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DragonHeart: A New Beginning

DragonHeart: A New Beginning (2000)

August. 08,2000
| Adventure Fantasy Action Comedy

When Geoff, an orphaned stable boy (Chris Masterson), discovers Drake (voice of Robby Benson), the world's last living dragon, he realizes that his dream of becoming a knight in shining armor can now come true. Together, they soon face challenges that turn them into heroes. But caught up in the excitement of their new lives, Geoff and Drake fail to see the hidden dangers that surround them.


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Simply A Masterpiece


If you don't like this, we can't be friends.


Great Film overall


it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.


This is one of the movies i really, really hate. The plot is so generic and clichéd, it made me cringe in embarrassment. Stableboy ascends to hero and, with the help of his dragon and a few Chinese Kungfu-fighters (who looked like they were outfitted in a bad costume shop), overthrows the evil usurper, who happens to be another dragon. The twists were highly predictable, the ending disgustingly saccharine. To make a bad movie worse, the PG-Rating took the last drop of seriousness from the movie, leaving a witless comedy for handicapped toddlers. What can i say, there are no redeeming qualities in this under budgeted, soulless mess, except for the score which was a rehash of Randy Edelmans magnificent work.


I loved the first Dragonheart.I threw a party last weekend, and saw this movie for sale in Wal-Marts "$5 and under movie" bin. I regret I ever took it out.The story goes that after Draco. "Last of the Dragons" died, he reveals a gift to Bowen before he dies, a dragon egg. If Draco was last of the Dragons, where the H*** did the egg come from? So the young Dragon, named Drake grows up in Brother Gilberts monastery basement/dungeon area thing. A young boy, Geoffery, goes down into the dungeon, where he befriends Drake.enter the generic bad guy who toys with he boy's dreams and convinces him to become a knight. Enter the two stereotypical Chinese old Kung-Fu master and apprentice who turns out to be a girl sent to kill the last evil dragon, who is in the form of a man.Guess what, the bad guy IS the Dragon! SHOCKER! He and Drake fight i the air, despite the above-average special effects for its time, it was rather boring. the evil Dragon, Griffin, breaths fire. Yhen, out o nowhere, Drake masters the ability to breath ice and freezes Griffin, who shatters into a million pieces when he drops 30 feet from the air. One of the ice shards hits Geoffery.Huess what, he gets half of Drakes heart, they become heroes, and everyone is happy.WAY TOO HAPPY! The first Dragonheart was an action-fantasy epic, this movie is just a dull kids version. 2/10Three people left he party during the movie because it was so horrible. Let your younger siblings see it, you just wont love it

Annika Seccota

Seriously, when I first saw the styling of the new baby dragon, I expected it to swallow a turtle any moment on the way and sprout angel wings. It looks too much like Yoshi, like a baby and the sad thing is that I have yet only talked about the dragon.Christopher Masterson and Robby Benson are spectacularly out of talent during this lot, a spineless cast trying to bare the weight of complete and utter failure. The underdog recipe has been tried honestly for over a thousand times, on twenty different types of movies, but in most cases, this one included, it does not inspire pity nor does it add something to the experience of watching this.Then there are the brace of peeps that watch this thing for its special effects; trust me when I say that they are quite bad. So... is there anything at all making it you worthwhile to watch this? No.

Christian Eberle

This "movie" is just AWFUL! Sequels like this should be forbidden, because such movies are just made, because the original Film was a Blockbuster. I hate movies that destroy the spirit of the first film. Highlander 2 is another good example for that. Bad Animation, ridiculous Actors and Story (Asians in the medieval Europe...). To the middle ages: Where the original did a great job creating an quite authentic atmosphere etc. this thrashy rip-off felt more like an pumped up version of xena or this absolute horrible new adventures of robin hood series which should also be forbidden.
