie...I last saw her in 1972.....the movie, Elton John, Anacee,and Dee the girl I was with all left memories I will never forget. The actors, the music, the young love plot all hit the nail on the head for 1971..obtimissim Man had just walked on the moon, Woodstock, we in love and with love were going to change the world.


I haven't seen this movie since it came out at a drive in theater, and I have been searching for it since. At the time I was 12 and the story excited me; and NOW, the ending eludes me. It was young love that engrossed me the most, not to mention John's vocals and Taupin's lyrics. The story (at the time) hit home to my psyche. I am a lover of sentimental movies and this still hangs in my head after 35 years- it is that good. Place yourself at adolescent age and let your fantasies run. If this movie didn't excite your curiosity, then you were just too old. I look forward to seeing it again (even at my age)! If nostalgia is in your venue, I'm sure this is an interesting movie to see. It's innocence is simply astounding and it's simplicity is so easy and enjoyable.


I've just been setting up a rental list on amazon, and remembered this film Id seen about a million years ago. All I seem to get in the search engines is "friends" - the TV series. This site was the first one and I couldn't believe it when it was actually the film I was looking for!!I remember watching this on an old black and white t.v.one afternoon whilst off sick, and terrified my mum would come home and catch me watching it. I can hardly remember any of it, but wasn't it about 2 young kids who got together then had baby?!!I have to try and buy this now!! I'm giving it a six but it could be more, is it in french??does anyone else remember seeing it on t.v. I know I was only about 10 years old. I do remember my sister coming in and being mortified.Having read the review though, was it a brother helping his sister out when she became pregnant? Is this going to be one of those films you vaguely remember; buy it for a silly amount then realise it was a run of the mill afternoon movie? we shall see..


I was drawn to "Friends" by the soundtrack scored by a very young and yet to be famous Elton John whom I had see in a club in nearby Houston. I had no idea of the emotions and impact the movie would make. Recently I was brought back to the movie by a song that Heart did called "Seasons", then I found the Elton John song "Friends" thinking it was the same song...it's been 35 years of so. Anyway, the flood of the emotions of "Friends" came back like seeing an old photograph of your first real love. I have more recall of the way the movie hit me than I do of the actual details of the production, plot, etc. so forgive me for a rather poor review. I remember taking a couple of special friends on a date to see the movie and them being as moved and teary-eyed at the end as I was. I'm both anxious and nervous to find a copy and see it now. So many movies which seemed so important to me back then (i.e. "The Graduate" "Easy Rider") now just seem silly and I don't want this to fall into the same category. But, I will find it and if it turns out silly, then at least I'll be able to turn my wife onto a great...no..outstanding soundtrack. When we met, we went through this with "Last Tango in Paris". The youngsters I work with (I'm 56) respect my opinions but it's hard to explain the feelings of the sixties and the movies and songs that reflect such strong feelings but seem a little "aged" now. I just can't figure out if the the aging process is the movies... or me. "Friends" is a very special, sensitive and wonderful movie. It will bring back a lot of special feelings I'm sure. By all means, rent or buy a copy... Indies were not near the strong genre then that they are today.
